“Eternal” screwdriver, which will not let your man down, has one delicate detail
How to choose best screwdriver at home? What should you pay attention to first? How not to get lost in the world of originals and fakes? Let it be difficult, but possible. This article will tell you what to pay attention to first. Now you will be difficult to fool the cunning tech stores who just want to fuse the tool into any hands.
The modern market is full of replicas of world brands of equipment. Moreover, these replicas are made so skillfully that the buyer simply cannot understand what and where. Perhaps that’s exactly the calculation, because cheaper equipment can quickly break down, and the buyer soon He will return to the new instrument..
Of course, there are times when the most primitive fake years. But it's more of an exception to the rule. The saddest thing is that many stores try to present products of questionable quality as originals. It's unpleasant and ugly. After all, not every buyer takes into account the fact that they can try to “heat” on the purchase of a product. But believe me, they can.
In order not to fall into the clutches of unscrupulous sellers, you need to stock up on patience, attention, a good memory. What often exposes cheaters? Little details. They don’t expect people to go too far. You can prepare documents, speak in the most convincing tone, and burn on the details. So what are the highlights that will give out liars immediately?
There are two options for the development of events. The buyer may be aware that he buys a cheap trinket that will not last long. “I knowingly bought a counterfeit of a well-known brand. Yes, quality is not the same, but I miss the stars from the sky. Especially for such money, says master Ilya at the thematic forum.
But it will be especially painful if a person really wants to buy. quality And I'm willing to pay a lot of money for it. And he is offered a “cat in a bag”, but under the guise of a brand-original. In this case, it is better to buy the tool from an official supplier. Do not rush to give your money to the first counter sellers. Remember these simple tips.
We will talk about the battery tool, since this “highlight” is specific to this type of equipment. When buying a battery screwdriver, pay attention to its battery. Look, How many contacts are placed on the screwdriver itself, and how much on the tool power supply. High-quality battery technology is equipped with two expensive control boards.
It is believed that the best screwdriver for the home should be equipped with four or five contacts on the battery. When you put the screwdriver on charging, then the tool itself will use 4 contacts, and all 5 will work on the charging unit. This is done to ensure that monitor battery temperature the battery during the charging of such a tool.
Although there were opponents of this method of checking forgeries. Such people believe that these contacts can be made fake. Make some kind of deception. But experienced masters doubt this version. What scammer would bother and make additional contacts for the battery to make its fake look more like the original? It's too hard, isn't it?
How to choose the best screwdriver for your home Always try to pay attention to the details. Any little things you can prick. Experienced craftsmen advise not only to fix their eyes on the battery, but also to take the tool in their hands. A lot of equipment differs from the original in weight, because there more plastic than metal. This moment will also help to choose the best screwdriver for the house. What rules help you when buying new tools?
The modern market is full of replicas of world brands of equipment. Moreover, these replicas are made so skillfully that the buyer simply cannot understand what and where. Perhaps that’s exactly the calculation, because cheaper equipment can quickly break down, and the buyer soon He will return to the new instrument..
Of course, there are times when the most primitive fake years. But it's more of an exception to the rule. The saddest thing is that many stores try to present products of questionable quality as originals. It's unpleasant and ugly. After all, not every buyer takes into account the fact that they can try to “heat” on the purchase of a product. But believe me, they can.
In order not to fall into the clutches of unscrupulous sellers, you need to stock up on patience, attention, a good memory. What often exposes cheaters? Little details. They don’t expect people to go too far. You can prepare documents, speak in the most convincing tone, and burn on the details. So what are the highlights that will give out liars immediately?
There are two options for the development of events. The buyer may be aware that he buys a cheap trinket that will not last long. “I knowingly bought a counterfeit of a well-known brand. Yes, quality is not the same, but I miss the stars from the sky. Especially for such money, says master Ilya at the thematic forum.
But it will be especially painful if a person really wants to buy. quality And I'm willing to pay a lot of money for it. And he is offered a “cat in a bag”, but under the guise of a brand-original. In this case, it is better to buy the tool from an official supplier. Do not rush to give your money to the first counter sellers. Remember these simple tips.
We will talk about the battery tool, since this “highlight” is specific to this type of equipment. When buying a battery screwdriver, pay attention to its battery. Look, How many contacts are placed on the screwdriver itself, and how much on the tool power supply. High-quality battery technology is equipped with two expensive control boards.
It is believed that the best screwdriver for the home should be equipped with four or five contacts on the battery. When you put the screwdriver on charging, then the tool itself will use 4 contacts, and all 5 will work on the charging unit. This is done to ensure that monitor battery temperature the battery during the charging of such a tool.
Although there were opponents of this method of checking forgeries. Such people believe that these contacts can be made fake. Make some kind of deception. But experienced masters doubt this version. What scammer would bother and make additional contacts for the battery to make its fake look more like the original? It's too hard, isn't it?
How to choose the best screwdriver for your home Always try to pay attention to the details. Any little things you can prick. Experienced craftsmen advise not only to fix their eyes on the battery, but also to take the tool in their hands. A lot of equipment differs from the original in weight, because there more plastic than metal. This moment will also help to choose the best screwdriver for the house. What rules help you when buying new tools?
A man is trying to make a cohabitant look stupid jealous, although it is obvious that he has a woman on the side.
The husband wrinkled disdainfully, his wife began to irritate him, tea was not the first year together.