All known men were mercantile and choose rich women
Women are usually considered mercantile. However, it is much more correct to call so everyone who is primarily interested in The inner world of a hypothetical partnerAnd his wallet. A girl from a rich family is a tasty piece for many young guys.
That there is a certain type of person who does not care about feelings and emotions in relationshipsIt's an undeniable fact. Many people just want to increase their bank account. There are women and men among them. However, for some reason, it is believed that it is mainly women who choose themselves. richer.
Perhaps the reasons for this lie in ancient times. It was once the norm that woman was provided by a man. Only in this way the young lady could become pregnant, carry a child, and then raise it. Previously, when serious technological progress was still very far away, it was the physical strength of man that played a key role. Naturally, men on average are much stronger than women, and therefore it was easier for them to survive.
In order for the human race not to disappear from the face of the earth, it was necessary for women to give birth to new people. What’s more, it was important for these little people to survive after birth and be nurtured. Only a strong man could provide the family with food, and therefore the woman completely depended on him, especially during pregnancy.
Modern relationships and the balance in them Fortunately, times have changed. Progress is moving forward with seven-mile steps. It's money now, not power. Money can be earned by both a woman and a man. No one tells women where and how to live, give birth or not. Thanks to the emancipation of the past years, women can receive an excellent education and provide for themselves.
The balance within the family has also changed. Now the spouses are equal or can be equal if desired. This is ideal for a healthy relationship. However, it is normal that one of the partners earns more than the other. if the difference is agreed and everyone's so good.
It's bad when relationships are far from transparent and One person is using another person. Erich Fromm, in his book The Art of Loving, wrote that no equality, like happiness, is possible so long as one person is the instrument of another. As long as a spouse is engaged in pulling resources from each other, family happiness is simply impossible. This is not a family, but rather a variation on the theme of slavery.
Again, let me clarify that if an unequal order of things is agreed and everyone agrees with it, then there is nothing wrong with such a relationship. Modern relationships are quite diverse, and that’s great. It could be that Husband works, wife doesn'tOr maybe vice versa. The main thing is that people discuss all these conventions and be honest.
Money is not the only resource that can be extracted. And believe me, sometimes people would rather take money out of you than your energy. Money can be earned, but nerve cells, as we know, cannot be repaired. It is better to be a girl from a rich family with a lover who honestly talks about her financial needs, but at the same time really loves and appreciates you, than a young lady in an allegedly financially equal relationship with an amateur to ride an emotional swing.
And yes, we must not forget one incredibly important point. If you and your partner have negotiated all financial conventions and he is happy that he earns and spends more on you, he has no right to punish you for it in any way. It often happens that someone earns more and thinks they have the right to bully their partner. He overloads him with household chores or exposes him to emotional swings, for example. Like, since I'm the boss, you have to endure it!
It shouldn't be like this! If a person agrees with a certain order of things and there is no deception in the relationship, then he must respect and love you.
That there is a certain type of person who does not care about feelings and emotions in relationshipsIt's an undeniable fact. Many people just want to increase their bank account. There are women and men among them. However, for some reason, it is believed that it is mainly women who choose themselves. richer.

Perhaps the reasons for this lie in ancient times. It was once the norm that woman was provided by a man. Only in this way the young lady could become pregnant, carry a child, and then raise it. Previously, when serious technological progress was still very far away, it was the physical strength of man that played a key role. Naturally, men on average are much stronger than women, and therefore it was easier for them to survive.

In order for the human race not to disappear from the face of the earth, it was necessary for women to give birth to new people. What’s more, it was important for these little people to survive after birth and be nurtured. Only a strong man could provide the family with food, and therefore the woman completely depended on him, especially during pregnancy.

Modern relationships and the balance in them Fortunately, times have changed. Progress is moving forward with seven-mile steps. It's money now, not power. Money can be earned by both a woman and a man. No one tells women where and how to live, give birth or not. Thanks to the emancipation of the past years, women can receive an excellent education and provide for themselves.

The balance within the family has also changed. Now the spouses are equal or can be equal if desired. This is ideal for a healthy relationship. However, it is normal that one of the partners earns more than the other. if the difference is agreed and everyone's so good.

It's bad when relationships are far from transparent and One person is using another person. Erich Fromm, in his book The Art of Loving, wrote that no equality, like happiness, is possible so long as one person is the instrument of another. As long as a spouse is engaged in pulling resources from each other, family happiness is simply impossible. This is not a family, but rather a variation on the theme of slavery.
Again, let me clarify that if an unequal order of things is agreed and everyone agrees with it, then there is nothing wrong with such a relationship. Modern relationships are quite diverse, and that’s great. It could be that Husband works, wife doesn'tOr maybe vice versa. The main thing is that people discuss all these conventions and be honest.

Money is not the only resource that can be extracted. And believe me, sometimes people would rather take money out of you than your energy. Money can be earned, but nerve cells, as we know, cannot be repaired. It is better to be a girl from a rich family with a lover who honestly talks about her financial needs, but at the same time really loves and appreciates you, than a young lady in an allegedly financially equal relationship with an amateur to ride an emotional swing.

And yes, we must not forget one incredibly important point. If you and your partner have negotiated all financial conventions and he is happy that he earns and spends more on you, he has no right to punish you for it in any way. It often happens that someone earns more and thinks they have the right to bully their partner. He overloads him with household chores or exposes him to emotional swings, for example. Like, since I'm the boss, you have to endure it!
It shouldn't be like this! If a person agrees with a certain order of things and there is no deception in the relationship, then he must respect and love you.
How to regain interest in life if you do not want anything
My sister and my husband picked a good harvest of nuts and decided to sell, I was not allowed to take a peanut.