Health Benefits of Coffee

Every day, humanity drinks up to 2 billion cups of coffee. For each inhabitant of the Earth, there are 4 kg of coffee per year. The general trend is coffee The world is growing steadily.

In this regard, the results of a large-scale study by scientists from Harvard University look interesting. Combining the medical indicators of 130 thousand coffee lovers, American researchers concluded that moderate consumption of fragrant beverage can protect the body from a number of dangerous diseases.


Health Benefits of Coffee
  1. Type II diabetes Coffee consumption increases the production of a protein that binds the steroid hormones testosterone and estradiol (SHBG). And these hormones play a role in the development of diabetes.

    To reduce the risk of diabetes by 50%, men should drink about 6 cups of coffee a day. Women will get from 6 cups of coffee slightly less effect – the risk of diabetes will be reduced by a third.

  2. Liver diseases Drinking two cups of coffee a day reduces the risk of liver cancer by 40%. 2 cups of natural black coffee per day reduce the risk of death from cirrhosis of the liver by up to 70%. Please note that we are talking about cirrhosis, the cause of which is not viral hepatitis.


  3. Parkinson's disease The researchers concluded that increasing caffeine intake in reasonable doses is directly related to a significant decrease in the incidence of Parkinson’s disease, as caffeine blocks certain signaling pathways in the cells through which information triggers the disease is transmitted.


  4. Heart failure Coffee in moderation protects against heart failure. At the same time, under a moderate amount, scientists mean 3-4 cups a day. People who drank four cups daily had an 11 percent lower risk of heart failure compared to those who did not drink coffee at all.

  5. Colon cancer. 1-2 cups of coffee a day reduces the risk of colon cancer by 26%. More than three cups, up to 50%.


Coffee and health - it's a very broad topic. In addition to preventing diseases, coffee has a variety of stimulating effects. Caffeine helps to lose extra pounds, affecting the metabolism and stimulating the breakdown of glycogen.

Released during the breakdown of glucose enters the blood and creates a feeling of satiety. 1 cup of coffee will allow you to burn calories in sports.

DepositPhotos Another argument in favor of drinking coffee is that there are several times fewer suicides among coffee drinkers. According to experts, the fact is that coffee stimulates the production of serotonin, the hormone of happiness.

Of course, all the above is true only for high-quality and properly brewed coffee. Drink your coffee and be healthy!


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