Chinese people take our chocolate out of supermarkets with carts, but they tea without candy at home
Tea is an incredibly popular drink. And with the onset of cold weather, we often arrange gatherings with a cup of hot tea. It is believed that due to the changeable (and not always warm) weather, this drink quickly took root. And soon even the real ones were formed. tea-drinking.
Everyone knows that we do not drink tea in vain. After all, on the table must be a variety of snacks that not only warm, but also saturate. Therefore, drying, lambs, pies and gingerbread, as well as jam and honey, are present on our tables on different days and in different sequences. And in this case, it is not surprising that after tea a person feels full.
How to drink tea with us, knows every reader. So today's editorial office. "Site" It will tell you how they usually drink tea in the country where the drink was brought to us - in China. And why are the locals dismissive of our candy and desserts?
In China, people have worked for centuries to ensure that they were surrounded by healthy food. And there's not much sugar in their diet today. Ordinary chocolate on sale here is quite difficult to find (you need to look for a specialized store). But unsweetened exotic goodies for tea are full.
If dessert is served at the very end of any meal, then in China, local sweets often begin a feast. And as the most popular ingredients for cooking delicacies, vegetables, fruits, rice flour, oils and spices are used. But the sugars try to add less.
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Publication from Ukrainian Vok Shop (@wok_shop_com_ua)
Many Chinese dessert Not only delicious, but also extremely useful. The thing is that traditionally ancient Chinese chefs were well versed in medicine. And the visitor could be offered a dish that would not only please his taste buds, but also help improve health or even overcome a specific ailment.
Chinese sweets of any visitor to the Middle Kingdom surprise local sweets. For example, there is a sweet chill of water chestnuts, which are previously rubbed into flour. They look delicious and colorful. rice-cake.
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Publication from Korshop - products from Asia (@korshop.ru)
Few visitors will refuse to try Fa Gao’s air muffins, which do not need eggs, butter or other common ingredients for cooking. And traditional Chinese cakes made of sand dough (fanlisu) with stuffing from boiled pineapples will easily conquer any sweet tooth.
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Posted by Benji Ho (@benjiho.md)
And although today Chinese desserts are sweeter than tens and hundreds of years ago, but still local delicacies in this respect are inferior to European sweets. Even tea in the Middle Kingdom is often taken bittersweetIt can be called sweet only with a great stretch.
Prepare such jelly from mint, licorice and honeysuckle dandelion. But in the heat, this dessert is great. In the northern regions of China, spicy desserts are also popular, for example, sweets with pepper.
Chinese people do not have a tradition of drinking tea in a close family circle and discussing the latest news or plans for the future. And they are wary of European sweets, believing that such goodies are extremely useful. On the other hand, traditional Chinese sweetsFor example, caramel-covered fruits, also do not seem to us a particularly useful food.
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Posted by LaserGweike & Repair (@lasergweike)
What do you think about that? And why, for all their dislike of our desserts, do Chinese tourists with great excitement buy our chocolate?

Everyone knows that we do not drink tea in vain. After all, on the table must be a variety of snacks that not only warm, but also saturate. Therefore, drying, lambs, pies and gingerbread, as well as jam and honey, are present on our tables on different days and in different sequences. And in this case, it is not surprising that after tea a person feels full.
How to drink tea with us, knows every reader. So today's editorial office. "Site" It will tell you how they usually drink tea in the country where the drink was brought to us - in China. And why are the locals dismissive of our candy and desserts?

In China, people have worked for centuries to ensure that they were surrounded by healthy food. And there's not much sugar in their diet today. Ordinary chocolate on sale here is quite difficult to find (you need to look for a specialized store). But unsweetened exotic goodies for tea are full.
If dessert is served at the very end of any meal, then in China, local sweets often begin a feast. And as the most popular ingredients for cooking delicacies, vegetables, fruits, rice flour, oils and spices are used. But the sugars try to add less.
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Publication from Ukrainian Vok Shop (@wok_shop_com_ua)
Many Chinese dessert Not only delicious, but also extremely useful. The thing is that traditionally ancient Chinese chefs were well versed in medicine. And the visitor could be offered a dish that would not only please his taste buds, but also help improve health or even overcome a specific ailment.
Chinese sweets of any visitor to the Middle Kingdom surprise local sweets. For example, there is a sweet chill of water chestnuts, which are previously rubbed into flour. They look delicious and colorful. rice-cake.
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Publication from Korshop - products from Asia (@korshop.ru)
Few visitors will refuse to try Fa Gao’s air muffins, which do not need eggs, butter or other common ingredients for cooking. And traditional Chinese cakes made of sand dough (fanlisu) with stuffing from boiled pineapples will easily conquer any sweet tooth.
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Posted by Benji Ho (@benjiho.md)
And although today Chinese desserts are sweeter than tens and hundreds of years ago, but still local delicacies in this respect are inferior to European sweets. Even tea in the Middle Kingdom is often taken bittersweetIt can be called sweet only with a great stretch.
Prepare such jelly from mint, licorice and honeysuckle dandelion. But in the heat, this dessert is great. In the northern regions of China, spicy desserts are also popular, for example, sweets with pepper.
Chinese people do not have a tradition of drinking tea in a close family circle and discussing the latest news or plans for the future. And they are wary of European sweets, believing that such goodies are extremely useful. On the other hand, traditional Chinese sweetsFor example, caramel-covered fruits, also do not seem to us a particularly useful food.
View this post on Instagram
Posted by LaserGweike & Repair (@lasergweike)
What do you think about that? And why, for all their dislike of our desserts, do Chinese tourists with great excitement buy our chocolate?
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