5 natural remedies to replace the entire household chemicals:

Weapons in the economic war against the corporations = soda + mustard powder + soap + vinegar + citric acid + toothpowder = complete replacement of all hozbythimii and hygiene products = Loss corporations - billions.

1. Soap - natural and organic products. (For vegetarians and people with principles * - according to some hoz.mylo contain animal fats, that is not a vegetarian, so look for a replacement)
It has bactericidal action. Soap solution good wash all surfaces (utensils, floors, sink, bathroom, etc.), As well as washable. Soap disinfects and kills germs.
Attention! Preference should be given the usual red-headed piece of soap, which all are accustomed to in Soviet times, not modern Bleach and smelling lemon. Modern soap such useful properties is not. If you have a small child, the soap should be your assistant. This soap is hypoallergenic and is absolutely harmless to humans. Embossed on the soap figure "72%" means that the content of fatty acids not exceeding 72%. Economically, many soap bases, which are able to quickly and efficiently deal with dirt.
2. Baking soda
Baking Soda can wash dishes and absolutely any surface.
Soda is not toxic and copes with dirt, giving luster washed surfaces.
Soda perfectly removes plaque from tea cups.
Beakers, glasses, vases shine if they are washed with soda: Dissolve 2 teaspoons of baking soda per gallon of water. Put the solution in a dish and left for a while. If dirt is not completely removed, wipe it with a sponge, which dip in baking soda.
Soda is good to wash pots enameled inside, when they began to turn yellow and darken. Fine wash countertops, surface refrigerators and microwaves. Perfectly removes darkening with cutlery.
Using a mixture of 1 part of ash and 1 part of salt + 2 parts vinegar can eliminate clogging in the sink. Pour this mixture and leave for 15 minutes, then rinse with hot water. Also, this procedure helps to avoid unpleasant odor and the sink.
Soda will help eliminate unpleasant smell in the refrigerator. To do this, pour in some capacity 3 tablespoons of baking soda and put the container in the refrigerator.
Do not forget to wash bins in the kitchen and in the bathroom. After washing soda or soap, you will achieve not only cleanliness but also prodezinfitsiruete them.
3. vinegar
Vinegar is an excellent bleaching agent, it kills germs and easily dissolves fat.
Vinegar has the unique ability to remove odors - evaporating itself, it destroys odors. For example, if you are in the kitchen after cooking there unpleasant odors (after frying fish, something fat, garlic, etc.), then get rid of them, you can - to pour a little vinegar to the pan and place on low heat, unpleasant odors evaporate quickly. If you have a breadbox appeared smell something from it too easy to get rid of by wiping with a sponge dipped in vinegar.
Greasy pots and pans easier to wash off if the water add vinegar.
If you have something good in the pan burnt, pour the vinegar so that it covered the entire surface of the baked-on, and leave for the night. In the morning you can easily wash away everything with a sponge.
It is very convenient to have a kitchen spray, which planted in water with vinegar. Such a solution is easy to use and always on hand. They can be washed microwaves inside, enamel ware, gas stoves. Another interesting application of the solution - it is desirable to rinse fruit, a kind of disinfection. It is especially useful in the summer, when the increased risk of intestinal infection.
Wooden kitchen boards require special attention. We do not even think about how much can accumulate in the crannies of microbes. Therefore, treating them with a solution of water and vinegar a must!
Get rid of scale in the kettle as possible and with the help of vinegar - add it to the water and boil.
Combining salt and vinegar, you get a kind of scrub. They are well cleaned external parties soiled pots.
4. Mustard powder can be replaced by means of fat. Pour a little powder on the greasy plate (or any other greasy dishes), add warm water and a plate of perfectly washed even in cold water.
5. Citric acid will help us whiten the surface, disinfects them, eliminates odors. Citric acid is dissolved in water and wipe the surface - stove, pots, etc.
With citric acid, very easy to get rid of the scum. In order to remove the scum in a teapot, it is necessary to pour one bag, add water and boil the kettle several times (water cooled - included once again, change the water is not necessary, so 2-3 times). This method is suitable for electric kettles, and ordinary.
Get rid of scale in this way is still possible and in washing machines. Fall asleep two packets of citric acid directly into the drum and turn the machine on the highest temperature. The machine should be run for a while, without underwear. This procedure must be repeated every three months.
PLUS also in the fact that these funds are environmentally friendly. THIS MEANS THAT REMAINS poisonous and toxic substances (Feira, comets and PR) remains on the dishes -NOT get into your body and into the rivers, from which you drink the same.
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