Why everyone used to hang carpets on the wall and why it is now relevant

Remember how lucky it was to buy a carpet on the wall? It used to be very fashionable and stylish. Why were people so proud of carpets on the wall? Today's edition. "Site" There are several theories behind this strange design.

In the USSR, everyone lived about the same in terms of income. Everyone wanted a stable income and wanted to buy something in their apartment. After all, when the young family received a new apartment, almost nothing happened. Therefore, the arrangement of the apartment was given great importance. It created comfort and comfort, acceptable by those standards and incomes. And to buy a good quality carpet was considered the limit of dreams. Getting a good carpet with a long pile was very difficult.

Nowadays, such high-quality carpets are very expensive, but are not a scarce commodity. And they're rarely hung on walls. Although today you can see the return of fashion trends of the 80s and 90s not only in clothes. Many interior designers use the ideas of those times in the setting of apartments. Therefore, if you come across a new-fangled interior with a carpet on the wall like your grandmother, do not be surprised. Fashion is cyclical, periodically everything comes back.

But in the USSR, the carpet on the wall played a more practical role. For example, carpets were hung in the bedroom or children’s room above the bed. Thus, the walls were insulated, from which the cold pulled, especially in winter. After all, there were no insulation, plastic windows, and centralized heating was not always enough.

Another practical application of carpet on the wall is the creation of additional noise insulation. The walls in the new houses were very thin, and easily listened to what was happening in the neighborhood. Therefore, to protect themselves from unnecessary noise, hung a thick carpet. Neighbors could hear less about what was going on in your apartment. Such a carpet near the bed protected the sleep of the owners from extraneous sounds.

Often carpets were hung on the wall in the central room - the hall. We had guests and watched TV with the whole family. And so that the sofas and chairs did not rub against the walls and did not spoil the wallpaper, which was so difficult to get, hung carpets. Every person who grew up in the Soviet Union remembers how difficult it was to get wallpaper and how difficult it was to glue it. The glue was most often cooked by itself, so its quality was not very good. And the paper wallpaper crawled under your hands before it hit the wall. Often there were scuffles and irregularities on the wallpaper. To hide this, carpets, paintings and wall furniture came to the rescue.

Separately, you can note the fact of uneven walls in new homes. The famous Khrushchevs were built quickly, and their quality was poorly monitored. Therefore, undulating walls were the main decoration of any apartment. Leveling the walls is always very expensive and long. And the young family wanted to quickly move into a separate living space. And again came the carpets, under which the unevenness of the walls was hidden.

So the question of what are the benefits of these carpets on the walls, you can give a lot of practical answers. And each family had their own story of buying this carpet and its purpose on the wall. Is there such a story in your family? Share in the comments your memories of carpets on the wall.