10 tricks to help you create the perfect eyebrows

Trend in the beautiful and thick eyebrows does not cease to be relevant that season already. Here we are in the Website have decided to collect a small but useful guide on how to make yourself beautiful shape eyebrows, without resorting to the services of makeup artists and beauticians.
Getting Started main rule beautiful eyebrows - they should be the most natural, even if you pored over their form two solid hours. The modern market offers a variety of cosmetic services clever tricks, including permanent makeup eyebrow and mikrobleyding (when the density of the drawn little hairs).
This is perhaps a matter of taste, but we consider the more tedious, but effective option - their own natural brows beautifully shaped
The first step is to vote its density eyebrows
Choose the shape of eyebrows for oval face To be relevant chubby eyebrows with a break -. With a thin tip and wide beginning in at the same time avoid an arc shape, repeating the contours of the face. on the square face shape is best will look curved eyebrows raised high arc, from thin and short eyebrows should be discarded. When triangular shaped face, choose raised eyebrows with a uniform bend, but sharp bending should be avoided. Owners oval face will suit both arched and straight eyebrows with a mild fracture.

To determine where the eyebrow starts and finishes in what place should be a bend, think about the good old trick. Attach a pencil to the edge of the nose and place it parallel to the nose - an eyebrow begins here. Tilt the pen that it passes through the pupil, - will bend at this point. Place the pencil so that he joined the nose edge and the outer corner of the eye - this will be the edge of the eyebrows
How to tweeze eyebrows When you have decided on the form, it's time to pick up a pair of tweezers and proceed to picking.. Here are a few tips to help you carry out this procedure as efficiently as possible:
Select a location with good lighting and make yourself comfortable. Do not stint on the quality tweezers - it should lie comfortably in the hand and tenaciously taking hairs. To reduce the pain, you can smear a skin moisturizer or rub it with ice. If you want to remove hair above his eyebrow, try not to overdo it, otherwise it can turn bald. Periodically move your mirror and evaluate the results from. Use a special brush and comb his eyebrows and, if necessary, then align very long hair nail scissors.
How to tint eyebrows Getting the most difficult - to embellishing eyebrows. If your eyebrows very bright, you can buy special paint in the store and make it a little darker (the main thing - do not overdo it!)
. Do not forget that the tone of the eyebrows should closely match hair color. Not Tint them too dark color, it is very striking.
You can tint eyebrow pencil, shadow or gel ink
Procedure roughly the same:.
1. comb brows, hold the lower loop and carefully paint over the empty place where the hair is missing.
2. The need to finish at the tip of the eyebrows painted on the upper limit. Do not bridge loomed clear eyebrow contour and gently swipe the brush or pencil on the growth of eyelashes.
3. If brighten the border between the eyebrow and the eyelid, then the circuit will be more clear. To do this, apply a few drops of concealer and blend well, and then you can apply a little highlighter right under the eyebrow
Here are a few small lessons on makeup for eyebrows:.
That's all, Now you are the owner of trendy sable eyebrows! Photos on the preview: KGO3 / REDDIT.COM
According to the materials: Shape.com, Elle.com
See also:
8 secrets of the perfect tone
face 8 make-up secrets, how to make eyes expressive
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