English: Adjectives of feelings, moods and emotions

abominable - disgusting [əbɒmɪnəbl̩]
agitated - excited [ædʒɪteɪtɪd]
angry, cross - angry [æŋɡri, krɒs]
angst -ridden - scared [æŋst rɪdn̩]
appalled - frightened, shocked [əpɔːld]
astonished - astonished [əstɒnɪʃt]
awed - trembling [ɔːd]
awful, terrible - horrible [ɔːfl̩, terəbl̩]
bad - bad [bæd]
beautiful, lovely - a beautiful [bjuːtəfl̩, lʌvli]
bored - bored [bɔːd]
boring - annoying [bɔːrɪŋ]
cheerful - cheery [tʃɪəfəl]
cheery, mirthful - joyous [tʃɪəri, mɜːθfəl]
contented - satisfied [kəntentɪd]
dangerous - dangerous [deɪndʒərəs]
dejected - oppressed [dɪdʒektɪd]
delightful - delighted, satisfied [dɪlaɪtfəl]
disgusting, unpleasant - bad [dɪsɡʌstɪŋ, ʌnpleznt]
distressed - frustrated [dɪstrest]
disturbing - disturbing / worrying [dɪstɜːbɪŋ]
doubtful - doubter [daʊtfʊl]
dreamy - dreamy, airy-fairy [driːmi]
excellent - excellent [eksələnt]
excited - excited [ɪksaɪtɪd]
excited, agitated, uneasy - excited [ɪksaɪtɪd, ædʒɪteɪtɪd, ʌniːzi]
exciting, moving - moving [ɪksaɪtɪŋ, muːvɪŋ]
fearful - fearful [fɪəfəl]
fearful - frightened, fearful [fɪəfəl]
frightened - frightened [fraɪtn̩d]
frightened, scared - scared [fraɪtn̩d, skeəd]
fuming - furious [fjuːmɪŋ]
giggly - giggling [ɡɪɡli]
glad - glad [ɡlæd]
good - good [ɡʊd]
guilty - guilty [ɡɪlti]
haggard - haggard [hæɡəd]
handsome - handsome (about a man) [hænsəm]
happy - happy [hæpi]
high-spirited - in a good mood [haɪ spɪrɪtɪd]
horrified - funky [hɒrɪfaɪd]
hurt - hurt [hɜːt]
hysterical - hysterical [hɪsterɪkl̩]
infuriated - furious [ɪnfjʊərɪeɪtɪd]
insulting, abusive, offensive - offensive [ɪnsʌltɪŋ, əbjuːsɪv, əfensɪv]
interesting - interesting [ɪntrəstɪŋ]
joyful, merry - joyous [dʒɔɪfəl, meri]
lovey-dovey - mischievous, playful, love (AmE) [dəveɪ]
low-spirited - in a bad mood [ləʊ spɪrɪtɪd]
lucky - lucky [lʌki]
moved - moved by [muːvd]
nice - cute [naɪs]
normal - normal [nɔːml̩]
offended - offended [əfendɪd]
optimistic - optimistic [ˌɒptɪmɪstɪk]
peevish - grumpy [piːvɪʃ]
perfect - perfect [pəfekt]
pessimistic - Pessimistic [ˌpesɪmɪstɪk]
pleasant, agreeable - agreeable [pleznt, əɡriːəbl̩]
pretty, attractive - attractive [prɪti, ətræktɪv]
repulsive - repellent [rɪpʌlsɪv]
sad - sad [sæd]
sarcastic - sarcastic, sardonic [sɑːkæstɪk]
satisfied - satisfied [sætɪsfaɪd]
self-disgusted - sickening to him [self dɪsɡʌstɪd]
shocked - shocked [ʃɒkt]
shocking - shocking [ʃɒkɪŋ]
sorrowful - sorrowful [sɒrəʊfl̩]
sorry - sorry [sɒri]
splendid, gorgeous, magnificent - a magnificent [splendɪd, ɡɔːdʒəs, mæɡnɪfɪsnt]
startled - startled, much surprised [stɑːtl̩d]
strange - strange [streɪndʒ]
stuffed - gorged itself [stʌft]
stunned - Stunned [stʌnd]
superior - superior [suːpɪərɪə]
surprised - surprised [səpraɪzd]
surprised, astonished, amazed - amused [səpraɪzd, əstɒnɪʃt, əmeɪzd]
surprising, astonishing, amazing - amazing [səpraɪzɪŋ, əstɒnɪʃɪŋ, əmeɪzɪŋ]
terrified - terrified [terɪfaɪd]
tiresome - dull [taɪəsəm]
touching - touching [tʌtʃɪŋ]
ugly - ugly [ʌɡli]
unattractive - unattractive [ˌʌnətræktɪv]
unhappy - unhappy [ʌnhæpi]
upset - upset [ˌʌpset]
wonderful - wonderful [wʌndəfəl]
woozy - woozy [wuːzi]
worried - concerned [wʌrɪd]