What conversations will strengthen good neighborly relations
It's wonderful to be able to support Good relations with neighbors. You can help each other on occasion, and visit to look, and sometimes just nice to talk about it.
In a conversation with a friendly neighbor, you want to be extremely frank, forgetting that a stranger is still standing in front of you. Not surprisingly, too much frankness can come out later.
There are a number of things you shouldn’t discuss with strangers who live next door. The difficulty is that these are quite mundane topics that are difficult to avoid both when dating and in everyday conversations. But it's worth a shot.
Of course, it is easy for someone to keep a distance from their neighbors, and someone wants to get to know each other immediately. neighbourly relations. Everyone chooses the model of behavior that is closer to him, with which he is more comfortable. However, frankly with everyone, do not forget that such openness can harm not only you, but also loved ones.
In a conversation with a friendly neighbor, you want to be extremely frank, forgetting that a stranger is still standing in front of you. Not surprisingly, too much frankness can come out later.

There are a number of things you shouldn’t discuss with strangers who live next door. The difficulty is that these are quite mundane topics that are difficult to avoid both when dating and in everyday conversations. But it's worth a shot.

- Profession
First of all, here the happy owners of the most useful professions like doctors, electricians, plumbers, auto repairmen, programmers are at risk. Suffice it to say that you are an expert in some business, and the interlocutor will definitely find something for you to do. If not today, then tomorrow. If not for him, so for his acquaintances. You work as a veterinarian? If your neighbor gets sick, you’ll have something to do after work. Nothing that at home there are no suitable conditions, and after a 12-hour shift in the veterinary clinic, you also want to relax.
Not the fact that your neighbors will be impudent, but there is a high probability that those who want to load you with additional work will be found. Pay for services? But it's not neighborly, and before the quarrel is not far. - Absence
To report the time of prolonged absence is only close and trusted people, who, for example, ask to look after the pots or feed the cat. You should not tell all neighbors about this, because in this case, for example, the risk of robbery increases. And do not think that the robbers will be the people living nearby. But they can share this information with someone else (even unconsciously, in conversation). What if there's someone in your good-natured neighbor's circle who doesn't know the law? - Money and values
It is not accepted to brag or even just talk about your income, but many continue to do so. And even if you do not worry about the unexpected visit of apartment thieves, then surely there are those who will regularly ask for money in debt. And the question is, will he? - Bad habits
On your territory you can do anything, especially indulge your bad habits. However, it is not necessary to tell about your own weaknesses to neighbors, even in passing. After all, if you smoke, then if there is a tobacco smell in the entrance, the neighbors will probably think of you first, even if your fault is not. And it is enough to get neighbors in the eye in a drunken state or to chat, as you rested well yesterday with colleagues, and the reputation of a drinking person is ensured. - Information about loved ones
You should be discreet not only about yourself, but also about your family members. A talkative neighbor doesn't need to know that you're married for the fourth time, or that your son has a bad temper. People tend to share information by adding something from themselves. As a result, even meaningless data can be exaggerated and twisted so that the attitude of others to your family will not change for the better.
Of course, it is easy for someone to keep a distance from their neighbors, and someone wants to get to know each other immediately. neighbourly relations. Everyone chooses the model of behavior that is closer to him, with which he is more comfortable. However, frankly with everyone, do not forget that such openness can harm not only you, but also loved ones.