To get rid of the stench that exudes your favorite carpet, you need to sprinkle it with your favorite powder of all summer residents.
Carpets are not a thing of the past. They still add warmth and comfort to the interior. Of course, you shouldn't hang them on the wall. But you can make a neat mat floor in the living room or office. Just remember that carpets get dirty pretty quickly. Especially if you have small children or animals in your home. So today's edition. "Site" He wants to know, How to remove bad smell from the carpet.
How much the carpet will absorb flavors depends on the material. As a rule, carpets made of natural materials absorb unpleasant odors much faster and more than synthetic ones. For example, such a floor covering will certainly give out a cigarette lover. But getting rid of this smell will not be so easy.
Special shampoos and flavors for carpets have long been sold. There are even innovative cleaners on sale. However, their price bites, and regularly use chemical detergents do not really want. What to do and how to remove the unpleasant smell from the carpet?
We always try to find proven folk methods for you. The easier the better! And if in addition, the self-prepared product gives a brilliant result, our goal is achieved. In the case of carpet cleaning, this is exactly what happened.
Famous online cleaning guru Sophie Hinchliffe shared a small trick with her followers. To get rid of the stench that your favorite carpet emits, you need to sprinkle it with baking soda. The generous layer of this product absorbs an unpleasant aroma. And then after a couple of hours (usually takes 1 hour), you just need to vacuum the carpet.
This method helps to get rid of the smell of pets that love to bask on carpets. By the way, baking soda can be used to clean not only carpets, but also old upholstered furniture. Like chairs or sofas. In addition, baking soda is an excellent assistant in the fight against mold and its smell.
There is another, so to speak, more advanced option. In this case, you will have to tinker a little more. You need it. mix soda with water, Add a few drops of your favorite oil. The result should be gruel. It should be distributed over the entire surface of the carpet. After 15 minutes, the carpet should be vacuumed. And when it is completely dry, it must be vacuumed again.
Bad smells are not the only problem that carpet owners face. It is much worse when there is a problem with an asterisk - spots. If you do not want to wash the carpet with household chemicals, try using ordinary hydrogen peroxide. We will prepare a whole jar of cleaning products at once!
It's very simple here. Mix 1 glass of warm water, 150 ml of hydrogen peroxide and 0.5 cups of baking soda. Remember that the first step is to check how the carpet will react to this remedy. Poor quality material can change color. So it is best to first drip a little cooked mixture in the corner of the carpet. If everything is normal, then safely use a home remedy to remove hateful spots.
If you want to remove the scent of tobacco from the carpet, use vinegar. The best fit is 9 percent table cider vinegar mixed with water in a ratio of 1 : 3. Transfer the resulting liquid into the sprayer and by spraying treat the surface of the carpet. Then just dry it.
All of these methods work with classic carpets. If you are dealing, for example, with a sheggie carpet, then the easiest thing to do is to dry clean it. This will keep your nerves and the quality of your coverage.
Situation SOS Favorite cat ourcoding and confused carpet with his tray? No problem! First thing you do is wet the stain with a napkin. Then fill it with a vinegar solution, which we wrote about above. When the place is dry, sprinkle it generously with soda. Next, you need to spray the stain with another home remedy. To prepare it, mix 1 tsp liquid soap, 100 ml hydrogen peroxide and 200 ml water. After processing the stain on the carpet, wait 3 hours, then remove the remains of the foam and dry the carpet.
If you’ve faced such problems, how did you deal with them? Be sure to share your effective life hacks that will help remove the smell from the carpet without chemistry. We'll see you in the comments!

How much the carpet will absorb flavors depends on the material. As a rule, carpets made of natural materials absorb unpleasant odors much faster and more than synthetic ones. For example, such a floor covering will certainly give out a cigarette lover. But getting rid of this smell will not be so easy.
Special shampoos and flavors for carpets have long been sold. There are even innovative cleaners on sale. However, their price bites, and regularly use chemical detergents do not really want. What to do and how to remove the unpleasant smell from the carpet?
We always try to find proven folk methods for you. The easier the better! And if in addition, the self-prepared product gives a brilliant result, our goal is achieved. In the case of carpet cleaning, this is exactly what happened.

Famous online cleaning guru Sophie Hinchliffe shared a small trick with her followers. To get rid of the stench that your favorite carpet emits, you need to sprinkle it with baking soda. The generous layer of this product absorbs an unpleasant aroma. And then after a couple of hours (usually takes 1 hour), you just need to vacuum the carpet.
This method helps to get rid of the smell of pets that love to bask on carpets. By the way, baking soda can be used to clean not only carpets, but also old upholstered furniture. Like chairs or sofas. In addition, baking soda is an excellent assistant in the fight against mold and its smell.
There is another, so to speak, more advanced option. In this case, you will have to tinker a little more. You need it. mix soda with water, Add a few drops of your favorite oil. The result should be gruel. It should be distributed over the entire surface of the carpet. After 15 minutes, the carpet should be vacuumed. And when it is completely dry, it must be vacuumed again.

Bad smells are not the only problem that carpet owners face. It is much worse when there is a problem with an asterisk - spots. If you do not want to wash the carpet with household chemicals, try using ordinary hydrogen peroxide. We will prepare a whole jar of cleaning products at once!
It's very simple here. Mix 1 glass of warm water, 150 ml of hydrogen peroxide and 0.5 cups of baking soda. Remember that the first step is to check how the carpet will react to this remedy. Poor quality material can change color. So it is best to first drip a little cooked mixture in the corner of the carpet. If everything is normal, then safely use a home remedy to remove hateful spots.

If you want to remove the scent of tobacco from the carpet, use vinegar. The best fit is 9 percent table cider vinegar mixed with water in a ratio of 1 : 3. Transfer the resulting liquid into the sprayer and by spraying treat the surface of the carpet. Then just dry it.
All of these methods work with classic carpets. If you are dealing, for example, with a sheggie carpet, then the easiest thing to do is to dry clean it. This will keep your nerves and the quality of your coverage.
Situation SOS Favorite cat ourcoding and confused carpet with his tray? No problem! First thing you do is wet the stain with a napkin. Then fill it with a vinegar solution, which we wrote about above. When the place is dry, sprinkle it generously with soda. Next, you need to spray the stain with another home remedy. To prepare it, mix 1 tsp liquid soap, 100 ml hydrogen peroxide and 200 ml water. After processing the stain on the carpet, wait 3 hours, then remove the remains of the foam and dry the carpet.

If you’ve faced such problems, how did you deal with them? Be sure to share your effective life hacks that will help remove the smell from the carpet without chemistry. We'll see you in the comments!
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