A healthy spine is everything! To sharp or pulling pain instantly subsided, you need 1 time in 2 days.
Sharp or pulling lowback - a faithful companion of people who wither at the computer. She worries and women in the position, and those who have not calculated their strength in the gym, and with the beginning of the summer period, she torments 70% of gardeners.
After a working day, you need to gently and carefully relieve tension in the lower back to avoid development. spinal disease. Perform this set of exercises 1 time in 2 days for 15 minutes.
Exercise for low back pain Exercise No. 1
Exercise 2
Exercise 3
Exercise 4
Do not stop there, because soon summer is the time for open dresses and swimsuits. Take it as a habit to do exercises every morning, and by the beach season you will be able to boast of a gorgeous body.
Surely among your friends there is a person who feels discomfort in the lumbar region, so do not forget to share this information with him.
After a working day, you need to gently and carefully relieve tension in the lower back to avoid development. spinal disease. Perform this set of exercises 1 time in 2 days for 15 minutes.
Exercise for low back pain Exercise No. 1
- Reference: Lie on your back, put your feet together, socks should look up. Place your hands along the body.
- Implementation technique: Inhale with your right hand and pull the toe of your left foot. Press the heel in the direction of yourself, and the left part of the pelvis press to the floor. You'll feel the tension diagonally. Return to the starting position on the exhalation. Repeat this exercise with your left hand and right foot.
- Number of repetitions: 6 times.
- Effect: spinal traction and muscle stretching.
Exercise 2
- Reference: legs on the width of the pelvis, hands along the body.
- Implementation technique: On exhalation, bend the right leg in the knee and pull it to the chest with your hands. You need to feel the hip stretch and the pelvis open. Inhale your legs and relax. Repeat this exercise with the other leg.
- Number of repetitions: 10 times for each leg.
- Effect: During execution, blood circulation in the pelvis and lower back improves.
Exercise 3
- Reference: Lie on your back, bend your knees and connect your feet together, your knees open. Hands grab your feet and pull them to the pelvis as shown in the picture.
- Implementation technique: Lightly move your knees to the sides and at the same time pull them to the body.
- Number of repetitions: 10 breathing cycles.
- Effect: The area of the pelvis, sacrum and lumbar relaxes. Blood circulation in this area is greatly improved.
Exercise 4
- Reference: Lie down on your back, bend your legs in your knees, pull them to your chest, press them to your stomach and wrap your arms around. The sacrum should rise slightly above the floor. Keep your head and shoulders on the floor.
- Implementation technique: without tearing the thighs from the stomach, pull the sacrum down, as if you want to lay the pelvis on the floor.
- Number of repetitions: 10 breathing cycles.
- Effect: Excellent exercise for stretching the lumbar and sacrum area.
Do not stop there, because soon summer is the time for open dresses and swimsuits. Take it as a habit to do exercises every morning, and by the beach season you will be able to boast of a gorgeous body.
Surely among your friends there is a person who feels discomfort in the lumbar region, so do not forget to share this information with him.