Stephen Hawking says scientific work is more fun than making money
In recent difficult times, people are increasingly listening to a variety of forecasts and predictions. But it is one thing to listen to the vague reasoning of soothsayers, and quite another to learn the forecasts of scientists with a world reputation.
And today's edition. "Site" I want to know how I saw the future of the famous Stephen HawkingA biography that can impress anyone. How did this Englishman become a world-class scientist? What events in the near future seemed most likely?
GettyImages Stephen Hawking: biography The future scientist was born on January 8, 1942 in an intelligent family. By the way, Stephen’s parents had previously lived in the British capital, but after the outbreak of the war were forced to move to a calmer Oxford. In the same city, Hawking became interested in science and graduated from a local university, receiving a bachelor's degree in 1962.
Already in 1963, Stephen was diagnosed with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis - a rare disease of the central nervous system. Doctors were sure that the young man had no more than two or three years to live.
However, it soon became clear that the disease develops more slowly than usual. And even the use of a wheelchair Hawking had to resort only in the late 60s. And over the years, Stephen managed to graduate from Cambridge University, married. Later in his marriage to Jane Wilde, Hawking had sons Robert and Timothy, as well as daughter Lucy. In 1995 he married for the second time.
The scientist himself later admitted that the prospect of leaving this world early made him rush to live. As a result, he completely immersed himself in scientific activities and was able to make a great contribution to the development of cosmology and quantum gravity. Also remembered for the successful study of black holes.
In 1985, he lost the ability to talk and began using a speech synthesizer. A special computer was built into his wheelchair, which was controlled by one index finger. Later, control was carried out using a sensor, which was installed near the facial muscle of the cheek - it was the only one that retained mobility.
Despite the hardships, the scientist lived a rather rich and productive life. He successfully popularized science, and his books on physics became bestsellers. He also participated in the creation of popular science films. Hawking died only in March 2018.
Back in February 2016, this theoretical physicist assured that soon humanity will have access to a new source of energy. According to him, this discovery will completely and forever solve the problem of lack of energy resources on the planet. And this source should be black holes. Interestingly, Vanga previously spoke about a similar secret energy source.
But since the creation and testing of such sources is extremely dangerous, all this work will be carried out in strict secrecy from ordinary people. And failures when working with the “energy hole” will probably be hidden in all possible ways. And those who unwittingly find themselves in the vicinity of such testing will be exposed to great danger. Although they probably won't even know about it.
GettyImages wonders how much this prognosis It's close to the actual state of affairs. And are we really waiting for big discoveries that will change the world for the better? Share your opinion in the comments.
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And today's edition. "Site" I want to know how I saw the future of the famous Stephen HawkingA biography that can impress anyone. How did this Englishman become a world-class scientist? What events in the near future seemed most likely?

GettyImages Stephen Hawking: biography The future scientist was born on January 8, 1942 in an intelligent family. By the way, Stephen’s parents had previously lived in the British capital, but after the outbreak of the war were forced to move to a calmer Oxford. In the same city, Hawking became interested in science and graduated from a local university, receiving a bachelor's degree in 1962.

Already in 1963, Stephen was diagnosed with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis - a rare disease of the central nervous system. Doctors were sure that the young man had no more than two or three years to live.
However, it soon became clear that the disease develops more slowly than usual. And even the use of a wheelchair Hawking had to resort only in the late 60s. And over the years, Stephen managed to graduate from Cambridge University, married. Later in his marriage to Jane Wilde, Hawking had sons Robert and Timothy, as well as daughter Lucy. In 1995 he married for the second time.

The scientist himself later admitted that the prospect of leaving this world early made him rush to live. As a result, he completely immersed himself in scientific activities and was able to make a great contribution to the development of cosmology and quantum gravity. Also remembered for the successful study of black holes.
In 1985, he lost the ability to talk and began using a speech synthesizer. A special computer was built into his wheelchair, which was controlled by one index finger. Later, control was carried out using a sensor, which was installed near the facial muscle of the cheek - it was the only one that retained mobility.

Despite the hardships, the scientist lived a rather rich and productive life. He successfully popularized science, and his books on physics became bestsellers. He also participated in the creation of popular science films. Hawking died only in March 2018.

Back in February 2016, this theoretical physicist assured that soon humanity will have access to a new source of energy. According to him, this discovery will completely and forever solve the problem of lack of energy resources on the planet. And this source should be black holes. Interestingly, Vanga previously spoke about a similar secret energy source.
But since the creation and testing of such sources is extremely dangerous, all this work will be carried out in strict secrecy from ordinary people. And failures when working with the “energy hole” will probably be hidden in all possible ways. And those who unwittingly find themselves in the vicinity of such testing will be exposed to great danger. Although they probably won't even know about it.

GettyImages wonders how much this prognosis It's close to the actual state of affairs. And are we really waiting for big discoveries that will change the world for the better? Share your opinion in the comments.
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