I decided to do a good deed and sewed dresses for girls from large families, I will not do this again.
When you do something good, you don’t expect gratitude. But you also don’t count on neglect or even hate in return. But this is exactly the reaction faced by the heroine of today’s history. She saw that financial assistance to large children for the kindness of the soul can turn out not the most pleasant situation.
Editorial "Site" I want to share with you the story of a woman who decided to help but didn't get any thanks. Then we talk about the words of the heroine.
About six months ago, I decided to find a means of additional income. When I was young, I did some sewing and decided to go back to it. First a little refreshed knowledge, twisted an old, but working sewing machine. When the materials were purchased, I started taking orders. It went well, everyone needed something. Some even ordered clothes.
It's hard to believe, but in six months I got really good at it and started doing interesting things. One day I wanted to make a beautiful baby dress. This is probably my inner child who always dreamed of it. My childhood was poor, I wore all my clothes behind my older sister. When the dress was ready, I thought about the fact that there are still girls who dream of a new dress.
Then I decided that I should give this outfit to someone. No reason. Do a good deed and please a child. I had no trouble finding the contacts of the volunteers, and they had already told me who could take the dress. I started doing this on a regular basis. Financial assistance to many children is a good way to do good deeds.
Every week I sewed a new outfit and took it to mothers with many children. To make things easier for women, I brought clothes to their house. All I had to do was go down and get it. I didn’t count on the flow of gratitude, but mothers in our country have a hard time, they have reasons to be angry. However, I did not expect such a reaction.
The first woman threw me a dry "thank you" without even looking at the dress. The second glanced at me disparagingly and raised her eyebrow when she found out that I had brought only one dress. Then she took the bag and left without saying anything. At first I was surprised and thought I was doing something wrong.
The next woman also met me with a sour look. I couldn’t stand it and asked what was going on. She immediately became angry and splashed: “I’d rather bring the money, at least they are useful.” What are these rags for me? I only take them because the volunteer made them.”
Then I felt kind of sick and sad about the situation. After all, I wanted the best, but apparently no one needs my help for nothing. If I had the money, I would help. But that's all I can do. After that, there is no desire to help, because it is even more difficult to please mothers with many children than customers who pay me money for orders. I'll have science.
When we heard this story, we were offended for the woman. Because she really wanted to help the kids, give them a little bit of joy. It is a shame that she has faced such negativity towards herself. Unfortunately, that happens often when you try to help. Not helping is bad, helping is even worse. A desperate situation.
But we would like to try to stand with these women. We understand that financial assistance to large families from the state is not so generous. Sometimes they're tough. When you need to feed a family of ten, there is not always the time and strength to think that your daughter will go to the morning not in a new dress.
We don’t want to stop helping those who need it. Especially when you want to. You don’t have to wait for gratitude. You don’t have to wait for anything in return, you just have to be happy to help. Perhaps the child who received a new dress, sincerely happy with him. That's already worth a lot.
We don't know what's next. But we are well aware that when dark times come, the first to suffer are those who in normal times barely made ends meet. In times like this, we need to come together and help each other. This is the only way to have a bright future. Take care of the good person in you, no matter what.
What do you think about that?

Editorial "Site" I want to share with you the story of a woman who decided to help but didn't get any thanks. Then we talk about the words of the heroine.
About six months ago, I decided to find a means of additional income. When I was young, I did some sewing and decided to go back to it. First a little refreshed knowledge, twisted an old, but working sewing machine. When the materials were purchased, I started taking orders. It went well, everyone needed something. Some even ordered clothes.
It's hard to believe, but in six months I got really good at it and started doing interesting things. One day I wanted to make a beautiful baby dress. This is probably my inner child who always dreamed of it. My childhood was poor, I wore all my clothes behind my older sister. When the dress was ready, I thought about the fact that there are still girls who dream of a new dress.

Then I decided that I should give this outfit to someone. No reason. Do a good deed and please a child. I had no trouble finding the contacts of the volunteers, and they had already told me who could take the dress. I started doing this on a regular basis. Financial assistance to many children is a good way to do good deeds.

Every week I sewed a new outfit and took it to mothers with many children. To make things easier for women, I brought clothes to their house. All I had to do was go down and get it. I didn’t count on the flow of gratitude, but mothers in our country have a hard time, they have reasons to be angry. However, I did not expect such a reaction.
The first woman threw me a dry "thank you" without even looking at the dress. The second glanced at me disparagingly and raised her eyebrow when she found out that I had brought only one dress. Then she took the bag and left without saying anything. At first I was surprised and thought I was doing something wrong.

The next woman also met me with a sour look. I couldn’t stand it and asked what was going on. She immediately became angry and splashed: “I’d rather bring the money, at least they are useful.” What are these rags for me? I only take them because the volunteer made them.”
Then I felt kind of sick and sad about the situation. After all, I wanted the best, but apparently no one needs my help for nothing. If I had the money, I would help. But that's all I can do. After that, there is no desire to help, because it is even more difficult to please mothers with many children than customers who pay me money for orders. I'll have science.

When we heard this story, we were offended for the woman. Because she really wanted to help the kids, give them a little bit of joy. It is a shame that she has faced such negativity towards herself. Unfortunately, that happens often when you try to help. Not helping is bad, helping is even worse. A desperate situation.
But we would like to try to stand with these women. We understand that financial assistance to large families from the state is not so generous. Sometimes they're tough. When you need to feed a family of ten, there is not always the time and strength to think that your daughter will go to the morning not in a new dress.

We don’t want to stop helping those who need it. Especially when you want to. You don’t have to wait for gratitude. You don’t have to wait for anything in return, you just have to be happy to help. Perhaps the child who received a new dress, sincerely happy with him. That's already worth a lot.
We don't know what's next. But we are well aware that when dark times come, the first to suffer are those who in normal times barely made ends meet. In times like this, we need to come together and help each other. This is the only way to have a bright future. Take care of the good person in you, no matter what.
What do you think about that?
While the Internet was working, I rewrote the recipe into a notepad, I needed onions and manca to replace bread and meat on the table.
Inadequate neighbor in the country decided that her tricks will remain unpunished, but I will not offend my parents