When the bride heard the toast of one of the guests, she almost fell in place.

Things happen in life. People converge, separate, start a family, or even not one. This is especially true of modern youth. Relatively indifferent attitude to social issues often leads them on a crooked path. Even best friend's bride They may change their status at some point.

On the other hand, this has been the case throughout our history. What are the biographies of writers or musicians of the past? Their love affairs do not stand up to any criticism even by today’s rather frivolous standards. We are strange creatures, human beings.

The loud music in the nightclub was no longer fun. When you’ve been drinking a lot, sometimes there’s a change in mood. A positive attitude is replaced by a terrible negative, and thoughts long buried in the subconscious get into the head. Michael was single for six months and still difficult to experience a breakup with his ex.

He sat in the company of three friends, did not dance, did not meet anyone. I just looked at one point and thought about my life. He didn’t like the conclusions he came to. It made it even harder. An hour has passed. Unable to withstand the impending silence and heavy atmosphere, one of the guys goes to the dance floor for a little dance and distraction. Everyone else continues to sit and have a quiet, distracted conversation.

After a while Andrey returns to the guys in the company of two girls. Fun and beautiful, they lift the mood of the whole company. Even Misha is distracted from heavy thoughts, offering to ride through the night city. All agree, take a taxi and go to Andrew’s house, continuing the long party.

After a while, Andrew continues to meet one of the girls, Vika. A week later, he asked her to meet him. A typical story of many, except for one: Vika is already secretly in a relationship with Misha. But she does not want to miss a very poor programmer Andrei, she needs to think about the future. And secret lovers begin to live a two-faced life, where lies become part of their everyday life.

And a year later, Andrey decides to make Vike an offer. The habitual way of life is changing rapidly. After all, if earlier to go to the evening “to friends” and spend time with Misha was not some difficult task, now the circumstances have changed. And Misha recently began to behave strangely. He added too much romance, although he knew exactly what rights he and Vika had.

The girl decides to take a break in the relationship and spend more time with the groom, that is, Andrew. They even go to another city, spend time together, just the two of them. Luxury hotel, restaurants, lights of the night city open the girl’s eyes and she suddenly begins to realize that her man is not as boring as she once seemed.

After a trip together, Vika even tells his girlfriend about his thoughts. They rejoice for her and advise her to forget about Michael. Now she will have a new life, family worries. Why would she be a good-looking loser? We need to look to the future. Vika comes to the conclusion that friends, it turns out, are very right. But she leaves the final decision to herself.

The restaurant is full of guests. Of course, this is where the wedding is celebrated today. Not someone there, but a very promising programmer and his beloved. Guests are the sea. Everything is beautiful, delicious dishes, chic costumes, a beautiful bride. The witness sits next to the young. He had already given an envelope and was now silently taking his seat, looking at all the people gathered. It is not difficult to guess his name is Michael.

Peels Vick doesn't even think about him. Today is the most important day of her life. You need to look and feel appropriate. Everything has to be perfect. The first, modest part of the evening. Tamada wasn't invited, so dancing and food come first. And also communication. As on the first day of their meeting, Michael sits silently, sometimes trying some snacks. Nothing special. Wedding and wedding.

But at some point he decides to invite the bride to the dance. All guests are busy with their own business, and the groom does not mind. And former lovers, without any passion or nostalgia, begin to spin to a slow song.

- How's your wedding? You like the dress?
- Misha, come on. What happened? Let's just dance for a little while and walk away. Don't live in the past.
- Whatever you say, honey.
- Think about it, it wouldn't have worked. And Andrey is your friend. Do you want that fate for him?
- He's an adult. I loved you.
- He loves me too, and I love him. The song's over, I'm gonna go see my husband.

Misha was absolutely not surprised. In fact, he was waiting for that kind of attitude. So not a muscle flinched on his face when he was handed the microphone to congratulate the young. The toast lasted about 5 minutes. In it, the witness told how well the bride and groom were. It's good they found each other. And he's happy just because he was invited to this event.

But those last words changed everything for Vicki. In them, Michael said that in the gift envelope there is something much more interesting than money. Which Andrew has a lot more than him. There's information there. We live in the information age, right? And that the guys should definitely see together what is recorded on the flash drive, but only after the wedding. Then he finished and drank everything.

The bride turned white, but at the last second she pulled herself together. Nobody understood anything, but she knew that nothing good was expected on the flash drive. Within 10 minutes, the witness was missing. And Andrew fundamentally did not want to give a gift to his future wife, said that it was a request of a friend. Time seemed to have accelerated a thousand times. After all, very soon everything will be upset, and nothing can be done.

A depressed and sad bride sat down at the table, near the place where Mikhail sat for another half an hour. The mood wasn't at all. She'll remember that day for a long time. What's left to do? Nothing. Just wait and hope for the best.


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