To everyone who went to Nyura’s house, she boasted that her Fedya was an “intellectual” and “a real writer.”

Working in rural areas means not only a way of earning money, but also survival as such. If you are not a rich person, you have nothing to do in the village. But, unfortunately, not everyone understands this and still try to sit where they do not belong. And then they complain about the life here.

Once Nyura brought with her from the city a certain Fedor. He was a well-fed pale man who would rub his glasses with a T-shirt or a T-shirt. To everyone who went to Nyura’s house, she boasted that her Fedya was an “intellectual” and a “real writer.”

For a long time, Fedor really justified his respected title of a cultural figure. Every morning he took out a typewriter and spent the whole day under an apple tree. And at this time, Nyura with special zeal and pride was engaged in the house and cooking for her man.

The interest of others with time diminished and was replaced by skepticism. How can you just sit around all day and click on this typewriter? Some women even looked at Fedor. After all, they never once saw him help Nure in any way. Why is there a man in the house who does nothing?

Nyura herself, inspired by a bright feeling of love, also gradually began to sink to the ground. She noticed that Fedor had gained weight. Of course, she doesn't have diet food. That's all cakes are worth. But that was only half the trouble.

Gradually, Nyura realized that during the day she sees Fedor only in three poses: sleeping on a bed, writing under an apple tree and eating her cooking in the kitchen. This situation seemed wrong to the woman. She was determined to dissuade her boyfriend.

Peels - Come, help me, - Fyodor pulled Nyur's sleeve.

- Now I can not, I have an important dialogue, said Fedor, without taking his eyes off the sheet in the typewriter.

- You have a dialogue, a climax, some kind of event! He ate his sides for 3 months, and in the house he never even scored a nail! Are you a man or what?!

A week later, Fedor for ideological reasons parted with Nyura. Fortunately, she was not very grieving and decided that on the next trip she would find a better man. As friends later said, for the “real writer” she was a sanatorium. He sleeps, eats, and is content with life. Who wants that?

Therefore, make no mistake and think that the village will understand idleness. Lentyaev and in cities are not particularly loved, and in rural areas even more so.

Peels Life Wisdom: What Does This Story Teach Us? When moving to a new territory, it is highly recommended to consider all the pros and cons of a new life. Fedor decided to take advantage of the “plus” in full, while completely ignoring the important “cons” that consisted in work and participation. You don't have to do that.


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