Boy believed his mother flew to heaven after crash but met her alive 12 years later

Memory loss Many books have been written and many films have been made. The human brain is so complex that even leading scientists still cannot unravel most of its secrets. One small, we can say, point damage can lead to the most unexpected consequences.

Our reader has told us a completely surprising story, directly related to the loss of long-term memory. Human destiny, his whole life in a second, was changed by an accident. And who knows how everything would have turned out had it not been for sudden circumstances to put everything in its place.

My childhood was almost no different from the others. Loving family, study, walks, friends. My parents wanted me to grow up to be a decent person and put me in an art circle. I loved painting, so I willingly agreed. In the future, it served me well: I became a designer and met the girl I now call my wife.

My aunt, my mother's twin sister, was a person, as it were, not of this world. Our family, like many others, preferred the urban environment. With infrastructure, parks, shops and hospitals. But Aunt Tamara moved to a remote village, and even to the very end of it. Started a house and constantly walked, not talking to anyone.

Our family, for obvious reasons, did not visit our aunt often. But one day my mother decided to visit her. It was not possible to call in advance, as well as notify her in a letter. So my mom just took some stuff, some groceries, got in the car and went to see her sister. Nothing foreshadowed trouble.

But it was the fall. Fog, rain, disgusting rural road. And there was an accident. Everything burned to the ground, there was almost nothing left of the car. So at 11, I became an orphan. Grief, a huge blow to the psyche of the child, sad thoughts and many tens of hours at psychologists. Over time, I climbed out of the pit of depression and continued to live my life.

He built a career, got married, became a father. And that's all at 23. My father always encouraged me, and others tried to be more supportive. On the other hand, I loved learning myself. Working first for the firm and then for myself, I realized that money wasn’t really the most important thing. It is important to be human and help other people. Otherwise, the whole point of development is lost.

In thinking this way, I came to the conclusion that I wanted to see my aunt. It's been a long time, but I'll definitely recognize her because she looks like my mom. And helping her doesn't hurt either. God knows where to live, especially with no one, in fact, not communicating. I found out the address, told my wife everything, bought gifts, and set out on the road.

Along the way, I often asked the locals where I should turn to get to my destination. I had a flat tire, I did a good job of “shaking” the suspension, but still drove to my destination. The voice assistant, by the way, no longer understands what is happening in the middle of the road. At least some helpful people.

As I approached the house, I saw her at the doorstep. That was my mom. Not her sister, not a mirage. It was my mother who was 20 years old. As I later learned, working in the field to exhaustion makes a woman worse than any stress. Running up to her, full of tears, I hugged this woman and I never wanted to let go. These moments are never forgotten, believe me. I will remember him until the end.

After I asked my neighbors, my confidence only became stronger. It turns out my aunt actually lived here. I did some farming, but not well enough. She wasn't too interested in chickens and ducks. Especially that piece of land on which you had to constantly plant and clean, just to survive.

Just about 12 years ago, my aunt left the door unlocked and went into the woods. She often left on some business for a few days, but always returned. She was gone for about a week this time. And here's the case. Found her in a ditch, all ragged. With no memory, she didn’t even know her name.

I had to explain to people who she was, that she had a farm, which was kept by the local old ladies, just out of pity for the strange neighbor. She has no children. And she can do anything with that information. There is no possibility to go to the doctor. What does a rural paramedic say about memory loss? The villagers decided to leave everything in its place.

As you can see, the real Aunt Tamara never came home. But her sister, my mother, took her place. Soon she got to work, put the house in order, and remained in this house on the outskirts. Locals began to respect her and even sometimes went to visit. And now I'm here.

Then began endless checks in the city, already, the hospital. His first conversation with his father in a long time. Psychologists, psychiatrists, lots of photos and videos. Yeah, that was her. After 3 years, mom and dad gave each other an oath of loyalty. And we became a family again. Of course, I now live separately, I have a wife and a child. But I can come to my mom any second.

How wonderful it is to know that everything is okay. That the dearest man in the world is here, safe and I can always see him and talk to him. This is a strange story, almost serial. But this does not prevent me from enjoying life and being a happy son, husband and father.


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