“1 spoon is enough! After 5 minutes, everything superfluous will be removed from the intestine, absolutely.
You probably did not know that you can be treated with salt water. Experts assure that saltwaterDrinking on an empty stomach can literally revive every cell of the body in 7 days. After all, water is the source of life, it is absolutely natural for the body.
"Site" This article will try to convince you of the miraculous properties of a natural drink. Strengthening bones, normalization of blood sugar, metabolismImproving immunity is only a fraction of the benefits of a glass of therapeutic fluid.
Purification with salt water In a glass of hot water, solve 1 tsp. without a slide of food sea salt of large grinding. Stir thoroughly until completely dissolved. Try to taste: if the liquid seems too concentrated, dilute a little.
Drink salt water 7 days in the morning on an empty stomach. Then take a break for a week, after which you can continue the practice.
Important: saltwater Contraindicated for those who suffer from any disorders in the kidneys!
Useful properties of salt water
All these advantages are true in relation to water with sea salt, ordinary table salt for medicinal purposes is not suitable. Many sources of healing come from nature itself. Tell your friends about it.
"Site" This article will try to convince you of the miraculous properties of a natural drink. Strengthening bones, normalization of blood sugar, metabolismImproving immunity is only a fraction of the benefits of a glass of therapeutic fluid.
Purification with salt water In a glass of hot water, solve 1 tsp. without a slide of food sea salt of large grinding. Stir thoroughly until completely dissolved. Try to taste: if the liquid seems too concentrated, dilute a little.
Drink salt water 7 days in the morning on an empty stomach. Then take a break for a week, after which you can continue the practice.
Important: saltwater Contraindicated for those who suffer from any disorders in the kidneys!
Useful properties of salt water
- Water with sea salt - a storehouse of necessary mineral for our bodies. Chemists have identified more than 80 elements. Do not go on a salt-free diet if you want your organs to function normally.
- Salt serves as a natural antibiotic for the intestines. Drinking water with salt accelerates the digestion process.
DepositPhotos - Salt water helps prevent osteoporosis and brittle bones.
DepositPhotos - Maintains normal fluid levels in the body. Even medical saline, which put droppers, salty to taste.
- Due to the high content of minerals important for the nervous system, regular drinking of salt water will help to normalize the emotional state and prevent sleeplessness. Salt supports the necessary levels of serotonin and melatonin, the most important antidepressants.
DepositPhotos - Salt helps to thin mucus in the lungs and sinuses of the nose with colds and flu. It helps to remove phlegm from the body.
- A glass of water with salt returns a smooth tone and fresh color to the skin.
All these advantages are true in relation to water with sea salt, ordinary table salt for medicinal purposes is not suitable. Many sources of healing come from nature itself. Tell your friends about it.
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