This is why you should not play with oral contraceptives. This isn't a joke!
I have a friend, Lenochka, a mischievous, funny and very kind girl. It is easy and pleasant to communicate with her, a good, bright person. But Lena has one problem - she believes everything too easily. One day she heard from someone about oral contraceptives and that it helps restore hormone levels and remove acne. She believed that oral contraceptive - a panacea for all ills.
We talked her out of it and asked her to go to the doctor. But Lena, of course, did not go to the doctor, because "they are safe drugs." I bought my first pill and started drinking it. No result followed, and Lena decided that the dose is too small. Then she started drinking two a day. Health problems were not long in coming.
Problems with menstruation began, which did not come for two months, then were abundant and long. This story ended with abundant uterine bleeding, with which Lenochka was hospitalized. Everything went well, the bleeding stopped, the tests were done. But they were not very comforting: the hormonal balance was disturbed. The recovery has been long, and even now it is difficult to say what consequences it will have in the future.
Unfortunately, this case is far from isolated. Many girls take oral contraceptives without the recommendation of a doctor and preliminary testing. Editorial "Site" I decided to figure out whether to take oral contraceptives, what danger it brings to the female body and what precautions you need to follow if you decide to take these drugs. All risks must be considered!
Is it possible to drink birth control 10 unpleasant side effects
Disputes between women and doctors around contraceptives, probably, will not subside soon. Many women around the world successfully take oral contraceptives for many years, and others face unpleasant consequences after a couple of months or even immediately. It depends on many factors.
Always remember that taking oral contraceptives is a huge responsibility. Do not take them without a doctor's prescription, without additional tests and without need. And they don’t go well with bad habits, especially smoking. By doing so, you can exacerbate their dangerous influence.
Before you make a decision on the method of contraception - carefully weigh everything, take all the tests, consult a doctor, never miss taking pills. And always listen to your body, if you feel that these drugs do not suit you - insist on cancellation, even if the doctor convinces you otherwise. Take care of yourself and your health!
What do you think about taking oral contraceptives? Have you had that experience? Share with us in the comments!
We talked her out of it and asked her to go to the doctor. But Lena, of course, did not go to the doctor, because "they are safe drugs." I bought my first pill and started drinking it. No result followed, and Lena decided that the dose is too small. Then she started drinking two a day. Health problems were not long in coming.
Problems with menstruation began, which did not come for two months, then were abundant and long. This story ended with abundant uterine bleeding, with which Lenochka was hospitalized. Everything went well, the bleeding stopped, the tests were done. But they were not very comforting: the hormonal balance was disturbed. The recovery has been long, and even now it is difficult to say what consequences it will have in the future.

Unfortunately, this case is far from isolated. Many girls take oral contraceptives without the recommendation of a doctor and preliminary testing. Editorial "Site" I decided to figure out whether to take oral contraceptives, what danger it brings to the female body and what precautions you need to follow if you decide to take these drugs. All risks must be considered!
Is it possible to drink birth control 10 unpleasant side effects
- thrombosis
The greatest danger from taking oral contraceptives is a change in the properties of blood clotting, which lead to the development of arterial or venous thromboembolism. Unfortunately, this side effect occurs very often, up to fatal cases. Large clots form in the blood and it passes most often imperceptibly and very quickly. A broken blood clot (thrombus) can lead to rapid death. Many studies confirm the disappointing effects of long-term use of hormonal contraceptives. The likelihood of blood clots, pulmonary embolism, brain strokes in women taking contraceptives is much higher than in those who are protected by other methods.
Therefore, before taking drugs, you need to consult a doctor, check your family history (whether someone in the genus had thromboembolism or similar diseases) and only after that make a decision. - Cancer risk
It is believed that the constant use of hormonal contraceptives increases the risk of developing certain types of cancer. In many ways, this is true, although there are many myths. For example, there is an opinion that taking these drugs leads to breast cancer, but this is not at all true. Research in this area has not found a relationship. But there is a huge risk of developing cervical cancer. Increases the risk of a woman having a human papillomavirus. There is no exact data on whether modern oral contraceptives cause liver cancer, but first-generation drugs did.
On the other hand, the risk of ovarian cancer in women taking the pill is much lower. - Complications of the cardiovascular system
A frequent side effect of taking drugs is coronary heart disease. It manifests itself in various forms, ranging from attacks of angina pectoris and ending with myocardial infarction. It is worth noting that myocardial infarction in reproductive age usually occurs only in those women who are exposed to other risks along with taking oral contraceptives.
In rare cases, incorrect intake of oral contraceptives can lead to sudden death from acute coronary insufficiency. There are also cases of vascular pathologies of the brain. Such pathologies are most often caused by a violation of the tone of the cerebral vessels in connection with the use of contraceptives.
DepositPhotos - Bleeding outside the cycle
When taking birth control monthly come exactly in number or absent at all. This is normal, this is the mechanism of their action. Small bleeding outside the cycle is also quite normal, this can last for three months from the start of taking the drug. If the contraceptive is chosen correctly, it will soon stop. If in the middle of the cycle there is heavy bleeding - consult a doctor in the near future. This may indicate that the drug for some reason is not suitable for you.
Taking oral contraceptives requires great personal responsibility, because skipping at least one pill can also cause bleeding and cycle disorders.
DepositPhotos - Nausea.
Many hormonal contraceptives cause nausea. This is normal at first and these symptoms should gradually disappear. If nausea does not go away and no means help get rid of it, you need to urgently consult a doctor. - Headaches and migraines
A frequent side effect from taking hormonal contraceptives. Tablets of different types can cause different symptoms. If the pain is constant, you should go to the doctor. Perhaps it will help to change the drug to a drug with a lower content of hormones.
DepositPhotos - Depression
Depression is a pathological condition in which there is a decrease in mood and the ability to rejoice disappears. It is characterized by apathy and motor inhibition. This is a very serious pathology, and it needs mandatory treatment. Very often this condition is caused by taking oral contraceptives. It's because of the hormones. If before taking the drugs, a woman had mood swings and a tendency to depression, then contraceptives can aggravate the situation. Depression can become chronic.
DepositPhotos - Milkwort
High progesterone content negatively affects immunity. This leads to the accumulation of glycogen in the vaginal mucosa - an ideal nutrient medium for yeast-like microorganisms. There is an imbalance and, as a result, bacterial vaginosis or thrush. The higher the content of hormones, the more intense the fungus will grow. It is worth noting the fact that thrush manifests itself even when taking drugs with a minimum content of hormones. The relationship between the frequent occurrence of thrush and the use of contraceptives has been scientifically proven.
DepositPhotos - Decreased libido
After prolonged use of drugs, the effect of complete insensitivity of erogenous zones may occur. There is also a lack of lubrication in the vagina, and some women may even have an aversion to sexual intercourse and a partner. Over time, this can develop into a complete apathy for sexual life. You should tell your doctor about these symptoms, and most likely he will advise you to stop taking the drug.
DepositPhotos - Unpleasant local symptoms
When taking drugs, various changes in the vagina may occur. And they can be different for different women. Some may have vaginal dryness, while others have an increased amount of discharge. These changes are not harmful in themselves, but they can sometimes be a sign of infection. It's best to see a doctor.
DepositPhotos - Venereal diseases
Of course, taking drugs by itself can not cause sexually transmitted diseases. The chance of getting infected increases if you do not have a regular partner. Very often women neglect other methods of contraception when taking oral contraceptives. Always remember that these drugs They only protect against unplanned pregnancy.But not from sexually transmitted diseases.
Disputes between women and doctors around contraceptives, probably, will not subside soon. Many women around the world successfully take oral contraceptives for many years, and others face unpleasant consequences after a couple of months or even immediately. It depends on many factors.
Always remember that taking oral contraceptives is a huge responsibility. Do not take them without a doctor's prescription, without additional tests and without need. And they don’t go well with bad habits, especially smoking. By doing so, you can exacerbate their dangerous influence.
Before you make a decision on the method of contraception - carefully weigh everything, take all the tests, consult a doctor, never miss taking pills. And always listen to your body, if you feel that these drugs do not suit you - insist on cancellation, even if the doctor convinces you otherwise. Take care of yourself and your health!
What do you think about taking oral contraceptives? Have you had that experience? Share with us in the comments!
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