What to do if your mother-in-law forces you to sell your inheritance

When spouses love and respect each other, they have a desire to develop and make some plans for the future life. It's really great, and it should be. But during this period, lovers often take some risks towards themselves. A stumbling block may even become shareholding. Although there were disputes for more petty reasons.

How to protect yourself in case of divorce? After all, no matter what the relationship at the start, everything will be decided by the court. And he will follow only the letter of the law, without being distracted by any moral questions. Therefore, it is better to think about the consequences in advance. So to save on your own nerves and trips to the lawyer.

The second time I got married was 4 years ago. Sasha seemed to me then an excellent candidate, courted, gave flowers. I still love him despite the tension in our relationship. We are 29 years old, both working, no children yet. I do interior design, he's a regular manager at the firm.

Although we do not seem to be poor, we could not save for our apartment. We just live, sometimes we go on vacation. It's just like people. We rent an apartment in a good area of the city. Two-bedroom. Although mutual friends suggested that we move to one place to save money on this, I personally think that this is a bad idea.

Two adults cannot share a room with each other. It doesn't matter what size it is. I like to watch TV shows without headphones, Sasha likes football. A separate room helps in personal life: you can be alone, think. Do not disturb your other half. In short, one room is not an option.

And recently I inherited from my beloved grandfather an apartment on the outskirts of the city. You know, the apartment is quick. Dilapidated, without repair, with furniture of the last millennium. You know. I don't know what to do with her. Repairs will take a lot of money. It's not an option. Except for a few pennies. At least it's a plan.

But Sasha, hearing about my inheritance, immediately came up with a “genius” plan. He said that it would be very cool if we sold the apartment, then got loans and bought our house with the money. Loans, of course, in half.

And a great confrontation began. I refuse, my husband insists. I immediately remembered all the recent insults, punctures and so on. And I have to say, it made me think about our relationship again. Six months ago, we were on the verge of breaking up. The situation is not very beautiful, but it was the fault of two. By the way, we vowed not to remind each other of her. But there was a reason.

I honestly don't understand how you can force me to sell an inheritance if I don't want to. Refer to the fact that we are the closest people to each other and must fully trust our feelings. But that's what I do. I feel like this is a bad idea. But the husband can't calm down. Then we started sleeping in different rooms.

Mother-in-law and the cherry on the cake: my mother-in-law started calling me. Not that we were friends before, but we didn’t fight either. The relationship was, as it were, official. We met on holidays, that's all. As girlfriends never called each other. But you can't get rid of her now.

At first, she wanted to “get out” on the positive: she laughed, fantasized how me and her son would be fine in our own apartment. That now no one will have to pay money for living every month and that in general at our age rushing through the "shooting" is not solid. For some reason I forgot that I had to pay the loans.

But then, seeing that I was not going to meet, she just started to scare me. That there will be no happiness in someone else's house. What if you're pregnant, something else? And in general, she wants her son only the best, not a wife who can not make concessions in such a trifle. It's small, but it's mine, isn't it?

Anyway, I'm in the process. But my will has been shaken. I’m not a girl and I’m not getting married for the third time. Maybe it’s worth trying and really getting involved in this credit story. They say half the world lives like this. You'll see. Again, finding a suitable home still needs to be managed. There are many options, but probably all of them are not very. Here we go.

Of course, we advise you to think carefully. Buying and selling real estate is a serious step in our time. Making it 100% unsure is naturally unwise. And interesting. And what do parents of the respected reader think about this, how do they react to the problem?


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