The husband refused the child, learning that we had a daughter, not a son.
“The husband abandoned the child. I did not believe that this was happening to me! – says Love, the heroine of today’s story. She found herself in a difficult life situation, a way out of which is not so easy to find. Why the husband left her with a small child in his arms and what the unfortunate woman will do, read further in the article.
I am one of those women who managed to get pregnant on the first attempt. My husband and I had no limit to happiness. Vova literally carried me in my arms for the first time, catering to my every whim. He even protected himself from his mother, even though it had never happened before.
Antonina Alekseevna often quarreled with me. We lived together, and she, as usual, liked to turn on the bitchy housewife mode. I put my stuff in the wrong place, and I didn't make dinner that good.
I didn’t want to live under the same roof as my husband. But after the wedding, there was not much choice: my relatives live in another city, and we could not allocate money for renting housing. “I will soon be promoted, and we will move immediately,” Vova reassured me. I just had to wait.
I worked, too, but at a remote location. My mother-in-law did not consider my work a job. They say that I can do so much in the computer and even get money for it! I tried to explain to her, but pretty soon I got tired of throwing pearls in front of pigs.
My husband and I dreamed of having a baby for a long time. Vova wanted to become a father and raise an heir, a son. To be honest, I always wanted to have a girl. In any case, by God’s will, I didn’t do anything.
I thought it would calm my mother-in-law, but she started attacking me even more forcefully, as if she had gone crazy. Especially Antonina Alekseevna liked to repeat: “As long as you can, gain intelligence, otherwise you will give birth, and you will not be able to give a child anything!” Crazy!
For several months I lived in constant tension. Soon there was a fight with my husband because he wanted to know the sex of the baby and I didn’t. Vova persuaded me to go to the ultrasound with all truths and untruths. Added oil to the fire and mother-in-law. She wanted a grandson, too. Girls, you see, have always been born into trouble. You can tell from my mother-in-law.
With each passing day, the situation became tense. My husband took the side of Antonina Alekseevna and beat my nerves. I never agreed to find out the sex of the baby. And then she lay down for preservation: it was not before.
At some point, Vova began to scare me. He'll leave me if I don't tell him who we're going to have, a boy or a girl. At first I was laughing because I thought it was impossible.
But life has prepared many more surprises for me. I was supposed to give birth at the end of December, but the waters broke a week earlier. I was already in the hospital so I felt better.
Vova didn't arrive immediately. Or rather, a few days after the birth of his daughter. The husband thoughtfully looked into the glazes of our newborn baby, thought a little and said in spirit: “I can’t, Love, I can’t!” I wanted a son, not a daughter.
I was taken aback and asked what that meant. But I didn't get a clear answer. My husband just abandoned our baby. So much for gender inequality! It was as if I had come to terms with the fact that our marriage had long since ended.
In the past, I did not notice much in the behavior of Vova. I thought he was because he was tired at work. But it turns out that our story is much more prosaic. It wasn’t the child’s field; my husband just needed an excuse to leave me. Go to another one.
Antonina Alekseevna told me about this. Although she did not love me, Vova’s actions made her very sad. She believed that a man should live with the woman he married for the rest of his life. My mother-in-law kicked my husband out of the house, and I went with the baby to my parents.
With a pure heart, I turn this page: everything is as it should be.
Life Wisdom: What does this story teach us? This story shows that even the most seemingly close person can betray. It is impossible to prepare for this, but you can learn a very important life lesson for yourself. We are sure that Love will not step on the same rake again and will meet a person who will truly love it.
I wonder if you've ever faced such situations?

I am one of those women who managed to get pregnant on the first attempt. My husband and I had no limit to happiness. Vova literally carried me in my arms for the first time, catering to my every whim. He even protected himself from his mother, even though it had never happened before.
Antonina Alekseevna often quarreled with me. We lived together, and she, as usual, liked to turn on the bitchy housewife mode. I put my stuff in the wrong place, and I didn't make dinner that good.

I didn’t want to live under the same roof as my husband. But after the wedding, there was not much choice: my relatives live in another city, and we could not allocate money for renting housing. “I will soon be promoted, and we will move immediately,” Vova reassured me. I just had to wait.
I worked, too, but at a remote location. My mother-in-law did not consider my work a job. They say that I can do so much in the computer and even get money for it! I tried to explain to her, but pretty soon I got tired of throwing pearls in front of pigs.
My husband and I dreamed of having a baby for a long time. Vova wanted to become a father and raise an heir, a son. To be honest, I always wanted to have a girl. In any case, by God’s will, I didn’t do anything.

I thought it would calm my mother-in-law, but she started attacking me even more forcefully, as if she had gone crazy. Especially Antonina Alekseevna liked to repeat: “As long as you can, gain intelligence, otherwise you will give birth, and you will not be able to give a child anything!” Crazy!
For several months I lived in constant tension. Soon there was a fight with my husband because he wanted to know the sex of the baby and I didn’t. Vova persuaded me to go to the ultrasound with all truths and untruths. Added oil to the fire and mother-in-law. She wanted a grandson, too. Girls, you see, have always been born into trouble. You can tell from my mother-in-law.

With each passing day, the situation became tense. My husband took the side of Antonina Alekseevna and beat my nerves. I never agreed to find out the sex of the baby. And then she lay down for preservation: it was not before.
At some point, Vova began to scare me. He'll leave me if I don't tell him who we're going to have, a boy or a girl. At first I was laughing because I thought it was impossible.
But life has prepared many more surprises for me. I was supposed to give birth at the end of December, but the waters broke a week earlier. I was already in the hospital so I felt better.

Vova didn't arrive immediately. Or rather, a few days after the birth of his daughter. The husband thoughtfully looked into the glazes of our newborn baby, thought a little and said in spirit: “I can’t, Love, I can’t!” I wanted a son, not a daughter.
I was taken aback and asked what that meant. But I didn't get a clear answer. My husband just abandoned our baby. So much for gender inequality! It was as if I had come to terms with the fact that our marriage had long since ended.
In the past, I did not notice much in the behavior of Vova. I thought he was because he was tired at work. But it turns out that our story is much more prosaic. It wasn’t the child’s field; my husband just needed an excuse to leave me. Go to another one.

Antonina Alekseevna told me about this. Although she did not love me, Vova’s actions made her very sad. She believed that a man should live with the woman he married for the rest of his life. My mother-in-law kicked my husband out of the house, and I went with the baby to my parents.
With a pure heart, I turn this page: everything is as it should be.
Life Wisdom: What does this story teach us? This story shows that even the most seemingly close person can betray. It is impossible to prepare for this, but you can learn a very important life lesson for yourself. We are sure that Love will not step on the same rake again and will meet a person who will truly love it.

I wonder if you've ever faced such situations?
At the wedding banquet, the bride wiped her tears with a veil, finding the groom with her best friend hiding on the roof
The mother alone inherited all of her father’s property and refuses to share it with us.