A recipe for fast Spanish donuts for tea

These crispy, fragrant and melting donuts are one of the easiest sweets you can make at home. Dip them in hot chocolate - and from such incredible bliss dizzy!

People who have been to Spain talk about traditional Spanish doughnuts from custard - churros. They are deep-fried or baked. Churros are sold on the street, in cafes, restaurants. Both adults and children eat them.

I succumbed to temptation and broke my diet. The Churros have won my heart and stomach.

You will be surprised when you find out how easy it is to cook. Attention: Classic Spanish tea-baking It doesn't include sugar. But I advise you to make the dough with sugar or fructose.

The ingredients
  • 200 ml of water
  • 1 tbsp baking powder
  • 160g flour
  • 0.5 tsp cinnamon
  • 0.5 tsp salt
  • 100 ml of vegetable oil

  1. Bring the water to a boil. Soak in a deep bowl flour, cinnamon, baking powder and salt through a small sieve.
  2. Pour boiling water into a dry mixture of ingredients, mix the dough and let it brew for 5 minutes.
  3. Put the dough in a confectionary bag with an asterisk nozzle. Instead of a pastry bag, you can use a bag with a cut off corner.

  4. Heat the vegetable oil and start squeezing the dough out of the bag. You can immediately cut it off the tip - you will get individual sausages. Or you can put it in a spiral and cut it later.
  5. Roast churros in boiling oil for 3-4 minutes to a golden hue.

  6. Get churros with noise and put them on paper wipes to absorb excess fat.

  7. Pump churros in sugar or sprinkle powdered sugar before it cools. Serve with melted chocolate.

Editorial Board Deliciousest donut If you have time to pull them out in time: they must be both crispy on the outside and soft on the inside. Pour oil on a maximum of 2 fingers, if more - the temperature will decrease and churros will cook longer.

To get an excellent liquid hot chocolate, microwave half a bar of chocolate with a couple of tablespoons of milk.

As you can see, the recipe does not include eggs, which means it is suitable for vegans and vegetarians!

Churros is an unusual and little-known Spanish dish that surprises with its simplicity and fantastic taste. If you want to enjoy the original dessert - better option not to find!

When sudden guests come, and there is no snack for tea, use this recipe and please them with a dessert from sunny Spain. So. quick and easy pastry for tea It'll save the day.

I'm sure you'll love churros as much as I do and buy some friends. Would you like to have a party with such a great snack? Share in the comments what exotic dishes love in your family.


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