Georgian Cabbage and Why You Should Lean on It in Spring

The Georgian name for this dish is jousve combosto. And in each district of Georgia, salted cabbage is prepared in its own way. Differences between cabbage in Gurian, Kahetin, Imeritian - in the set of greens, the state of beets (raw or boiled) and sharpness. There are also differences Georgian according to the cooking process: natural fermentation and pickled with vinegar. In any case, a characteristic feature of the dish will be the addition of beets.

"Site"Offers to prepare this bright, savory snack by slow starter cold brine. When fermenting cabbage not only does not lose its useful properties, but, on the contrary, acquires new ones.

Thanks to fermentation, the finished product doubles the content of phytoncides, enzymes and various vitamins: A, B1, B2, B3, B6, K, P, U. Vitamin U, by the way, has the ability to prevent the appearance of ulcers on the walls of the stomach and duodenum and heal existing sores. And vitamin C in sauerkraut is even more than in lemon!

From mineral substances in the composition cabbage emit: iron, potassium, iodine, calcium, magnesium, manganese, sodium, phosphorus, fluorine, silicon, boron, zinc, selenium ... In addition, it is very low in calories!

Georgian Cabbage Ingredients
  • 3 kg white cabbage
  • 1.5 kg of beets
  • 3 hot red peppers (you can take 1 pc if you do not like too spicy dishes)
  • 2 heads of garlic
  • 2 bundles of celery greens
  • 3 tbsp salt top
  • 2 l of water
  • black pepper peas - to taste
  • 10 peas of sweet pepper
  • bay-leaf
  • 3 inflorescences of clove

  1. This recipe uses cold brine, so prepare it in advance. Boil water in the pan and dissolve salt in it, add pepper, cloves, bay leaf. Variate the amount of salt according to your taste. Leave the brine to cool.
  2. Cut the cabbage in slices along with the pot. Cut the beets in thin circles. Choose small cabbages - so it will look more attractive when you leaven.

  3. Peeled garlic cut with slices, and pepper with rings.
  4. Put the blanks in layers in a deep pan. A little beet to the bottom, then cabbage, again beet, sprinkle with garlic and pepper rings, cover with celery crumpled in your hands (a pair of twigs). So fill the pot. The top layer is beets.

  5. Pour the ingredients with cold brine so that it completely covers the vegetables. Cover with a lid or plate, put pressure on top. Forget about cabbage for 3 days, let it ferment right in the kitchen. After a while, try the brine for salt. You may need to add salt - cabbage absorbs it well.

  6. After 3 days, place the container with cabbage in the refrigerator, and on 5 days the product will be completely ready! Serve the cabbage just by putting it on the plate. You can cut a little bit and fill it with vegetable oil.

A real vitamin bomb with Georgian flavor! Just try to cook once, and this dish will become a frequent guest on your table.


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