I put squash on my face in the evening, and in the morning I wake up younger, with smooth skin.

What is useful zucchini, I know since childhood, so I use them in the season: fry, make pancakes, caviar, pecu casserole and add them to soups and salads. And recently I learned that this vegetable can become a super assistant for bringing beauty.

Put it on tonight. squash On my face, and in the morning I wake up younger, with smooth skin. Just minus 10 years!

Today's edition. "Site" share exclusive recipes squash-maskSmoothing and whitening the face. In zucchini season, it is a sin not to try!

I will say right away, squash masks are my recent discovery. It turns out that this vegetable is much more useful for the skin than cucumber. And all because zucchini consists of 90% of structured water, the rest is fiber and trace elements. Thanks to this, zucchini masks perfectly moisturize the skin, lighten and soothe it.

Zucchini on the face is easily applied in the form of rings and grated mass on a grater.

The easiest option is to wash the zucchini, rub it on a grater and wrap it in gauze. Place it on your face and hold it for 20 minutes. Such a mask will smooth and perfectly moisturize the skin!

regenerative and feed-mask Suitable for women of any age. You can do it almost every day and apply it even on your eyes, without fear of side effects.

What do I do? Write down: for 2 tablespoons of grated zucchini, you need to take a tablespoon of steamed oatmeal. Stir the mass well until homogeneous, and then apply to the cleaned skin. Hold for 15-20 minutes, and then remove the remains of the mask with a cotton disc and wash off with cold water.

But this mask will help against dryness and flaking. Mix 2 tablespoons of zucchini mass with a teaspoon of sour cream and a teaspoon of honey. Apply on the cleaned face, leave for 15 minutes, and then rinse with warm water.

Well, this mask is my favorite. Clean the middle zucchini from the skin, rub it on a small grater. Again, you need only 2 tablespoons of zucchini mass. Add to the zucchini a tablespoon of wheat flour, egg yolk, a teaspoon of honey, cream and a little peach oil. The latter, by the way, is sold in a pharmacy and is inexpensive.

Please note that you need to stir the mask only clockwise. Apply the mask immediately after cooking, as it can not be stored for long.

To get the greatest effect, you need to use young fresh fruits. These vegetables are the most juicy, contain all the necessary vitamins and maximum moisturize.
In cosmetology, zucchini has no contraindications, cosmetics based on it are suitable for any skin type, however, making a face mask for the first time, be sure to conduct a skin reaction test: apply a little mass to the area on the wrist for half an hour, and then wash. If the skin reacted normally, then safely start applying!

I also suggest you find out what homemade face masks Meghan Markle prefers. A royal secret that anyone can use!

What are the benefits of zucchini? Everybody! This vegetable has almost all trace elements that are so useful to a person: vitamins of group B and E, and ascorbic acid, and phosphorus with iron, and calcium with fiber. And this is far from a complete list!

So zucchini is truly the king of summer, and you can use it, as you can see, not only for food. The above masks will 100% replace the trip to the beauty salon!

I've ever done it. squash-mask? Any favorite recipes?


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