How to Clean a Foldy Carpet
After a busy day, it’s so great to come home, change into terry pajamas and walk barefoot on the magnificent fuzzy carpet that lies in the living room. Or even with pleasure to churn on it, like a child, play with a cat or just dream, closing your eyes.
To your surprise, the idyll is suddenly disturbed by the smell that you clearly feel, and it comes from the pile of your favorite carpet. You look around and notice a few more subtle spots on it. In principle, they could be neglected, but your inner perfectionist can no longer accept it. The carpet needs to be cleaned!
How to deal with difficult spots, we once wrote, now we will continue to save the entire fuzzy surface.
For starters, editorial "Site" Asks you not to worry too soon, nothing supernatural has happened, this kind of thing with carpets happens to everyone around the world. If you do not have the patience to wait for the weekend and drag the carpet to dry cleaning, refresh the atmosphere of your nest can carpet-cleaning. First, arm yourself with a vacuum cleaner, and what to do next, we will gladly tell you now.
Tool for cleaning carpets At once a few tips that must be addressed
Attention. It is important to know that most carpets do not get along well with water, so cleaning should be predominantly dry. If you decide to use a brush, then rub the stain to its center so that the contamination does not spread to an even larger area. If you just brush, do it only in the direction of the pile, so as not to destroy its structure.
Progress of work
That's it! Every tool presented here for cleaning carpets at home has been successfully tested and applied. If for some reason you did not like the result, you can try to clean the carpet with kerosene, starch, gasoline, ammonia and even snow. How to do this, we can tell in subsequent materials, but in the meantime, we strongly recommend that you contact specialists so that your carpet has at least some chance of life.
To your surprise, the idyll is suddenly disturbed by the smell that you clearly feel, and it comes from the pile of your favorite carpet. You look around and notice a few more subtle spots on it. In principle, they could be neglected, but your inner perfectionist can no longer accept it. The carpet needs to be cleaned!
How to deal with difficult spots, we once wrote, now we will continue to save the entire fuzzy surface.

For starters, editorial "Site" Asks you not to worry too soon, nothing supernatural has happened, this kind of thing with carpets happens to everyone around the world. If you do not have the patience to wait for the weekend and drag the carpet to dry cleaning, refresh the atmosphere of your nest can carpet-cleaning. First, arm yourself with a vacuum cleaner, and what to do next, we will gladly tell you now.

Tool for cleaning carpets At once a few tips that must be addressed
Attention. It is important to know that most carpets do not get along well with water, so cleaning should be predominantly dry. If you decide to use a brush, then rub the stain to its center so that the contamination does not spread to an even larger area. If you just brush, do it only in the direction of the pile, so as not to destroy its structure.

Progress of work
- Salt and soda
So, you still want to clean up immediately, but you're afraid of ruining it. Here are a few ways that can help: the carpet will become cleaner, and it will be difficult to harm it. And first, walk through it with a vacuum cleaner to remove excess dust and small debris. We can proceed.
Salt and soda, here are your first assistants who will gladly rejuvenate your favorite mat. Mix them in a ratio of 1: 1 and safely sprinkle the pile, for greater confidence you can even rub the mixture a little in the area of the spots, after 20 minutes clean everything with a vacuum cleaner. In general, salt and soda is quite a universal remedy: clean silver, and even rinse a sore throat. Housewives use them not the first year, because it is effective and harmless. - vinegar solution
If the salt makes you sneeze, and the soda doesn’t fit you conceptually, like the element of the Mendeleev table (hey, it’s sodium!), then you can try vinegar. A regular dining room that misses your kitchen locker. You won’t believe it, but its weak solution can significantly refresh the fuzzy palace.
Before cleaning vinegar, the carpet must be vacuumed, then walk over it with a soft brush or sponge soaked in vinegar. Proportions are as follows: take 15-20 ml of table vinegar per liter of water. You can try to moisten the spots harder. Walk for twenty minutes on the balcony with a cup of coffee, and then wipe the carpet with dry rags in the direction of the pile. Make sure that the carpet is completely dry, and do not forget to ventilate the room. Vinegar, after all. - Tea brewing
Another method is if you prefer tea to a cup of coffee, and the interior in your apartment is made in dark colors. That is, for light carpets, this method is not suitable, so turn on the light in the room and make sure that the palace is still dark. If there is no contradiction, proceed.
To do this, you need to prepare a tea brew in advance, it should not be very wet, so thoroughly squeeze it out before pouring it on the carpet. You do not need to fill up the entire palace with tea leaves, only areas that seem polluted to you. Let the brew dry and remove it either with a broom or a vacuum cleaner. Interesting observation: brewing is able to remove not only spots, but also an unpleasant smell.
That's it! Every tool presented here for cleaning carpets at home has been successfully tested and applied. If for some reason you did not like the result, you can try to clean the carpet with kerosene, starch, gasoline, ammonia and even snow. How to do this, we can tell in subsequent materials, but in the meantime, we strongly recommend that you contact specialists so that your carpet has at least some chance of life.