In my student years I got hooked on the salad "Slavic meal", I close 20 jars every year.

It's getting cold. And this year, in the conditions of the economic crisis, it will be much more difficult to survive the heating season. Savage housewives prepare for difficult times and make winter twists. And we continue to share with you the latest recipes for conservation. This time I want you to cook. winter salad of vegetables and rice. A nutritious dish will help you out if the refrigerator suddenly becomes empty.

The recipe that I will share with you today is designed for no more than 10-12 half-liter jars. If you want to make more twists, feel free to multiply the number of ingredients by two. In the cold season, such conservation will not disappear!

The ingredients
  • 1 kg of Bulgarian pepper
  • 3kg tomatoes
  • 1kg carrots
  • 1 kg of onions
  • 0.5 liters of vegetable oil
  • 1 tbsp sugar
  • 2 tbsp salt
  • 1 tbsp rice
  • 2 tbsp 9% vinegar
  • tasteful

  1. First of all, prepare the vegetables. Bulgarian peppers and tomatoes should be washed properly, carrots and onions cleaned. Then thoroughly wash and boil to semi-ready rice cereal.

  2. While the rice is cooked, rub all the carrots on a large grater. Cut the bow with half rings or a cube at will. Also grind tomatoes and peppers.
  3. Put all the vegetables in a deep pan in which you will cook a future salad for the winter. Add vegetable ingredients vegetable oil, sugar, salt and other spices to taste. Stir it up carefully. Then put the pot on a small fire. Instead of a pot, you can safely use a cossack.
  4. During stewing, juice will begin to stand out from the vegetables. Bring the mixture to a boil, stirring vegetables from time to time. Then add the finished rice to the pan, stir and cook the salad for another 45 minutes.

  5. Then add vinegar to the pan, mix everything well and cook the mixture for another 15 minutes.
  6. While cooking winter salad, sterilize cans and lids in any convenient way for you. Put another hot salad in the jars, cover them with lids. Turn the banks over and wrap them in a warm blanket or towel. Let the spins cool down completely in this position. Keep them in a cool, dark place for storage. Done!

The editorial advice of the Tomato in this recipe can be scrolled through a meat grinder to completely grind the skin. But it can also be removed in advance. To do this, it is enough to make an incision on each vegetable, and then lower the tomatoes into boiling water for a couple of minutes. The peel will fit easily.

To be honest, I don’t recognize white rice. These are empty fast carbohydrates, the benefits of which are little. You can replace white rice with brown rice in this recipe, but the dish will be quite expensive. Instead of rice, I suggest using beans. As a result, you will get an even more nutritious and healthy salad for the winter.

I am sure that rice can be replaced not only with beans, but also with other products. Like pearl croup. Tell us in the comments if you prepared such a twist for the winter and how exactly you do it. I'm waiting for your recipe!

By the way, this winter salad people have several names. For example, “Slavic meal” and “Breakfast of a tourist”. I have seen a lot of positive reviews on the internet. Many say that such twists saved in the dashing 90s and student years. It's hard times ahead, so let's have a salad like that this time!


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