Why cut cucumbers with bars and freeze

Freezing foods to eat later is the most ancient and universal way to save food for later. Moreover, after treatment with low temperatures, products often retain more nutrients than in canned or any other form.

And today's edition. "Site" He suggests freezing the cucumbers. Of course, someone believes that these bubby green vegetables should not be exactly frozen, but we propose to go on such an adventure that later it was possible even in winter to prepare a universal sauce that will suit fish, vegetables, and even fried potatoes.

The first thing to do is prepare the cucumbers for freezing. To do this, carefully wash vegetables, cut off thick skin and snatch bars. The last operation is easily carried out with the help of Berner grater.

Already peeled and sliced pieces of cucumbers can only be folded, for example, into plastic glasses, closed with film and sent to the freezer to cool at a temperature of not less than 18 degrees with a minus sign. It should be noted that it is impossible to store cucumbers (like any other vegetables) without packaging, otherwise they will be unsuitable for consumption in the future.

When cucumbers are needed, it is enough to pull them out of the freezer, cut them into the right pieces, fold them into separate dishes and leave them in the refrigerator to defrost. With such a slow defrosting, vegetables will retain maximum taste and nutrients. You just have to squeeze the water and you can start cooking anything. By the way, cucumber We suggest below.

The ingredients
  • 30g cucumber
  • 1 boiled egg
  • 1 tbsp wine or apple cider vinegar
  • 50 ml of vegetable or olive oil
  • dill, parsley or other greens to taste
  • some salt, sugar and pepper

  1. Rub the egg yolk with salt and sugar. Dilute it with vinegar.
  2. Add the sliced cucumbers, as well as greens and egg white. Sauce is ready.

You can also cook. cucumber and sour cream. In our case, this will be one of the variations of the famous Greek cucumber sauce “Tsatsiki”.

The ingredients
  • 50g cucumbers
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 2 tbsp wine or apple cider vinegar
  • 200ml sour cream
  • 50 ml of vegetable or olive oil
  • dill, parsley, oregano to taste
  • some salt and pepper

  1. Cut the garlic finely, mix it with vinegar and sour cream. Add the cucumbers and stir.
  2. In the resulting mass add oil, salt and pepper. Stir and add the greens. Bon appetit!

Of course, you can experiment with proportions as you like. This is especially true for vinegar, as well as salt and pepper, because everyone’s preferences are different. However, in any case, the resulting sauce will suit the mass of dishes. And even for sandwiches, it will be a great addition.


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