Perennial sugar and entrenched fat flies away itself after using this tool, the method of "Two glasses"
In any household, in any kitchen, sooner or later, the question arises: how to wash off soda or stagnant fat from dishes? And very often, young owners and housewives turn to expensive chemicals to eliminate ugly or sticky plaque. However, these measures are completely unnecessary. After all, the best and friendly way to wash dishes has long been invented. What is he like? Let's find out!
When we notice a layer of long-frozen fat, for example, on the grille from the stove, we are overwhelmed by the expectation of long and hard work. The same thing we experience when looking at dishes with soda or a similar frozen, incomprehensible sticky layer. Of course, you can always resort to heavy mechanical work, which will not only take a lot of time, but also take a lot of energy.
However, you can not be afraid of all this, if you know the right way to clean any surface of sodium or sticky and unpleasant hardened fat. In practice, this is a very simple recipe of available ingredients.
Peels will be required for cleaning water, salt and soda ash. We advise you to prepare a large container in advance, in which you can fold dirty dishes and in which you can then boil water.
When a container of the desired size is found, you should put dishes in it, and then pour 1 glass of salt and 1 glass of soda ash. Then you need to pour all this hot water and put on the stove on a small fire. When it comes to boiling, it's important not to hold the dishes. less than 15 minutes (Especially be careful when boiling cookware with non-stick coating).
This way we will be able to soften all the charcoal. And with a simple sponge, it can be easily removed. Only if the scene moves to the sink, you need to make sure that the water in the tap and in the sponge is also hot. Otherwise, everything that was previously steamed will freeze again. The procedure will have to be repeated again.
If one procedure is not enough, you can repeat it. It is to conduct everything anew from the very beginning, and not to increase the boiling time: this is fraught with negative consequences for some surfaces of the dishes. In this case, the solution can be used the one that remained from the previous time. Fortunately, it is not suitable for a single cleaning procedure.
We sincerely hope that this method of cleaning was useful. It is much better than buying expensive chemicals in the store. Or stand over the sink for half an hour. Not only do you save time and energy, but your hands do not lose their beauty. Now that you already know how to wash the garment, you can safely take care of yourself and your strength.

When we notice a layer of long-frozen fat, for example, on the grille from the stove, we are overwhelmed by the expectation of long and hard work. The same thing we experience when looking at dishes with soda or a similar frozen, incomprehensible sticky layer. Of course, you can always resort to heavy mechanical work, which will not only take a lot of time, but also take a lot of energy.

However, you can not be afraid of all this, if you know the right way to clean any surface of sodium or sticky and unpleasant hardened fat. In practice, this is a very simple recipe of available ingredients.

Peels will be required for cleaning water, salt and soda ash. We advise you to prepare a large container in advance, in which you can fold dirty dishes and in which you can then boil water.
When a container of the desired size is found, you should put dishes in it, and then pour 1 glass of salt and 1 glass of soda ash. Then you need to pour all this hot water and put on the stove on a small fire. When it comes to boiling, it's important not to hold the dishes. less than 15 minutes (Especially be careful when boiling cookware with non-stick coating).

This way we will be able to soften all the charcoal. And with a simple sponge, it can be easily removed. Only if the scene moves to the sink, you need to make sure that the water in the tap and in the sponge is also hot. Otherwise, everything that was previously steamed will freeze again. The procedure will have to be repeated again.

If one procedure is not enough, you can repeat it. It is to conduct everything anew from the very beginning, and not to increase the boiling time: this is fraught with negative consequences for some surfaces of the dishes. In this case, the solution can be used the one that remained from the previous time. Fortunately, it is not suitable for a single cleaning procedure.

We sincerely hope that this method of cleaning was useful. It is much better than buying expensive chemicals in the store. Or stand over the sink for half an hour. Not only do you save time and energy, but your hands do not lose their beauty. Now that you already know how to wash the garment, you can safely take care of yourself and your strength.
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