What every woman should do on the strawberry supermoon on June 14
Full Moon June 14, 2022 It's really special. It affects people very cunningly and sometimes imperceptibly. However, such an unusual day cannot be overlooked. Editorial "Site" He hastens to tell you what you need to do today, and what is better to abandon. Also at the end of the article you will find the actual horoscope associated with the full moon.
Peels Full Moon June 14, 2022 Today’s full moon is special because it is called strawberry. This is due to the fact that in the midst of the season of fresh summer strawberries. So astrologers decided not to do much trickery. However, the strawberry full moon sounds great!
Experts say that this month the moon is stronger than ever, and its impact on humans is much more powerful than usual. And this is not surprising, because today it will approach the Earth at a distance of less than 362,000 km. This will happen at 14:51 Kyiv time. For this reason, today’s event is also called a supermoon. It doesn't happen often.
The full moon will be in the sign of Sagittarius. But this does not mean that the universe will please only representatives of this zodiac sign. Support will be given to those who really need it. So it's very important to spend June 14th right, otherwise you risk missing the chance to get your life back on track.
They say that today you will be able to open your eyes to many things and take a fresh look at what is around you. Most of the opportunities are open to creative individuals. However, a full moon can become a starting point for any person who seeks self-realization and the implementation of plans.
Today, your main task is to direct your energy in the right direction. This day is suitable for finally solving some long-standing problem that you constantly put off for later. For example, a visit to the doctor or a work meeting.
Also on the day of the strawberry supermoon, it is allowed to engage in normal routine activities. You can even clean the house if you want. In addition, you can spend June 14 in the company of pleasant people: relatives or friends. And if you want to be alone, be sure to do your favorite hobby or just read a book or watch a fascinating movie.
And experts recommend not to avoid new acquaintances either today or in the coming days after the full moon. It is believed that the people you meet during this period can greatly affect you and your future life.
There is a whole list of bans related to today. If you violate them, you can not only scare away luck, but also bring disaster to yourself. For example, in no case should you go on a trip or business trip. On June 14, 2022, you cannot change your job or move to a new place of residence.
In addition, today it is better to abandon any major financial investments and serious business transactions. Under the ban are going to the forest, as well as work in the garden. Although, according to the lunar sowing calendar for June, today you can plant seeds of mustard, celery, spinach, lettuce and dill. And also plant cabbage, tomatoes, pepper and eggplant.
However, we advise not to neglect these prohibitions and certainly not to try to radically change your life on the day of the full moon. It won't do anything good! The fact is that this process should occur gradually and smoothly.
On June 14, representatives of the air element (Aquarius, Libra, Gemini) need to say goodbye to their old life once and for all. Everything that has long outlived itself, it is important to forget as a terrible dream. Only then can you move on and discover new horizons.
Fire signs of the zodiac (Sagittarius, Aries, Leo) today will be the most lucky. This has to do with work and personal life. Don’t be afraid to make big plans and dream big. Do not forget that everything in this life depends only on you and your perseverance.
Representatives of the water element (Fishes, Cancer, Scorpio) should think about what people surround them. Perhaps it’s time to put an end to a toxic relationship or talk honestly with a loved one. Stop turning a blind eye to things that have been bothering you for a long time.
Earth signs (Taurus, Capricorn, Virgo) will have to face a lot of difficulties on the way to the cherished dream. However, you must understand that any problems test your strength. And you will be able to do it with a reward.
In the comments, do you feel the power of today? Waiting for a strawberry supermoon?

Peels Full Moon June 14, 2022 Today’s full moon is special because it is called strawberry. This is due to the fact that in the midst of the season of fresh summer strawberries. So astrologers decided not to do much trickery. However, the strawberry full moon sounds great!
Experts say that this month the moon is stronger than ever, and its impact on humans is much more powerful than usual. And this is not surprising, because today it will approach the Earth at a distance of less than 362,000 km. This will happen at 14:51 Kyiv time. For this reason, today’s event is also called a supermoon. It doesn't happen often.

The full moon will be in the sign of Sagittarius. But this does not mean that the universe will please only representatives of this zodiac sign. Support will be given to those who really need it. So it's very important to spend June 14th right, otherwise you risk missing the chance to get your life back on track.
They say that today you will be able to open your eyes to many things and take a fresh look at what is around you. Most of the opportunities are open to creative individuals. However, a full moon can become a starting point for any person who seeks self-realization and the implementation of plans.
Today, your main task is to direct your energy in the right direction. This day is suitable for finally solving some long-standing problem that you constantly put off for later. For example, a visit to the doctor or a work meeting.

Also on the day of the strawberry supermoon, it is allowed to engage in normal routine activities. You can even clean the house if you want. In addition, you can spend June 14 in the company of pleasant people: relatives or friends. And if you want to be alone, be sure to do your favorite hobby or just read a book or watch a fascinating movie.
And experts recommend not to avoid new acquaintances either today or in the coming days after the full moon. It is believed that the people you meet during this period can greatly affect you and your future life.
There is a whole list of bans related to today. If you violate them, you can not only scare away luck, but also bring disaster to yourself. For example, in no case should you go on a trip or business trip. On June 14, 2022, you cannot change your job or move to a new place of residence.

In addition, today it is better to abandon any major financial investments and serious business transactions. Under the ban are going to the forest, as well as work in the garden. Although, according to the lunar sowing calendar for June, today you can plant seeds of mustard, celery, spinach, lettuce and dill. And also plant cabbage, tomatoes, pepper and eggplant.
However, we advise not to neglect these prohibitions and certainly not to try to radically change your life on the day of the full moon. It won't do anything good! The fact is that this process should occur gradually and smoothly.
On June 14, representatives of the air element (Aquarius, Libra, Gemini) need to say goodbye to their old life once and for all. Everything that has long outlived itself, it is important to forget as a terrible dream. Only then can you move on and discover new horizons.
Fire signs of the zodiac (Sagittarius, Aries, Leo) today will be the most lucky. This has to do with work and personal life. Don’t be afraid to make big plans and dream big. Do not forget that everything in this life depends only on you and your perseverance.
Representatives of the water element (Fishes, Cancer, Scorpio) should think about what people surround them. Perhaps it’s time to put an end to a toxic relationship or talk honestly with a loved one. Stop turning a blind eye to things that have been bothering you for a long time.

Earth signs (Taurus, Capricorn, Virgo) will have to face a lot of difficulties on the way to the cherished dream. However, you must understand that any problems test your strength. And you will be able to do it with a reward.
In the comments, do you feel the power of today? Waiting for a strawberry supermoon?