Without shyness: 7 types of female orgasm, which is worth knowing!
No matter how emancipated modern society is, there is a curtain on sexuality. Many people prefer to keep quiet about it even with the people they share their bed with. Hence all the problems, especially those related to the female orgasm. About 30% of women have never reached it in their entire lives. But orgasm is pleasant, good for health and necessary for a happy relationship.
Sexologists say that you should always expand your horizons in this topic, since high-quality sex is 50% of successful relationships. Today's edition. "Site" He will tell you about the kinds of orgasms that you know will open the secret door to the world of pleasure.
Types of female orgasm
Editorial Board
Men with pleasure are much easier than women. It is proved that sensations in bed directly depend on the emotional state of women. So, improve your self-esteem and learn to relax. Don’t hesitate to talk to your partner about your preferences and desires.
Immerse yourself in the world of pleasure, just do not forget to share useful information with your friends in social networks!
Sexologists say that you should always expand your horizons in this topic, since high-quality sex is 50% of successful relationships. Today's edition. "Site" He will tell you about the kinds of orgasms that you know will open the secret door to the world of pleasure.
Types of female orgasm
- Clitoral
The easiest form of orgasm to achieve. But here there are problems, because there are stupid men who do not know how to stimulate the clitoris so as to get pleasure. In general, the best and fastest way to make a woman experience a clitoral orgasm is, of course, cunilingus, clitoral massage is in 2nd place in efficiency, and the last classic sex. The sensations of clitoral orgasm are local and do not last long. However, such an orgasm can be deep: it occurs at the level of the vagina, when it begins to contract intensively. Many women confuse it with vaginal orgasm, but this is a completely different kind.
DepositPhotos - vaginal
This type of orgasm is the most useful for women’s health, because it improves the entire endocrine system, and at the same time normalizes the hormonal background. But, in addition to the benefits for the body, it also gives long-term pleasant sensations that disperse throughout the body. It is achieved by stimulating erogenous zones located in the vagina. Many women do not experience it due to physiological characteristics, but in 90% of cases due to psychological factors. Some begin to experience after the birth of a child, because there is a degeneration of nerve tissue and a woman can later experience this kind of orgasm. It has several species.
It can be achieved by G-spot stimulationIt is located 2-3 cm above the entrance to the vagina. Sometimes men are disappointed that they can not find it from a woman. The fact is that for many it is in sleep mode, and to awaken this point, you need to stimulate it when a woman is very agitated or experiences a clitoral orgasm during several sex sessions. And after a few acts, you will experience new sensations.
Also.vaginal orgasm is achieved by stimulating point A located on the upper cervical arch. This point does not represent any bulge, just in this small area there are many nerve endings. In order to stimulate it, press your finger slightly to it and massage it with light sliding movements.
There is another mysterious spot in a woman’s vagina that few have heard of. It is located symmetrically point A - on the other side of the cervix. Namely, on the lower cervical arch. It is best stimulated during anal sex, because then the pressure on it is the greatest. This orgasm is also very peculiar and, as many women note, has a very relaxing effect.
When affecting one of the points, arousal reaches a peak and a woman gets an orgasm. With high-quality sexual intercourse, several points are stimulated at once and the excitement only increases, because of which she wants to continue sex. In this case, a woman can experience multiple orgasms.
DepositPhotos - Inkjet, or squirt
This is a unique kind of female orgasm, which is the most powerful and pleasant. People have a lot of misconceptions about it, and many girls who have been lucky enough to experience it become complex because of men’s ignorance of its origin. So let's get this straight. Squirt is also associated with a specific G-spot stimulation technique, namely the paraurethral glands. In the process of arousal of women, these glands begin to produce fluid and swell. With a certain degree of excitement and influence on them, they begin to contract and squeeze out the liquid. This fluid splashes out from small holes on either side of the urethra, rather than from the urethra itself. So a woman does not urinate, as many men claim, but has an orgasm!
DepositPhotos - Anal orgasm
The anal sphincter itself has many nerve endings, and its stimulation can already give a woman a certain set of pleasant sensations. But a lot depends on the woman and her sexuality. Yes, and anal sex itself brings pleasure only for the reason that there is a stimulation of the point, which we mentioned in the section on vaginal orgasm.
DepositPhotos - Breast orgasm
The mechanism of obtaining such an orgasm is that when stimulating the nipples of a woman, her uterus begins to contract, since these parts of the body are very interconnected. Pleasant sensations are provided by the hormone oxytocin, which begins to be actively produced when stimulating this part of the body. An interesting fact is that oxytocin is a hormone of love, trust and attachment. Therefore, a man kissing a woman’s breast causes her all these feelings towards herself.
DepositPhotos - Orgasm from sports
There are women who can experience orgasms in sports, especially if they engage in ABS fitness. It consists of a set of exercises for the press, thighs of the buttocks and lower back. Especially often women get orgasm from sports on the eve of critical days or on the 5-6th day of the cycle. Squatting and swinging the lower press can give a woman those sensations that a man could not. But don’t think that you will get what you want in the first training session. Women who have strong muscles and who are confident in their sexuality can get such sensations. That's only about 7%. So there's an extra incentive to go to the hall. - Oral orgasm
According to Eastern reflexology, the genitals of women are very connected not only with the chest, lips and buttocks, but also with the throat, no matter how strange it may sound. Some women with sensitive throats may experience orgasm during oral sex. So this kind of sex can give pleasure not only to a man.
Editorial Board
Men with pleasure are much easier than women. It is proved that sensations in bed directly depend on the emotional state of women. So, improve your self-esteem and learn to relax. Don’t hesitate to talk to your partner about your preferences and desires.
Immerse yourself in the world of pleasure, just do not forget to share useful information with your friends in social networks!
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