Planting lilies in spring and what subtleties should be observed
Luxury and unpretentious lilies are a welcome guest on the site of almost every hostess. It is known that crops can be planted in autumn and spring. But what rules to follow to the dacha drowned in a fragrant red and white cloud?
And today's edition. "Site" will tell when to plant lilies in spring And what nuances should be considered if you are going to do all the work in the near future and want to get a wonderful result.
Many gardeners tend to spring planting flowers, because in this case, you do not need to insulate the soil, which will inevitably have to do with autumn planting. There is no need to worry if the flowers will survive the winter and not freeze. And to save bulbs for planting, an ordinary refrigerator will do.
At the same time, it is worth noting that some varieties (like North American lilies) need autumn planting, otherwise you will not get abundant flowering. In addition, spring planting impairs the ability of the flower to reproduce.
It is good if you can buy bulbs for planting in a verified place. If the planting material was collected directly on the site, it is better to treat the bulbs before planting, in order to eventually get strong and healthy flowers. To do this, wash the bulb in clean water, and then hold half an hour in a weak solution of permanganate (5-10 g per 10 liters of water).
For lilies, the most desirable is considered moisture. When the ground thaws, dig a layer 40 cm deep, add humus or phosphorus-potassium fertilizers. It is allowed to add needles with sand. But manure is strictly prohibited, since it will only harm lilies. You can apply wood ash, nitroammophoscus (50 g per 10 liters of water) or ammonium nitrate.
When choosing a planting site, keep in mind that lilies are better planted on sunny and penumbra areas. Excess moisture for flowers is destructive, and therefore the areas where water escapes, it is better to bypass. They do not like lilies and overheating of the soil, and therefore it will not be superfluous to mulch the soil with grass.
When planting, take into account the type of soil, because the heavier it is, the smaller the planting hole should be made. It is worth taking into account the variety: between short plants should be 15-20 cm space, between tall - up to 30 cm.
If you want flowers to look at the house, place them on the north side when planting. It will not be superfluous at first to insulate the planted bulbs. To do this, you can cover each half of a plastic bottle, for example.
Often lilies planted in early spring suffer from bacterial rot. Ugly pale yellow divorces cover the leaves and stems, simply destroying the flowers. To effectively combat this, water less and apply nitrogen fertilizers.
If the tops of the sprouts turn yellow, this is most likely indicative of root rot. You will have to remove the plants, remove the affected areas and disinfect.
Consider these nuances and spring-planting will not cause any difficulties. Therefore, boldly plant flowers in April, to very soon enjoy their lush flowering.
And today's edition. "Site" will tell when to plant lilies in spring And what nuances should be considered if you are going to do all the work in the near future and want to get a wonderful result.

Many gardeners tend to spring planting flowers, because in this case, you do not need to insulate the soil, which will inevitably have to do with autumn planting. There is no need to worry if the flowers will survive the winter and not freeze. And to save bulbs for planting, an ordinary refrigerator will do.

At the same time, it is worth noting that some varieties (like North American lilies) need autumn planting, otherwise you will not get abundant flowering. In addition, spring planting impairs the ability of the flower to reproduce.
It is good if you can buy bulbs for planting in a verified place. If the planting material was collected directly on the site, it is better to treat the bulbs before planting, in order to eventually get strong and healthy flowers. To do this, wash the bulb in clean water, and then hold half an hour in a weak solution of permanganate (5-10 g per 10 liters of water).

For lilies, the most desirable is considered moisture. When the ground thaws, dig a layer 40 cm deep, add humus or phosphorus-potassium fertilizers. It is allowed to add needles with sand. But manure is strictly prohibited, since it will only harm lilies. You can apply wood ash, nitroammophoscus (50 g per 10 liters of water) or ammonium nitrate.
When choosing a planting site, keep in mind that lilies are better planted on sunny and penumbra areas. Excess moisture for flowers is destructive, and therefore the areas where water escapes, it is better to bypass. They do not like lilies and overheating of the soil, and therefore it will not be superfluous to mulch the soil with grass.

When planting, take into account the type of soil, because the heavier it is, the smaller the planting hole should be made. It is worth taking into account the variety: between short plants should be 15-20 cm space, between tall - up to 30 cm.
If you want flowers to look at the house, place them on the north side when planting. It will not be superfluous at first to insulate the planted bulbs. To do this, you can cover each half of a plastic bottle, for example.

Often lilies planted in early spring suffer from bacterial rot. Ugly pale yellow divorces cover the leaves and stems, simply destroying the flowers. To effectively combat this, water less and apply nitrogen fertilizers.
If the tops of the sprouts turn yellow, this is most likely indicative of root rot. You will have to remove the plants, remove the affected areas and disinfect.

Consider these nuances and spring-planting will not cause any difficulties. Therefore, boldly plant flowers in April, to very soon enjoy their lush flowering.