3 ways to get rid of ants in the house You had no idea it was so easy!
Ant attacks can be fought off in many ways. The modern chemical industry offers a wide range of tools to fight ants. Gels, pencils, aerosols, powders, soluble poisons and other similar means are effective, but, unfortunately, harm not only insects.
Insect-killing gels contain at least 0.05% of a substance called fipronil, which causes an enlarged thyroid gland. Aerosols contain deodorized gas, which can cause excruciating headaches. Pencil triggers severe allergic reactions in children.
If you have the opportunity to leave the treated room for at least three days, then chemical agents to fight insects are not afraid of you. But if you have nowhere to go, and the neighborhood with insects does not please at all, you will have to use more gentle means.
If the invasion of uninvited insects managed to stop, do not relax. The ants may reappear. You will have to follow certain preventive measures.
Put in a little effort and you will be surprised how quickly you can deal with such a seemingly intractable problem.

Insect-killing gels contain at least 0.05% of a substance called fipronil, which causes an enlarged thyroid gland. Aerosols contain deodorized gas, which can cause excruciating headaches. Pencil triggers severe allergic reactions in children.
If you have the opportunity to leave the treated room for at least three days, then chemical agents to fight insects are not afraid of you. But if you have nowhere to go, and the neighborhood with insects does not please at all, you will have to use more gentle means.

- Bait with boric acid is one of the most effective means. Mix the yolk hard-boiled eggs with something sweet. Sugar, honey, jam will do. Add 20 g of boric acid to the resulting mixture. Roll out the mixture of small balls and spread them on ant paths.
The next day you will see that the insects began to die en masse. If such balls lie for at least a month, not a single ant will remain in the room. It's ants The good thing is that ants spread poison to their nests, thereby killing all insects in the nest, including the female.
DepositPhotos - Garlic is another great thing. antser. If the garlic smell does not irritate you, rub all the joints of the boards with cut cloves of garlic.
DepositPhotos - The scotch trap works smoothly. Stick double-sided tape around the perimeter of the paper sheet, and put a small treat in the center. Unfortunately, only a small part of the insects will be destroyed. To maximize the result, cooperate with all neighbors.
If the invasion of uninvited insects managed to stop, do not relax. The ants may reappear. You will have to follow certain preventive measures.

- Never leave food for ants. Carefully sweep away all the crumbs, wipe the working surfaces with a wet cloth and take out the garbage more often.
DepositPhotos - From time to time, wet cleaning using ammonia. 10 liters of water will require 1 teaspoon of the substance.
DepositPhotos - Protect vents - stick around the perimeter of the ventilation pipe a wide strip of double-sided tape.
Put in a little effort and you will be surprised how quickly you can deal with such a seemingly intractable problem.
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