Prepare oriental sweetness at home, by and large, you need only flour and water.

Sometimes you want to experiment and set yourself a difficult task in the culinary field. For me, such a challenge was sweets at home. I wanted something very exotic, so I decided to make oriental sweetness pashmak. I tried them a long time ago and was impressed by the texture and taste. I wanted to do it again at home.

YouTube / Chaikhana Uzbechka Today editorial office "Site" will teach you how to cook this unusual sweetness and share with you a recipe from the channel of Chaikhan Uzbekka. At the end of the article we will share the video. The mastery of the hostess is amazing!

Sweets at home Ingredients
  • 220g sugar
  • 150g of water
  • pinch
  • 150g flour
  • 50g butter

  1. Put sugar in the pot, pour it with water. Add a pinch of citric acid. Put it on the fire and cook the sugar syrup. You need to check if it is boiled to the right consistency. This can be done with cold water. In the video you can see how it should turn out. Pour the finished syrup on the working surface. We collect the entire mass in the middle so that the edges do not freeze separately. Cool the syrup with a little stirring.

    YouTube/Chaikhan Uzbek

  2. Separately fry flour with butter on the pan. Stir and fry constantly until the flour begins to crumble and stops smelling raw flour. Put the flour in a separate container. Now back to caramel. Hands (or gloves) lubricate with vegetable oil and start stretching caramel. Stretch and fold, repeating it over and over again.

    YouTube/Chaikhan Uzbek
  3. This should be done until the caramel turns white. When hitting each other, the caramel halves should make a sound like two lollipops, if they knock on each other.

    YouTube/Chaikhan Uzbek

  4. Now make a caramel ring. Put him in the flour tank. Pick up some flour and mix it in caramel. Stretching the ring, mixing the flour, and twisting it. Stripes should become thinner, and flour should remain less and less.

    YouTube/Chaikhan Uzbek

  5. You end up with the finest threads of caramel, all in flour. Very similar to a weightless web. Next, they need to be folded into small candy, not much crumpling. We can serve for tea!

    YouTube/Chaikhan Uzbek

Patience and work without video will be difficult to understand. It provides a complete and visual instruction. Repeating everything behind the hostess, you can quickly learn!


To be honest, I didn’t do it the first time. The ingredients may be the most common, but the cooking process is complicated. But the effort is definitely worth it! This light and airy dessert is extremely tasty. You certainly didn’t cook such sweets at home. But we are sure you will succeed if you try!


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