One look at a man’s hands is enough to read his character like an open book.
There are many tests that determine the type of personality. But they usually require answers to many questions. And how to learn about the opportunities, talents, attitude to life, work, family, strengths and weaknesses of the interlocutor, without bothering him with questions? You say it's impossible? It’s possible, even without the magic crystal. The shape of a person’s hands can tell a lot.
The ring finger is longer than the index finger Such people willingly go to contact with others and easily find a common language with them, due to their natural delicacy.
Sociability helps them to behave at ease in any situation. Therefore, both in a close company and a large team, they often become undisputed leaders.
The holders of short ring fingers are often introverts. They do not like crowds, preferring loneliness and silence. Being individualists, these people nevertheless know how to have fun and enjoy communication. But only in comfortable conditions.
It is claimed that women with an index finger longer than the ring finger are more likely to cheat and are more popular with men. And this is not empty talk.
Biologists from Oxford published a study that says this is due to increased production of the hormone estrogen.
The ring and index fingers are the same length
People with this structure of the fingers are distinguished by a rare peacefulness. They are characterized by discipline, organization and a desire for order. By nature, these true pacifists are very kind, but it is better not to make them angry. After all, in a quiet pool, as you know, devils are found.
Owners of a square palm love accuracy in everything and usually prefer to do what has clear instructions. They have a strong will and are not easily manipulated.
A narrow and elongated palm indicates that a person has a fragile mental organization and easily falls into depression.
An elongated palm with short fingers indicates people with a huge reserve of energy, irrepressible passions and a strong ego. Often they are also distinguished by exceptional straightforwardness and lack of tact.

The ring finger is longer than the index finger Such people willingly go to contact with others and easily find a common language with them, due to their natural delicacy.

Sociability helps them to behave at ease in any situation. Therefore, both in a close company and a large team, they often become undisputed leaders.
The holders of short ring fingers are often introverts. They do not like crowds, preferring loneliness and silence. Being individualists, these people nevertheless know how to have fun and enjoy communication. But only in comfortable conditions.

It is claimed that women with an index finger longer than the ring finger are more likely to cheat and are more popular with men. And this is not empty talk.

Biologists from Oxford published a study that says this is due to increased production of the hormone estrogen.
The ring and index fingers are the same length

People with this structure of the fingers are distinguished by a rare peacefulness. They are characterized by discipline, organization and a desire for order. By nature, these true pacifists are very kind, but it is better not to make them angry. After all, in a quiet pool, as you know, devils are found.
Owners of a square palm love accuracy in everything and usually prefer to do what has clear instructions. They have a strong will and are not easily manipulated.

A narrow and elongated palm indicates that a person has a fragile mental organization and easily falls into depression.

An elongated palm with short fingers indicates people with a huge reserve of energy, irrepressible passions and a strong ego. Often they are also distinguished by exceptional straightforwardness and lack of tact.
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