How to cook three types of omelet in one pan

When you want to “hit everyone in one go.” That's what this simple omelet is about. It's a recipe. Sometimes I don’t want to cook anything. Especially if it's a day off, you've had a good night's sleep, you're warmed by the thought that you can calmly polarize in front of the TV all morning. But no, there are already angry cries around: “Let’s eat!” I'm really hungry!

Since there is nowhere to go, and hunger is not an aunt (tortures you as well as everyone else) you can at least try to minimize losses. Editorial "Site" I would love to take you under my care and tell you, How to make an omelet in a pan. The recipe is a miracle! Like old Hottabych, you don't have to tear your hair out of your beard. Let's go!

You'll need it.
  • 5 eggs (three for omelet with lavash and one for vegetable and apple).
  • 2 tomatoes
  • 1 Bulgarian pepper
  • 1 apple
  • 150g ham
  • 150 g hard cheese (of which 40 g for omelet with vegetables)
  • 4 round lavash
  • 20g butter
  • 0.5 bundle of fresh greens
  • salt and spice

  1. First of all, take care of the omelet with vegetables. To do this, turn on the oven, let it warm, and then prepare an ordinary glass. Break one egg into a glass, rub 40 grams of cheese there, stir, add salt and spices to taste. Cube half a tomato and pepper, pour into a glass, stir and tamp. Put it in the oven for 20 minutes, 180 degrees Celsius.

  2. Perhaps the most difficult part of the recipe, venerable hostess it will seem a childish prank. First, prepare all the parts you need to prepare. Grind the remaining hard cheese, cut ham with tomatoes with thin slices, beat three eggs with a pinch of salt in a separate dish. You can use a fork, or you can use a wreath as you like.

  3. Heated pan oil, pour half the eggs and lay the first lavash. Put a few pieces of ham on it, sprinkle with cheese, put a second lavash, put tomatoes on it, sprinkle with cheese again, put the third lavash. Put the remaining ham and cheese on it, cover with the fourth lavash, pour the remaining eggs on top. Roast on both sides for 5-10 minutes, you can flip using a plate.

  4. While you look at the pan with the oven, you can easily make an omelet with apples. In the mug of the mixer, drive an egg, there also cut an apple with pieces (any variety is suitable). Lubricate the frying pan with butter and lay the mass on it, constantly stir with a spatula. When the omelet begins to crumble, it is time to remove it and decorate it with your favorite berries, such as blueberries. Done!

  5. You can serve all three dishes at the same time, just ready. After everyone has eaten, delegate the authority to wash the dishes and clean up, and again lay in front of the TV. To avoid any difficulties, you can look at the video, which clearly shows all the stages of preparation.


If you live alone and don't want to mess around in the kitchen, then look, How to make a lush omelet It's just this little recipe. We wish you a pleasant appetite and an equally pleasant weekend. Share the recipe with friends, and in the comments reveal the nuances of how you prepare such things. Bye!


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