Fundamentals of collective security

Good neighborly relations - the key to a comfortable stay in an apartment building, and the personal giving. Agree that it is not quite feel comfortable when neighbors smoldering permanent conflict, and the face ..., sorry, the person has to see in every possible way and pretend not to notice, not to say hello, because unpleasant almost to vomiting. Or standing by the door, looking through the peephole, he heard clanging of the castle, overlooking the "expensive" a neighbor, it does not interfere in the hallway ...

Therefore, I repeat, neighborly relations - this is great, but even the cold neutrality - that's good!

Being a proud owner of a plot of land and a small house in a remote is not very far from the city center, once heard the annoying sound of the gate. Open. On the threshold appeared a brilliant representative of the wild 90s, but already overgrown Zhirkov solidity and transferred from the subgroup "the boy concrete" to "distinguished businessman».

 - I welcome the neighbor, I bought a plot on the contrary, will demolish the hut and build a three-story house. I warn you in advance, will be dust, dirt, noise and all. I'm not a conflict, so I came up with brandy to grease coming inconvenience. [Next]

Glancing appraising look manicured courtyard of my garden, the newly-born neighbor continued.
 - Let's get acquainted, I - Victor, and you like to dignify ?!
 - Alexander!
 - Hey, why are we so formal ?! Victor ?! Alexander?! Let's ceremony - in a neighbor!

Seep into the territory of my garden, Victor went straight to the table under the apple tree and sat on a comfortable bench, put the bottle, "Hennessey».
 - Glasses have?

Hmm ... bearing in mind the truth that bad peace is better than a good war, I brought glasses and artless snack. With new neighbor quarrels on the first day - not the best option, so do not lose anything from me, sit down, poohat. Again, cognac zavsegda brightens up any conversation, even very unpleasant.

Given that the foundations of diplomacy inherent in each of us, half an hour later a neighbor was still my guest, but still felt very comfortable.
 - Sasha, I see a house you have at least half of all the floor space and very modest, but it is clear that good quality and well maintained ... uchastochek shorter cozy here, I like it. Only the swimming pool is not enough. I will close up the pool so that you will not hesitate to look at the most convenient time for you. I have everything easily and without quirks. For friends, I - just Vitek! This is the company I - Viktor and me all the back bend, but in life I - simple kid ... You yourself where labor?
 - On government work, serviceman ...
 - Yah?! Throw you this thing, because unprofitable. Let me deputy for security, put a decent salary, you will not be offended ...
 - Thank you, will serve until he was expelled ...

Time was running. Good brandy brightened dramatically scanty conversation. But as the saying goes, who's what, and lousy on the bath. Soon, the newly-born neighbor, spoke about the problems of personal safety and how terrible to live in a modern society completely devoid of morality and respect for the elderly and other people's property.
 - Look, Sasha, I see you're a real man, come with you agree. The time now is bad, youth presses, and tries to grab another's good. Yes, and all competitors are ready to a successful business pocket. Again, the time has come for my Druganov turbulent adolescence far from the casemates and dungeons to go back and live is beautiful ... I want to go to present all sorts of rotten. In short, I want to offer her ... ... Convention joint security in! If all of a sudden to you uninvited guests Nakata, I hear the noise of the fence that you are not pressed for a child, the Tale tighten all razrulit at its best.
 - Yes, I should not like anyone ...
 - Oh, do not promise, Sanya, life - it's such an ambush ... Well, if you're that bad things in my homestead see or hear any cries, if you please, call policemen. They say so and so, the neighbor screams suspicious noises, such as the killing of man, podedu just in case of such an address ?! No good deed is difficult to create a good neighbor ?!
 - No, it is not difficult.
 - Hand ?!
 - Hand!
 - Let's exchange mobile numbers ...

At the parted. Since a neighbor money vodilas explicitly in the required amount, the old house was demolished a couple of days, and construction has begun to boil. New mansion otgrohali quickly. Six weeks later the house was already under a roof, but still with no windows and no doors and were finishing work.

Victor periodically seen from afar, when he came to check the schedule on the black "cruisers" and our contacts were limited to a welcoming waving hand at a maximum distance from each other.

And once spending the night in the country, in the middle of the night I was awakened by shouts and screams from the neighbor's land. Waking up not in the best frame of mind (old probably understand correctly), he came out onto the porch and sleepily scratching in the most unseemly places mentioned a neighbor, a bad word. Like, it was so calm and quiet until ...

Ba-boom! In the yard of a neighbor he banged a shot. Op-pa ?! I shot from a pistol with nothing to confuse. Just PM - Makarov pistol. The noise and shouting increased. Is a neighbor drove ex-boyfriend and now it poreshat for debt ancient ?! Hmm ... just I remembered our agreement on collective security. Not including the light in the house, so as not to attract the attention of "neighboring guests" with pistols, he fumbled in search of a mobile phone to call the police outfit. Have not found! Light, however, and where I put, I do not remember - just getting old.

Bah! On the site Victor slammed a second shot ... But what's going on ?! Tortured him what ?!

While pacing in the dark in the house, cursing inappropriately lose your phone, remember that in the barn carefully zanykal imitation cartridge explosion of an artillery shell (Mark wrote will not, and how I have it turned out - that is another story, not just for the prosecutor, so the excuse). < br />
Damn, and why only one squib picked up ?! It has offered to give the simulator a nuclear explosion - that would now be useful way.

So, grasping the product MI, quietly crept up to the neighbor's fence and leading simulator in the firing position, gently tossed it on the site to Victor.
Having created a good deed, just as quietly left the territory "bandoskih showdown" and secretly followed on your site.

MDE ... Yet in aviation often underestimate children of an army, looking down on them, but in vain ...

How babahnulo, mother dear ?! I at the site of the shock wave shook not only the six-foot fence, and Solid wooden house from pine logs, and in the courtyard of a heart-rending wail alarm on the machine.

After ten minutes or twenty subsided Haywire car alarm in the entire village came so quiet that watchdogs fear gavknut and Crickets squeak ... The silence came a ringing!

Sleep for some reason got sick. I wandered mindlessly into the kitchen to put the kettle, suddenly came to life "lost" cell phone - called the neighbor. Voice of the dying, he asked.
 - Sania, it was you ?!
 - I! According to earlier agreements on collective security ...
 - Sania, dear you are my people, well, why did so immediately, and not having understood ?! To me the boys came home to see, drink vodka and talk for life, and you ...
 - What about me? All as agreed!
 - No, for you no complaints ... just crap ... all the boys and myself included ...
