That's why you can't keep pictures of the dead on a family album! I don't do that anymore.
Our photos have a special energy. It is known that with the help of pictures you can both help a person and harm. That is why many pictures should be treated very carefully. Knowing who can or can’t be photographed will help avoid serious problems in the future.
Storage of photos
Agree, signs about photos are covered with mysticism... Believe it or not is a personal matter. This is not the first time that our editorial board has touched on the topic of photographs. Don’t forget to find out where you can’t be photographed!
Storage of photos

- The photo fell.
When a framed photo falls and breaks, it promises great misfortune. Most likely, the person in the photo is in serious danger. Of course, if the photo fell by itself, without the help of outsiders. - Spots in photos
If spots appear on the pictures, this is an omen of serious illness. It is worth paying special attention to the marks that appeared on the image of a person. Unexplained lights and distortions promise health problems. - Photos of the dead
It is recommended to keep such pictures separately from photos of live people. It is advisable to place them in a black bag or folder. If you have a lot of photos where dead people are captured with the living, you should select these photos for a separate album. - Photo from the funeral
Some people even take photos at funerals to remember their feelings. Such pictures are better not to do at all, and if they are in the house, it makes sense to get rid of them. - You can not give photos to strangers.
This sign is explained by the fact that through a shot from the first medium (negative or digital camera) you can harm a person. It is better to be safe and not give your photos to everyone. - Tear up and burn photos
Even if there is a good reason for this, it is better to moderate your fervor and put your energy into a peaceful channel. The fact is that the photos are closely related to the people who are depicted on them. By tearing your picture, you will disrupt the smooth course of life and become more vulnerable to trouble. The same goes for photos of other people. Do not destroy the energy field of images. - Place your photos in the kitchen
Many amateur photographers try to decorate literally every wall with personal pictures. Agree, the kitchen is not a place to admire photos, even close people. It is better to hang on the kitchen wall a beautiful picture with the image of fruits or flowers. - Photos of detractors
Psychologists advise to remove far away joint photos with detractors. Don’t put pictures like this in the frame. The fact is that the energy of these people, even through photos, can affect your life.
Agree, signs about photos are covered with mysticism... Believe it or not is a personal matter. This is not the first time that our editorial board has touched on the topic of photographs. Don’t forget to find out where you can’t be photographed!
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