Johnny Depp and his oddities

Johnny Depp is one of the most eccentric actors in Hollywood. He never concealed his strangeness, which he has, to be honest, quite a lot, but it was and remains one of the favorites of the public. The most unusual oddities Johnny Depp waiting for you inside posta.1. Johnny Depp panicky fear of clowns, if he sees only one red wig, or other attribute of a clown, it can start to choke on straha.

2. The actor is suffering from an allergy to chocolate, which is why when filming "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" and "Chocolate" chocolate izdeliy.3 used dummies. At age 16, Depp showed ass unloved teacher, for which he was expelled from the shkoly.4. The artist gathers a collection of overhead borod.

5. Johnny is proud of its ability to train yascherits.6. Once an actor has witnessed an armed robbery. He was not afraid to come to the man with the knife, and to persuade him to stop scaring lyudey.7. In his youth, he inflicted knife injuries themselves, coping well with stressful situatsiyami.

8. After one actor could not wear the old costume of Jack Sparrow, he became veganom.9. Police arrested Depp twice, the first time he defeated the hotel room, the second time struck in the face of the annoying French fotografa.10. Jack considers attractive Potroshitelya.

11. At age 12, the future actor started smoking. In 13 years, he began to conduct a sexual zhizn.12. Always leave a big tip waiters serving it and never refuses to give avtograf.

13. Johnny Depp does not like, and even afraid to dance. He agrees to it only if the set has horeograf.14. Before fame came to him, Depp sold by phone ruchki.

15. The actor prefers not to watch movies and multfilmy.16. Johnny Depp has vowed to kill and eat those who hurt his family or druzey.17. Depp does not love does not know how to tell anekdoty.

18. Despite the fact that the actor does not drink alcohol for several years, it has several bars in the United States and in the winery Frantsii.19. Once the filmmakers rejected his idea that the protagonist of "Pirates of the Caribbean" were a few silver teeth, Depp turned to the dentist, so he pulled out his teeth and put in their place protezy.

20. The actor believes in the existence of ghosts and fears them.
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