To help the child relieve nervous tension, the parent must first take care of himself.
All people need help in times of war. However, they are particularly affected. innocent. Parents have to cope not only with their anxiety, but also with the problems of the child. How to help children cope with nervous tension due to the events around, read in today's article.
People react to military events differently. But I want to remind you again that all you are going through is normal reaction of the body to an abnormal situation. It's hard for people, and that's understandable. Just imagine what children can go through if even adults cannot cope with stress and anxiety.
GettyImages War cannot be prepared in advance. And almost everything that is happening to Ukrainians, they are experiencing for the first time in their lives. It's more complicated with kids. Much depends on the age of the child and the stability of his nervous system. One way or another, the main task of parents is to create all possible conditions for The children felt support, care and love.
Every child needs to feel safe. Of course, it is not always possible to ensure it in conditions of war, but we must strive for it. You are the main support for your child, no matter how old he is. Your emotional state is always reflected in him.
If parents feel calm, children will feel the same. Spend as much time with your child as possible. Your physical presence is very important. Sometimes it is enough just to hug a native person so that he calms down and recovers. Tactical contact Parents and children are very important.
Children during the war need to compensate for all the negative emotions. To do this, it is best to introduce various types of activities into the daily routine. For example, if there is such an opportunity, take the child to some interesting master class in needlework. Sometimes they are organized by volunteers. We also advise you to enroll your son or daughter in the sports section, to dance.
If neither the first nor the second option can be implemented, you can always just walk in the fresh air and play with children in an active game. Walking helps you switch and just relax. This is especially important for those who have had to hide in basements and bomb shelters for a long time.
Advice for parents Wartime is very worrying. To cope with all the difficulties and not lose morale, you need to worry about yourself and children. It is best to try to return to normal life as much as possible. Clear schedule of the day The first thing that should be provided to every child in the family. Children should be busy, and it is important to balance between the active phases of the day and rest.
It is also worth paying special attention to baby food. Well-balanced and nutritious diet Another key to the psychologically stable state of children. From time to time, you can spoil the child with something delicious. It is best, of course, to prepare treats at home. But sweets should not replace full meals.
GettyImages Another important point - sleep. It is best to create such conditions that the child goes to bed at the same time. Of course, in some cities of Ukraine at night, air alarms become more frequent. If at this time you and your family are hiding behind 2 walls in the corridor, there is a separate soft place for children.
The child needs to be engaged, whether it is peacetime or war. Therefore, pay special attention to educational activities with children. For example, you can read together, learn poems or ask interesting questions for the development of mental abilities of the child.
No one knows your children better than you. So when you take care of them, do it carefully and consciously. Hyperprotection in any of its manifestations can only bring harm to the child. Listen to your son’s or daughter’s wishes and connect with them in a way that makes you a team. Children need reliable protectors – their parents!
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People react to military events differently. But I want to remind you again that all you are going through is normal reaction of the body to an abnormal situation. It's hard for people, and that's understandable. Just imagine what children can go through if even adults cannot cope with stress and anxiety.

GettyImages War cannot be prepared in advance. And almost everything that is happening to Ukrainians, they are experiencing for the first time in their lives. It's more complicated with kids. Much depends on the age of the child and the stability of his nervous system. One way or another, the main task of parents is to create all possible conditions for The children felt support, care and love.
Every child needs to feel safe. Of course, it is not always possible to ensure it in conditions of war, but we must strive for it. You are the main support for your child, no matter how old he is. Your emotional state is always reflected in him.

If parents feel calm, children will feel the same. Spend as much time with your child as possible. Your physical presence is very important. Sometimes it is enough just to hug a native person so that he calms down and recovers. Tactical contact Parents and children are very important.
Children during the war need to compensate for all the negative emotions. To do this, it is best to introduce various types of activities into the daily routine. For example, if there is such an opportunity, take the child to some interesting master class in needlework. Sometimes they are organized by volunteers. We also advise you to enroll your son or daughter in the sports section, to dance.

If neither the first nor the second option can be implemented, you can always just walk in the fresh air and play with children in an active game. Walking helps you switch and just relax. This is especially important for those who have had to hide in basements and bomb shelters for a long time.
Advice for parents Wartime is very worrying. To cope with all the difficulties and not lose morale, you need to worry about yourself and children. It is best to try to return to normal life as much as possible. Clear schedule of the day The first thing that should be provided to every child in the family. Children should be busy, and it is important to balance between the active phases of the day and rest.
It is also worth paying special attention to baby food. Well-balanced and nutritious diet Another key to the psychologically stable state of children. From time to time, you can spoil the child with something delicious. It is best, of course, to prepare treats at home. But sweets should not replace full meals.

GettyImages Another important point - sleep. It is best to create such conditions that the child goes to bed at the same time. Of course, in some cities of Ukraine at night, air alarms become more frequent. If at this time you and your family are hiding behind 2 walls in the corridor, there is a separate soft place for children.
The child needs to be engaged, whether it is peacetime or war. Therefore, pay special attention to educational activities with children. For example, you can read together, learn poems or ask interesting questions for the development of mental abilities of the child.

No one knows your children better than you. So when you take care of them, do it carefully and consciously. Hyperprotection in any of its manifestations can only bring harm to the child. Listen to your son’s or daughter’s wishes and connect with them in a way that makes you a team. Children need reliable protectors – their parents!
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