Anton Krasovsky: “The state provoked the epidemic of drug use, which eventually led to the HIV epidemic.”

December 1 is World AIDS Day. On the eve of Rospotrebnadzor stated the HIV epidemic in the country: about 1% of Russians live with HIV, 30% of them do not even know about it. The Ministry of Health predicts that by 2020 HIV epidemic in Russia It could get out of hand.

A few days ago, a journalist and director of the AIDS Foundation. Anton Krasovsky, during an interview with Zag, admitted that he had been infected with HIV since 2011. "I myself have been living with HIV since 2011, and I myself have been through all the humiliation and hell that all ordinary people go through," Krasovsky said.

Anton Krasovsky told how HIV became an epidemic and why it is important for each of us to learn how to live in such difficult conditions.

The recognition of Anton Krasovsky about his positive status excited the public. After all, only the journalist came out about his sexual orientation, as a few years later confirmed his HIV-positive status.

“I consider any coming out to be a courageous and reckless act. It certainly helps thousands of people to get rid of the feeling of doom and uniqueness of their situation. You're not alone. That is for the sake of understanding what this coming-out is done, Krasovsky says.

Today, more than 1.5 million people with HIV live in the country, but only 270,000 people receive medicines.

Anton Krasovsky is firmly convinced that the state pays insufficient attention to the problem: The main cauldron of this epidemic in Russia is the injecting drug usersNo one here counts their millions.

According to Krasovsky, it was the state that provoked the epidemic of drug use, which eventually led to the HIV epidemic. Drug substitution therapy, officially supported by the WHO, is banned in only three countries. Russia, alas, among them.

We will not be able to make a significant difference in terms of HIV infection in Russia unless we look soberly and rationally at HIV prevention among vulnerable communities: people who use drugs, sex workers, the LGBT community. These groups are closed, and society is tempted to ignore them, but they still exist, says Tatiana Evlampieva, a board member of Russia’s first non-governmental network organization helping HIV-positive women.

Condoms can not be advertised, because such advertising encourages debauchery, moreover, reduces the birth rate. Opioid replacement therapy among drug addicts is not a help, but a real legalization of drugs.

And sex education in schools can be carried out, of course, but it should be chaste and only. The HIV epidemic in Russia is no longer uncontrolled.

“Meanwhile, for the 10 months of the outgoing, in 2017, another 85 thousand HIV-positive Russians were registered, and the annual figure will definitely exceed 100,000 people,” said academician Vadim Pokrovsky.

“Be prudent. Among thousands of people, only one dies a natural death, the rest die because of the reckless manner of being. Remember that HIV prevention activities It consists of a few simple, but very important rules!

  1. Avoid any accidental sexual contact. It's very important! Whenever you have sex, always use contraception.
  2. Stop taking drugs. Using a single syringe by a whole group of drug addicts, among whom may be HIV-infected, is a common way of contracting HIV.

  3. To prevent the transmission of infection from mother to child, follow all the prescriptions of the attending physician. Pregnant HIV-infected women should follow a number of important rules before childbirth and subsequent recommendations for the care of the infant. In particular, an HIV-infected mother should refrain from breastfeeding.
  4. And remember that everyone should be tested periodically for HIV infection, especially those who are at risk.

If the infection is detected, it is necessary to immediately begin timely and adequate therapy. It is important to understand that in the modern world there are effective ways to prevent the emergence of AIDS for many years or even for life. Timely full treatment stops the destruction of the immune system of an infected person.

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