Raise eyebrows, corners of the lips and corners of the eyes with one exercise to look 20 at 40
Everyone knows that when a person feels good, they look good. But, of course, this rule works in the opposite direction. A good look helps us feel better. If not physically, at least mentally. Although sometimes treatments, primarily aimed at beauty, can really help to improve health. Today, for example, the editorial board "So Simple." I would like to tell you what simple gymnastics for a facelift will help you look fresh, and will also be useful for general well-being.
Today’s 2 exercises are not difficult to remember and just as easy to repeat at home. They can be performed by any reader, because you do not need to have any sports equipment. And a lot of free time to devote to this activity will not have.
If you still think that facial gymnastics is not for you, then here are just some of its advantages. Proper exercises with constant use help improve blood circulation, strengthen muscles, and also relieve tension in them, if any, increase skin elasticity and make small wrinkles less noticeable.
The Puppet Exercise For this exercise, you need to lower your chin as much as possible. Imagine that we are a toy suspended by a loop in the area of the crown. You need to be in that position for a while.
It is recommended to do exercises throughout the day when it is convenient. As soon as you remember the exercise, repeat it. Such gymnastics will help to bring the face tone, improve its oval, and visually correct the stooped neck.
1-minute gymnastics for face lift There is another simple exercise with which you can start the morning, thereby gradually bringing the muscles of the face tone and rejuvenating it.
To do this, relax the facial muscles, you also need to slightly open your mouth. We put two fingers on the frontal bone (this is an area just above the eyebrow). A little push up. We do this muscle training for 1 minute.
Here is such a simple can be gymnastics for a facelift. Of course, these exercises take very little time. Accordingly, the effect of them will be less noticeable. But you can always choose what suits you better, depending on the amount of free time and the result you want to achieve. Good luck!

Today’s 2 exercises are not difficult to remember and just as easy to repeat at home. They can be performed by any reader, because you do not need to have any sports equipment. And a lot of free time to devote to this activity will not have.

If you still think that facial gymnastics is not for you, then here are just some of its advantages. Proper exercises with constant use help improve blood circulation, strengthen muscles, and also relieve tension in them, if any, increase skin elasticity and make small wrinkles less noticeable.

The Puppet Exercise For this exercise, you need to lower your chin as much as possible. Imagine that we are a toy suspended by a loop in the area of the crown. You need to be in that position for a while.

It is recommended to do exercises throughout the day when it is convenient. As soon as you remember the exercise, repeat it. Such gymnastics will help to bring the face tone, improve its oval, and visually correct the stooped neck.
1-minute gymnastics for face lift There is another simple exercise with which you can start the morning, thereby gradually bringing the muscles of the face tone and rejuvenating it.

To do this, relax the facial muscles, you also need to slightly open your mouth. We put two fingers on the frontal bone (this is an area just above the eyebrow). A little push up. We do this muscle training for 1 minute.

Here is such a simple can be gymnastics for a facelift. Of course, these exercises take very little time. Accordingly, the effect of them will be less noticeable. But you can always choose what suits you better, depending on the amount of free time and the result you want to achieve. Good luck!
I put squash on my face in the evening, and in the morning I wake up younger, with smooth skin.
Never again wash the floor with old towels, a bad omen that attracts misfortune