What happens when an HIV-positive man asks strangers touch him

The human immunodeficiency virus is no longer a new disease and the vast majority of people know what it is. However, the same thing most do not even know how to behave near the infected person. Finnish guy called Janne is HIV-positive, and he decided to check people's awareness of HIV conducted a little experiment. Janne just got up on the square with a sign that he is HIV-positive, and asked people to touch nemu.

Janne wanted to know, is still there to be afraid of people infected with HIV. To this end, he stood on a street corner in Helsinki with two signs in English and in Finnish on which was written: "I am HIV-positive. Touch me! "

It has long been known that HIV is not transmitted from the conventional touch. HIV can be passed only: through blood, during sexual intercourse, breast milk during pregnancy through platsentu.Mnogie passersby did not want to know anything about Janne and his HIV infection, but then ...