Fatal mistake! 4 tricks will help prevent flat head syndrome in an infant.
When parents first hear the diagnosisplagiocephalyInexperienced parents and mothers fall into real horror. Dozens of questions come to mind, but we will say one thing – flat head syndrome is a very common problem and can be quickly treated and corrected.
"Site" It is better to prevent the problem than to treat the disease. These 4 tips will help to preserve the health of the baby and the psyche of parents. It's very simple!
Plagiocephaly, or flattening of the head in infants, develops due to constant pressure on a certain part of the soft and malleable baby skull. Babies tend to sleep a lot, and often parents put babies on their backs. Unique position of the child during sleep - fatality unprepared parents.
In the fetus, a similar pathology can develop before childbirth due to multiple pregnancy or pressure exerted by the pelvic structures. Tightness in the uterus can cause tortoise, which also leads to flattening of the skull in the infant.
Plagiocephalus is more common prematurewhose skull is softer and more plastic, and the fact that such children spend a lot of time lying in the hospital, extremely detrimental to their health.
By the way, malformation of the child's head A few days or even weeks after birth is normal. Nesley over time, the baby develops a flattening on one side of the skull - this is plagiocephaly.
Pediatricians say that this syndrome does not affect the development of the baby’s brain and does not cause long-term cosmetic problems. However, the problem is better to prevent! And these 4 tips are a cheat sheet for all young parents.
Don't worry! Plagiocephaly is a reversible process, you only need to resort to the help of a specialist as soon as possible. And do not forget about such useful procedures as massage. They will better strengthen the muscles of the neck and back of the baby and are an excellent prevention of flat head syndrome.
Save these helpful tips, and don’t forget to share this article with other parents on Facebook.

"Site" It is better to prevent the problem than to treat the disease. These 4 tips will help to preserve the health of the baby and the psyche of parents. It's very simple!
Plagiocephaly, or flattening of the head in infants, develops due to constant pressure on a certain part of the soft and malleable baby skull. Babies tend to sleep a lot, and often parents put babies on their backs. Unique position of the child during sleep - fatality unprepared parents.

In the fetus, a similar pathology can develop before childbirth due to multiple pregnancy or pressure exerted by the pelvic structures. Tightness in the uterus can cause tortoise, which also leads to flattening of the skull in the infant.
Plagiocephalus is more common prematurewhose skull is softer and more plastic, and the fact that such children spend a lot of time lying in the hospital, extremely detrimental to their health.

By the way, malformation of the child's head A few days or even weeks after birth is normal. Nesley over time, the baby develops a flattening on one side of the skull - this is plagiocephaly.
Pediatricians say that this syndrome does not affect the development of the baby’s brain and does not cause long-term cosmetic problems. However, the problem is better to prevent! And these 4 tips are a cheat sheet for all young parents.

- Change in head position
When a baby sleeps on his back, be sure to watch the position of the baby’s head, turning it from side to side from time to time. This will help prevent possible unilateral deformities of the child's skull. And if the baby eats in the crib all night to avoid unwanted movements, use special curved pillows. - Alternative poses in the crib
As a rule, parents put the child in bed in the same direction, making an irreparable mistake. As a result, the curious child begins to look around the room, toys and parents, looking in the same direction. The result is crooked with a unilateral flattening of the head. To prevent such trouble, change the position of the baby in the crib, thereby encouraging active and such beneficial head movements. - Frequent holding of the child in the hands
Try to reduce the amount of time your child spends lying down. Of course, around the clock to carry a child in your hands is not the best idea, but give such contact as much time as possible. Holding the baby in your arms, you make his muscles develop and strengthen, and most importantly - this is an excellent prevention of flat head syndrome. - Sleeping on your stomach
Laying the baby on the stomach contributes to the proper formation of the back of the head, strengthening the neck muscles and the development of the back muscles. Looking at everything around, the baby will develop faster and, in addition, will rather start crawling and sitting down. And let earlier parents were frightened that sleep on the stomach is one of the main causes of sudden infant death syndrome.SIDSIt is very useful for the healthy development of the child.
Don't worry! Plagiocephaly is a reversible process, you only need to resort to the help of a specialist as soon as possible. And do not forget about such useful procedures as massage. They will better strengthen the muscles of the neck and back of the baby and are an excellent prevention of flat head syndrome.
Save these helpful tips, and don’t forget to share this article with other parents on Facebook.
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