Crupa sago is not like any of the known cereals! Nutritionists ask: "If there are extra centimeters ..."
I found out about the cereal sago completely by accident when I came to lunch with my mother. She was cooking the weirdest porridge I've ever seen. Hearing the unusual name, I clearly remembered where I had met him before.
- Absolutely not! Sago bag!
- Oh, Mary Poppins, don't, don't sago! We ate it last week, Michael protested.
She only glanced at him, then at the Grocery Man - and both realised there was no hope. Sago will be.
When I was a kid, I wondered what the sago tasted like and why the kids didn’t want to eat it. It turns out that in Soviet times sago It was sold in literally every grocery store. Externally, it could be easily distinguished from other cereals: white matte balls immediately caught the eye.
When I tried to find the sago now, it turned out to be quite problematic. Not in every supermarket you can find a favorite product of many citizens of the USSR. But wandering through the expanses of the Internet, you realize that the sago amazes with its diversity.
After all, cereals are made from many types of saga palms, cassava, as well as from corn or potato starch (thus artificial sago is obtained). Of course, there were no exotic palm trees in the Soviet Union, so the whole cereal was artificial.
By the way, preparing artificial sago is somewhat more difficult than natural. Therefore, when choosing cereals, it is better to focus on a product made of palm starch.
Natural cereal contains much more useful substances: a large amount of proteins, fats, simple carbohydrates, dietary fiber, sugars and starch. The vitamin composition is also striking in diversity: choline, nicotinic acid, vitamins H, groups B and A.
To prepare porridge sago, you do not need any serious skills, but some nuances are still worth knowing.
The ingredients
We wish you a pleasant appetite! Be sure to remind your friends about such an unusual dish as milk porridge sago.
- Absolutely not! Sago bag!
- Oh, Mary Poppins, don't, don't sago! We ate it last week, Michael protested.
She only glanced at him, then at the Grocery Man - and both realised there was no hope. Sago will be.

When I was a kid, I wondered what the sago tasted like and why the kids didn’t want to eat it. It turns out that in Soviet times sago It was sold in literally every grocery store. Externally, it could be easily distinguished from other cereals: white matte balls immediately caught the eye.

When I tried to find the sago now, it turned out to be quite problematic. Not in every supermarket you can find a favorite product of many citizens of the USSR. But wandering through the expanses of the Internet, you realize that the sago amazes with its diversity.

After all, cereals are made from many types of saga palms, cassava, as well as from corn or potato starch (thus artificial sago is obtained). Of course, there were no exotic palm trees in the Soviet Union, so the whole cereal was artificial.

By the way, preparing artificial sago is somewhat more difficult than natural. Therefore, when choosing cereals, it is better to focus on a product made of palm starch.

Natural cereal contains much more useful substances: a large amount of proteins, fats, simple carbohydrates, dietary fiber, sugars and starch. The vitamin composition is also striking in diversity: choline, nicotinic acid, vitamins H, groups B and A.

To prepare porridge sago, you do not need any serious skills, but some nuances are still worth knowing.
The ingredients
- 1 tbsp cereal
- 1 liter of water
- 0.5 liters of milk
- 25g butter
- First, you need to wash a glass of cereal in cold water. Then fall asleep in salted boiling water and cook for about half an hour, stir it all the time.
- Semi-finished porridge should be marked in a coop and drain all the water. Then pour the cereal into a small pan and press tightly with a lid, which ideally enters the container.
- After that, you need to cook porridge in a water bath for another 30 minutes. At the end of cooking, you need to add a little milk and butter.
We wish you a pleasant appetite! Be sure to remind your friends about such an unusual dish as milk porridge sago.
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