“Grandmothers don’t have to do anything, just come to visit.”
Who's Grandma? Modern grandmother This is both a nanny and a housekeeper, it is a source of endless pampering and gifts for grandchildren. And most importantly, the grandmother is a symbol of wisdom, love and indulgence. Does a grandmother who is sick or lives far away lose her value to her grandchildren? Nope! After all, children look at the world without stereotypes and complexes and accept the environment not with the mind, but with a pure and open heart.
Editorial "Site" I came across a gentle and insanely sweet essayIt was written by my little granddaughter. How can I not share?
“A grandmother is a woman who has no children of her own.” She loves little girls and boys who are the children of other people. Grandpa is also a grandmother, only a man. He goes out with the boys and they talk about fishing and other things.
Grandmothers don’t have to do anything but visit. They're old, so they can't run and jump a lot. But they can take us to the fair and they have to have a lot of money to ride us on the carousel.
If they walk with us, they stop to see things like beautiful leaves or caterpillars. They never say, “Go faster.” They wear glasses and can take out their teeth.
Grandmothers do not have to be very smart, only to answer such questions as: “Why do dogs chase cats?”, “Where does the worm have a head?”. When they read us books, they do not miss anything and do not say that we have already read this fairy tale.
Everyone should try to have a grandmother, because they are the only adults who have free time for children.”
To grow in harmony, the child needs to know and understand that the world around is kind and bright, and the family is a place of love and friendship. The more cohesive and caring relatives surround the child, the happier the baby feels. Take care of your family!
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Editorial "Site" I came across a gentle and insanely sweet essayIt was written by my little granddaughter. How can I not share?
“A grandmother is a woman who has no children of her own.” She loves little girls and boys who are the children of other people. Grandpa is also a grandmother, only a man. He goes out with the boys and they talk about fishing and other things.

Grandmothers don’t have to do anything but visit. They're old, so they can't run and jump a lot. But they can take us to the fair and they have to have a lot of money to ride us on the carousel.
If they walk with us, they stop to see things like beautiful leaves or caterpillars. They never say, “Go faster.” They wear glasses and can take out their teeth.

Grandmothers do not have to be very smart, only to answer such questions as: “Why do dogs chase cats?”, “Where does the worm have a head?”. When they read us books, they do not miss anything and do not say that we have already read this fairy tale.
Everyone should try to have a grandmother, because they are the only adults who have free time for children.”

To grow in harmony, the child needs to know and understand that the world around is kind and bright, and the family is a place of love and friendship. The more cohesive and caring relatives surround the child, the happier the baby feels. Take care of your family!
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