HIV can cut and paste in human genome
At the Aarhus University have developed a technology that uses the HIV virus as a tool to fight hereditary diseases and AIDS.
For the first time, the researchers were able to modify viral particles to vstaviti into the genome via biological processes. New technology allows you to restore the genome differently and suggests prospects for treatment of some viral infections and hereditary diseases.
Genetics specialist Jakob Mikkelsen says: "Now we can simultaneously cut out the part of the genome that is broken in a painful cage and to fill the gap in genetic information. a new aspect is that we can bring the new code into the HIV particles that have never been done."
The researchers used the results of many years of intensive research in the field of HIV. In particular, it is shown: HIV particles can be converted into transporters of genetic information. But when they become transporters of proteins that are not commonly found in the cells, the particles change. Viral particles are converted into nanoparticles that carry substances that can have a direct impact on the treated cells.
"By changing appropriate cells of the immune system (T cells), we can make them resistant to HIV infection and, possibly, equip them with genes that help fight HIV. Thus, HIV can become a tool in the fight against HIV," says another member of the research group Yujia Cai.
Source: nauka24news.ru/