I am looking for a woman who was not punished by her father in childhood.
If a person has problems in their personal life, they cannot build a long-term relationship, which means that their problems come from childhood. It is believed that if a girl is unhappy in a relationship or she is lonely or finds male traitors, then she had a difficult relationship with her father as a child. The father in the life of his daughter is the first man, protector, role model. Any trauma experienced in childhood affects our future. Untreated injuries leave an indelible mark on the psyche of a woman. Any aggression shown by the father in the past, breaks the psyche of the child.
Psychologists have years to work out the consequences of aggressive behavior of parents. Moreover, this aggression manifests itself not only in physical punishment: spanking, slapping, but also in psychological pressure: threats, ignoring the child and so on. It should be understood that the father personifies power and strength, and if she is betrayed by the first man in her life, whom she trusted most, in adult life, a woman will face great problems in her personal life.
When a girl grows up in a full family, where dad pays her attention every day and calls her his princess, where mom and dad never fight and know how to resolve conflicts, talking to each other, only in such a family will the child be able to maintain a healthy psyche and build a strong family in the future.
Dad for a little girl - protection and support. As long as he takes care of the baby, she is not afraid of anything. But only as long as Dad picks up his belt. The picture is terrifying: an adult man of average build weighs 90 kg, and a girl of 5 years old is about 15 kg. As long as Dad takes care of his daughter, he is a support. When he begins to educate, he becomes a threat to the life of the child.
Corporal punishment is not a method of education, but torture. A belt is a thing that damages the integrity of the skin, no one has the right to cause physical harm to another person. There are articles in the law that regulate aggressive behavior and bodily harm. It is very difficult to attract parents. You have to do it yourself. It is good if the mother takes the child's hand and leaves such a woeful father. And if not?
Even when Dad threatens with a belt, the girl paints a terrible picture. Yes, she begins to obey, but out of fear, not understanding. It's hard to call education. The moment Dad swings his belt at the girl, her world collapses. Everything she believed in was a lie. So love hurts?
A girl who was punished by her father becomes a girl who has two life paths. First, she gives up and suffers humiliation and bad attitude towards herself by a loved one. In her view, it is better to give up immediately than to aggravate the situation and get a belt. The second option: the girl gathers her rage and will into a fist and fights back against abusers, defends herself and weak women, fights for their rights. Becomes an activist, a man-hater, a feminist.
If a woman decides to be strong, she will always fight for power. These women never compromise on anything. In their opinion, only justice should prevail. A woman will look for a man with whom she will always experience discomfort, and caring and reliable partners will annoy her.
A woman can go from the opposite: for example, she will not look for the same scoundrel for herself as her father, but, on the contrary, will strive to get true love, which she lacked in childhood. The third option is not uncommon among such women - loneliness.
The chosen one of a woman who was abused as a child by his father will be either a tyrant or a soft-bodied hen-heeled man who will never harm her in his life. This option only at first seems safe, because such men can harm indirectly: idleness, have bad habits, humiliate and disrespect a woman and so on.
Psychotherapy can sometimes last for years, depending on each individual case. If a woman has repeatedly faced with unhealthy relationships, it is time to think about going to a psychotherapist. Broken in childhood, the psyche will put all the same life scenarios until the woman realizes that again and again steps on the same rake. To safely destroy the rake, you need to understand the cause.
Psychologists have years to work out the consequences of aggressive behavior of parents. Moreover, this aggression manifests itself not only in physical punishment: spanking, slapping, but also in psychological pressure: threats, ignoring the child and so on. It should be understood that the father personifies power and strength, and if she is betrayed by the first man in her life, whom she trusted most, in adult life, a woman will face great problems in her personal life.

When a girl grows up in a full family, where dad pays her attention every day and calls her his princess, where mom and dad never fight and know how to resolve conflicts, talking to each other, only in such a family will the child be able to maintain a healthy psyche and build a strong family in the future.
Dad for a little girl - protection and support. As long as he takes care of the baby, she is not afraid of anything. But only as long as Dad picks up his belt. The picture is terrifying: an adult man of average build weighs 90 kg, and a girl of 5 years old is about 15 kg. As long as Dad takes care of his daughter, he is a support. When he begins to educate, he becomes a threat to the life of the child.

Corporal punishment is not a method of education, but torture. A belt is a thing that damages the integrity of the skin, no one has the right to cause physical harm to another person. There are articles in the law that regulate aggressive behavior and bodily harm. It is very difficult to attract parents. You have to do it yourself. It is good if the mother takes the child's hand and leaves such a woeful father. And if not?
Even when Dad threatens with a belt, the girl paints a terrible picture. Yes, she begins to obey, but out of fear, not understanding. It's hard to call education. The moment Dad swings his belt at the girl, her world collapses. Everything she believed in was a lie. So love hurts?

A girl who was punished by her father becomes a girl who has two life paths. First, she gives up and suffers humiliation and bad attitude towards herself by a loved one. In her view, it is better to give up immediately than to aggravate the situation and get a belt. The second option: the girl gathers her rage and will into a fist and fights back against abusers, defends herself and weak women, fights for their rights. Becomes an activist, a man-hater, a feminist.

If a woman decides to be strong, she will always fight for power. These women never compromise on anything. In their opinion, only justice should prevail. A woman will look for a man with whom she will always experience discomfort, and caring and reliable partners will annoy her.
A woman can go from the opposite: for example, she will not look for the same scoundrel for herself as her father, but, on the contrary, will strive to get true love, which she lacked in childhood. The third option is not uncommon among such women - loneliness.

The chosen one of a woman who was abused as a child by his father will be either a tyrant or a soft-bodied hen-heeled man who will never harm her in his life. This option only at first seems safe, because such men can harm indirectly: idleness, have bad habits, humiliate and disrespect a woman and so on.

Psychotherapy can sometimes last for years, depending on each individual case. If a woman has repeatedly faced with unhealthy relationships, it is time to think about going to a psychotherapist. Broken in childhood, the psyche will put all the same life scenarios until the woman realizes that again and again steps on the same rake. To safely destroy the rake, you need to understand the cause.
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