When I don't know where to go next, I reread Joseph Murphy's thoughts, the answer comes by itself.
When I don’t know where to go next, I read Joseph Murphy’s thoughts and the answer comes. Joseph Murphy once said that we humans are made to be happy.
Today's edition. "Site" He'll tell you what's valuable. thoughts of Joseph Murphy. Unparalleled wisdom!
Joseph Murphy, “Your Thought is Energy.” We become what we condemn. Self-condemnation is hell, and self-forgiveness is heaven. Just remember, every move forward begins with ourselves.
“If you truly believe that you can become what you want to become, it will come true. That's true today as it always is! I read in one of Murphy's first books. After these wise thoughts, it was as if something had turned in me.
Joseph Murphy is an Irish-American writer. He has written over 30 books and created hundreds of scientific prayers that change people’s lives to this day. Murphy has lectured and taught around the world for 50 years. subconsciousness.
In the morning and evening for 5 minutes Joseph Murphy advised to look in the mirror and say aloud: “I praise the God in myself, who heals restores, embellishes and multiplies in every possible way all the good for me!” You will be amazed at how quickly you bring the cosmic energy that flows through you as love, peace, harmony and abundance.
You want a change? Then you have to believe it works. Trust works wonders!
Here is one of Murphy’s scientific prayers, which helps to attract wealth and abundance: “God is the source of my blessings: whether it be energy, vitality, right action, or the wealth I need.”
I know that the creative forces of my subconscious can give me all of this. Every day I treat people better and better. Divine riches are coming to me! My thoughts penetrate into the subconscious and are realized in the form of prosperity.
It's beautiful. I am one with the infinite wealth of my subconscious. I have the right to be wealthy, happy and lucky!
I first met this writer through the book “Manage your destiny”. This book gives the reader the opportunity to master the power that can work miracles.
By the way, acquaintance with the book was unusual. Whenever I'm sad, there's some depression on the horizon, and just when I have a moment to spare, I go to my favorite bookstore. One day, during a pandemic, I went out to this store and wandered aimlessly with my thoughts, going from one shelf to another.
A stranger (not a shopkeeper) called out to me, thinking I couldn’t make a choice. She offered me Murphy's book of all the esoteric books. She said that they helped her a lot in her time and for me this is what I need.
I picked up the book and then looked around to thank the man. But the woman was gone. It was as if she had disappeared into the crowd. Later I realized it was a sign from above.
I want to share with you an amazing prayer from the book “The Magical Power of Mind” by Joseph Murphy. I repeated this prayer as a mantra for many months. And the power of it really amazes!
The prayer of God’s grace is my gift. I enjoy every moment of the day. With me is divine harmony, peace and abundance. Divine love comes from me, blessing everyone who comes into my environment. This love is healing me now. I fear no evil, for God is with me. I am always surrounded by a sacred halo of divine love and power.
I affirm, feel, know, and believe resolutely and positively that the spells of divine love and vigilance guide. They heal and care for all members of my family and those I love.
I forgive everyone and sincerely radiate divine love, peace and goodwill to all people, wherever they may be. At the center of my being is peace, the world of God. In this silence I feel his power, his guidance and the love of his holy presence. I am divinely guided in all my ways.
I am the pure channel for divine love, truth and beauty. I can feel his river of peace flowing through me. I know that all my problems dissolve in the mind of God. God's ways are my ways. The words I say go where I send them. I rejoice and give thanks, knowing that I will receive an answer to my prayer. And it is.
Prayer should be read in the morning and evening in a half-sleep state. Read it sincerely, with feeling. This prayer is universal. It is suitable for anyone and will help improve life.
Cosmic energy or the principle of life never condemns or punishes. We punish ourselves with negative thinking and misuse of the laws of life. Ignorance is the only sin, and all kinds of punishment and misfortune in our world are its consequences.
There is something inside us that knows and sees everything. Cosmic energy knows the answer to every question because it is omnipotent and omnipresent. Man can possess everything by right thinking, that is, by the union of the conscious.”
I also suggest to get acquainted with the wise thoughts of Anna Kiryanova about happiness. Knowing this, you can constantly expand this feeling and make it more multifaceted.
I really like that Joseph Murphy in his books, in simple syllable, examples, conveys his thoughts, as if chewing, without any clever phrases.
I want to finish this article with my beloved. Murphy quote“Heaven and hell are within us.” If we are evil, the world will be evil. If we are greedy, the world will be greedy. If we want forgiveness, we must forgive ourselves. Starting with yourself is the key to everything!
Have you ever heard of this writer? You know his books?
Today's edition. "Site" He'll tell you what's valuable. thoughts of Joseph Murphy. Unparalleled wisdom!

Joseph Murphy, “Your Thought is Energy.” We become what we condemn. Self-condemnation is hell, and self-forgiveness is heaven. Just remember, every move forward begins with ourselves.
“If you truly believe that you can become what you want to become, it will come true. That's true today as it always is! I read in one of Murphy's first books. After these wise thoughts, it was as if something had turned in me.

Joseph Murphy is an Irish-American writer. He has written over 30 books and created hundreds of scientific prayers that change people’s lives to this day. Murphy has lectured and taught around the world for 50 years. subconsciousness.
In the morning and evening for 5 minutes Joseph Murphy advised to look in the mirror and say aloud: “I praise the God in myself, who heals restores, embellishes and multiplies in every possible way all the good for me!” You will be amazed at how quickly you bring the cosmic energy that flows through you as love, peace, harmony and abundance.

You want a change? Then you have to believe it works. Trust works wonders!
Here is one of Murphy’s scientific prayers, which helps to attract wealth and abundance: “God is the source of my blessings: whether it be energy, vitality, right action, or the wealth I need.”
I know that the creative forces of my subconscious can give me all of this. Every day I treat people better and better. Divine riches are coming to me! My thoughts penetrate into the subconscious and are realized in the form of prosperity.
It's beautiful. I am one with the infinite wealth of my subconscious. I have the right to be wealthy, happy and lucky!

I first met this writer through the book “Manage your destiny”. This book gives the reader the opportunity to master the power that can work miracles.
By the way, acquaintance with the book was unusual. Whenever I'm sad, there's some depression on the horizon, and just when I have a moment to spare, I go to my favorite bookstore. One day, during a pandemic, I went out to this store and wandered aimlessly with my thoughts, going from one shelf to another.

A stranger (not a shopkeeper) called out to me, thinking I couldn’t make a choice. She offered me Murphy's book of all the esoteric books. She said that they helped her a lot in her time and for me this is what I need.
I picked up the book and then looked around to thank the man. But the woman was gone. It was as if she had disappeared into the crowd. Later I realized it was a sign from above.
I want to share with you an amazing prayer from the book “The Magical Power of Mind” by Joseph Murphy. I repeated this prayer as a mantra for many months. And the power of it really amazes!

The prayer of God’s grace is my gift. I enjoy every moment of the day. With me is divine harmony, peace and abundance. Divine love comes from me, blessing everyone who comes into my environment. This love is healing me now. I fear no evil, for God is with me. I am always surrounded by a sacred halo of divine love and power.
I affirm, feel, know, and believe resolutely and positively that the spells of divine love and vigilance guide. They heal and care for all members of my family and those I love.
I forgive everyone and sincerely radiate divine love, peace and goodwill to all people, wherever they may be. At the center of my being is peace, the world of God. In this silence I feel his power, his guidance and the love of his holy presence. I am divinely guided in all my ways.

I am the pure channel for divine love, truth and beauty. I can feel his river of peace flowing through me. I know that all my problems dissolve in the mind of God. God's ways are my ways. The words I say go where I send them. I rejoice and give thanks, knowing that I will receive an answer to my prayer. And it is.
Prayer should be read in the morning and evening in a half-sleep state. Read it sincerely, with feeling. This prayer is universal. It is suitable for anyone and will help improve life.

Cosmic energy or the principle of life never condemns or punishes. We punish ourselves with negative thinking and misuse of the laws of life. Ignorance is the only sin, and all kinds of punishment and misfortune in our world are its consequences.
There is something inside us that knows and sees everything. Cosmic energy knows the answer to every question because it is omnipotent and omnipresent. Man can possess everything by right thinking, that is, by the union of the conscious.”
I also suggest to get acquainted with the wise thoughts of Anna Kiryanova about happiness. Knowing this, you can constantly expand this feeling and make it more multifaceted.

I really like that Joseph Murphy in his books, in simple syllable, examples, conveys his thoughts, as if chewing, without any clever phrases.
I want to finish this article with my beloved. Murphy quote“Heaven and hell are within us.” If we are evil, the world will be evil. If we are greedy, the world will be greedy. If we want forgiveness, we must forgive ourselves. Starting with yourself is the key to everything!
Have you ever heard of this writer? You know his books?
Do it once so that happiness will live forever in your home.
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