Kashi cereals and English

Porridge - Porridge
Buckwheat porridge - Boiled buckwheat
Semolina porridge - Cooked semolina
Oatmeal - Porridge (oatmeal)
Barley porridge - Boiled pearl barley
Cereal millet - Millet porridge
Boiled rice - Cream of rice
Cereals - cereals
semolina - semolina
pearl barley - pearl-barley
buckwheat groats - buckwheat
barley grits - fine-ground barley
oats - oatmeal
oat groats - grits
samp - samp
• (dish made of boiled cereals) hot / cooked cereal; porridge; kasha
gruel - gruel
semolina - cooked semolina (-'liː-); cream of wheat
buckwheat - boiled buckwheat, kasha
rice porridge - cream of rice
Porridge - porridge
• colloquial. (Confusion) jumble, mess
make porridge colloquial. - ≈ stir up trouble, make a mess
Well, porridge and brewed! -! Has not he made a mess of it ?, he has made a fine mess of it
disentangle porridge colloquial. - Put things right
he brewed porridge, and disentangle himself - ≈ you've made your bed, now you can lie on it
he porridge in the head - his head is in a muddle
he porridge in the mouth colloquial. - He mumbles
with him porridge will not weld colloquial. - You will not get anywhere with him
little porridge eaten - (he is) still wet behind the ears
Porridge oil will not spoil Pos. - You can not spoil porridge with butter; there's never too much of a good thing
birch porridge colloquial. - The birch, a flogging
his porridge boots asking colloquial. - ≈ his boots are agape
English: Adjectives of feelings, moods and emotions
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