It looks so young at 70! Fatty belly removes a simple rule: depending on age...
In 30 years it is easy enough to maintain the desired shape and lose weight, at 40 lean It becomes a little more difficult, by the age of 45, a tummy already appears, if you do not play sports. And during menopause, any excess snack grows firmly to the waist and hips. And activity decreases every year.
Editorial "Site" It will tell you what to eat depending on your age. After all, proper nutrition is the key to beauty, longevity and good mood.
Nutrition and age After 30 years
Children, careers, constant unrest take a lot of energy. Vitamins, minerals and antioxidants become indispensable in your diet. In addition, you just need animal proteins - they supply the building material to the muscles. In this case, you should get protein during the day, not at one time in the evening. If you are planning a pregnancy, add foods rich in folic acid to your diet.
Minimize your intake of starchy carbohydrates and sugars and focus on healthy fats and plenty of vegetables. These foods are nutritious and, importantly, they provide a consistent and lasting release of energy. Be extremely careful with dairy products, it is not recommended to abuse them. One kind of milk a day is enough.
The daily number of calories is about 2000. A high level of energy will provide red meat, green vegetables, nuts, legumes, seeds.
After 40 years
In most cases, it is after 40 that excess weight begins to appear, so it is very important to be attentive to the sugar consumed and refined starchy carbohydrates. In addition, at this age, you are more prone to problems with high blood pressure, which means you need to reduce salt intake.
Psychotherapists consider this age a crisis. The hormone of good mood - serotonin - is contained in the right amount in such products: oatmeal, turkey meat, red Bulgarian pepper, chocolate. Don't forget the fish. The polyunsaturated fats contained in it protect blood vessels, activate memory, improve thinking abilities. One serving of meat or fish per day is enough.
Female nutrition 40 years old It should contain a lot of vegetables, fruits and berries, black tea should be replaced with green. Depending on your physical activity, your daily calorie intake is 1,300-1,500.
After 50 years
After 50 years, bones become fragile, joints weaken, problems with the cardiovascular system arise. Therefore, your main goal is to provide the optimal amount of substances necessary for bone health. To replenish calcium, it is necessary to abandon salty foods, coffee, strong tea and daily include cottage cheese 2.5% fat.
The daily diet should be about 600 g of greens and vegetables and up to 400 g of berries and fruits. The fiber that is in them contributes to the elimination of cholesterol and normalizes the work of the stomach and intestines. Important: do not abuse meat dishes, and broths are better replaced with vegetable decoctions.
The daily rate of calories is about 1300. Once or twice a week arrange fasting days, eliminating completely from your menu fish and meat dishes.
After 60 years
This is a period of accelerated accumulation of toxins and toxins. It becomes more difficult for the body to absorb important vitamins and microelements for health. Unfortunately, the immune system weakens, and to maintain it, it is necessary to increase zinc intake. Good sources are meat, dairy products, whole grains and legumes.
You should also eat foods high in vitamin D, which can be found in eggs, oily fish or cod liver. You can eliminate heavy food from the diet, and the amount of simple carbohydrates and fats can increase - they are necessary for normal brain function.
And yes, alcohol should be on your daily menu at this age. A glass of red or white wine, 50 grams of cognac or whiskey do not hurt, and even vice versa.
Eat right: at 30, maintain your energy levels, at 40, consume as many antioxidants as possible, at 50, choose foods for gut health, and at 60, prevent cognitive decline. And don’t forget to share useful information with your friends on social networks!

Editorial "Site" It will tell you what to eat depending on your age. After all, proper nutrition is the key to beauty, longevity and good mood.

Nutrition and age After 30 years
Children, careers, constant unrest take a lot of energy. Vitamins, minerals and antioxidants become indispensable in your diet. In addition, you just need animal proteins - they supply the building material to the muscles. In this case, you should get protein during the day, not at one time in the evening. If you are planning a pregnancy, add foods rich in folic acid to your diet.

Minimize your intake of starchy carbohydrates and sugars and focus on healthy fats and plenty of vegetables. These foods are nutritious and, importantly, they provide a consistent and lasting release of energy. Be extremely careful with dairy products, it is not recommended to abuse them. One kind of milk a day is enough.
The daily number of calories is about 2000. A high level of energy will provide red meat, green vegetables, nuts, legumes, seeds.

After 40 years
In most cases, it is after 40 that excess weight begins to appear, so it is very important to be attentive to the sugar consumed and refined starchy carbohydrates. In addition, at this age, you are more prone to problems with high blood pressure, which means you need to reduce salt intake.

Psychotherapists consider this age a crisis. The hormone of good mood - serotonin - is contained in the right amount in such products: oatmeal, turkey meat, red Bulgarian pepper, chocolate. Don't forget the fish. The polyunsaturated fats contained in it protect blood vessels, activate memory, improve thinking abilities. One serving of meat or fish per day is enough.
Female nutrition 40 years old It should contain a lot of vegetables, fruits and berries, black tea should be replaced with green. Depending on your physical activity, your daily calorie intake is 1,300-1,500.

After 50 years
After 50 years, bones become fragile, joints weaken, problems with the cardiovascular system arise. Therefore, your main goal is to provide the optimal amount of substances necessary for bone health. To replenish calcium, it is necessary to abandon salty foods, coffee, strong tea and daily include cottage cheese 2.5% fat.

The daily diet should be about 600 g of greens and vegetables and up to 400 g of berries and fruits. The fiber that is in them contributes to the elimination of cholesterol and normalizes the work of the stomach and intestines. Important: do not abuse meat dishes, and broths are better replaced with vegetable decoctions.
The daily rate of calories is about 1300. Once or twice a week arrange fasting days, eliminating completely from your menu fish and meat dishes.

After 60 years
This is a period of accelerated accumulation of toxins and toxins. It becomes more difficult for the body to absorb important vitamins and microelements for health. Unfortunately, the immune system weakens, and to maintain it, it is necessary to increase zinc intake. Good sources are meat, dairy products, whole grains and legumes.

You should also eat foods high in vitamin D, which can be found in eggs, oily fish or cod liver. You can eliminate heavy food from the diet, and the amount of simple carbohydrates and fats can increase - they are necessary for normal brain function.
And yes, alcohol should be on your daily menu at this age. A glass of red or white wine, 50 grams of cognac or whiskey do not hurt, and even vice versa.

Eat right: at 30, maintain your energy levels, at 40, consume as many antioxidants as possible, at 50, choose foods for gut health, and at 60, prevent cognitive decline. And don’t forget to share useful information with your friends on social networks!
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