103 facts about China through the eyes of Russians

Our reader Dimka Kozlov wrote for Faktruma 103 fact of life in China and about the Chinese.

1. North, south, east and west of China do not differ much, but food and some habits. Therefore, in general, everything is the same everywhere. I live in the South East, 4 hours away from Shanghai, and so I will write as they are all here.
2. There are a lot of small cafes and bars, in each house for a few pieces, I at first thought that they just do that to cut and eat.
3. In these cafes serves cheap and delicious.
4. The bread in the shops - shit, bread bakeries - shit. It is sweet, flavored or something sweet. Russian man here is not just in this regard, although you can buy in a foreign supermarket baguettes, who without any flavors, but dries up in a day.

5. from the Chinese kitchen is very diverse, incredibly delicious dishes and they are proud.
6. all know how to cook, and I think they even do not have any culinary schools or courses taught throughout the home.
7. Chinese Prepare everything that moves and a variety of ways. Sam ate ants and snakes. Strange, but tasty.
8. Vegetables raw almost do not eat, they must boiled, fried or soar.
9. The store sold "Lace" with taste of blueberries, and a host of other sweet potato chips. I finally can not imagine how you can have sweet potato chips.

10. For Sale grilled chicken is completely impregnated with sugar. The first time was led to an appetizing appearance and bought this stuff ... sweetbreads is simply overkill.
11. in the street never meet a drunk in the trash Chinese. If drunk, then friends dovezut home.
12. Beer is cheap and tasty, more than 4 degrees does not happen only when imported.
13. House Chinese binge drinking are not satisfied.
14. In general, the Chinese culture there is no drinking. They never drink beer, in order to just have a beer and relax. They are the most important, if gathered in a noisy restaurant company to celebrate a festival, it's a beer as much as possible and as quickly as possible to all this vomit in the toilet, and they are strongly encouraged each other.

15. Ciocan they are not all together, but each with each and every one that is willing.
16. Chinese clubs - this is a very amateur. Firstly, it plays only a Chinese R'n'B, and this - not very much, and secondly people do the same things and in the restaurants of the holidays, try to drink beer as much as possible and as quickly as possible to all this vomit in the toilet or on the floor next to the toilet, and then go back to drinking.
17. In the clubs the Chinese, by the way, rarely dance, there is a great number of tables, and they are these tables play the game, in which the third "Pirates of the Caribbean" played Will Turner with Davy Jones on "Flying golandtsev", where they were throwing dice, hell knows how it is called in Russian :) And in general, who loses, the drinks, but since it's happening fast, the result is not long in coming.
18. Of the 100 men who smoke 90-95. Women did not smoke (it pleases). For 3 years I saw a cigarette only 2 girls.
19. Cakes, pastries, and other baked goods - all fresh and do not go to comparison with our.

20. In the glasses go 70 percent of the total population.
21. The Chinese are very friendly and kind, good attitude to foreigners.
22. Generally, in a city where not a lot of aliens, you go down the street and all the Chinese people stare at you, and the children point the finger and say, "Look Mom inostryuga goes." Initially terribly furious, but then you get used to.
23. The Chinese can distinguish Chinese from other Asians. I can not :)
24. They are very fond of white skin, try to do under the sun's rays do not fall and never tan (it's about women, of course).

25. And in general are very fond of foreign appearance. You can come here with nothing and horseradish knowledge of the language, go to any advertising agency, and built a model, it is absolutely without a model appearance.
26. China is a very quiet place, no terrorist attacks, no revolts and movements. Natural disasters occur mostly in Sichuan and Hong Kong.
27. On the streets very clean, because all the time clean, although they litter our pohlesche.
28. Everywhere there are free toilets and clean in there. Although the Chinese without problems piss on bushes and not really hiding. I have no walking is not held to the eye is not caught ssuschy Chinese.
29. The Chinese people are very hard-working, they do not leave, and does not even have the words convey the meaning of the word vacation in the Russian language. There are only something like English «Hollyday».

30. a rest for one week in October to commemorate the founding of the PRC, and one week in February, in honor of the Chinese New Year.
31. Chinese Valentine's Day in August, like the number 8. Guys just give girls flowers, paper hearts, go to the movies, walking along the waterfront, well then getting lucky :)
32. often heard that Chinese students are assiduously taught. In fact it is a complete garbage, they do not teach more than any other student of any other country. All students - are lazy creatures.
33. Students and people who commute to work in the bus, breakfast is usually held in the bus, they often eat some cake.
34. With age, their situation is more complicated than ours. When a child is born, he is a year, and if it was born before the new year, then added another. In general, every Chinese by our standards can add to his 2 years. Often because of this confusion with foreigners. So be careful if she tells you that she was 18.

35. In exactly 100 Chinese surnames.
36. The names of the "Wang" and "Lie" are 20% of the population.
37. In China, an incredible array of dialects. But there is a common, in English called «Mandarin», which took an official not so long ago.
38. You can learn it 20 years, but does not understand what the person talking 2 sitting across from you on the bus.
39. itself is simple Chinese characters and remember there is no big problem. And the Chinese are admired, if you talk to them in Chinese, and feel even more delighted if you write the characters.

40. They always say that you speak excellent Chinese, regardless of whether this is in fact.
41. The institutes usually have Chinese language courses for foreigners, for 2, 5 years from scratch. This is enough to speak Chinese very well. In addition, due to the fact that China has become very popular right now, a lot of foreigners coming here to learn from the exchange, or simply wrong. Therefore, all the groups are international. If you can come here to learn, go.
42. You can enter on a tourist visa, as is already done in the institute student without problems. Take all ages, I have learned even in the group of 50-year-old American. During the six months of training I paid 6,400 yuan (p 32000). In Beijing and Shanghai, of course, more expensive. There were friends all over the world.
43. The teaching method like much more than in Russia, went to school with pleasure, and there is no stupid cramming.
44. Every Chinese is a means of transportation, if you do not have enough money for a car, then it is either a bicycle or moped. China is sometimes jokingly referred to as "Country Bicycle».

45. Many girls so much inflated legs and it somehow «ne ochen '».
46. The largest denomination - 100 yuan (500 rub.).
47. For each paper bill shows "great and terrible" of Mao Zedong.
48. Those Chinese people who "know something", not like Mao Zedong, and he actually did more harm than good.
49. on iron coins depicted Lotus - symbol of China. The biggest steel coin - is 1 yuan. And for these 6 yuan, can be quite dense and tasty lunch.

50. It would not have offered up China's economy, that's it not so clean. Everyone wants to be given "on the paw." Bribes are huge, big corruption. Officials greedy.
51. My boss at the firm with a turnover of 100 million. dollars a year, says that if all this continues, then in 15-20 years the great Chinese economy will collapse.
52. The death penalty is permitted here, and applies to all. Not long ago, the Minister of Health was executed.
53. As for the death penalty against foreigners do not know. I've heard that somewhere in the border town, a Russian truck driver knocked down half a dozen Chinese children to death, but like 2 years spent in the pit and just released it.
54. I went once at the factory for the honey. articles, watched as their production is. The workers, mostly women, are sitting in a stuffy room with a strong smell of glue, burning plastic and rubber, where I could not be more than two minutes, do not sit in respirators and conventional masks, and repeat the same movement from 6 am to 6 evening. They get no more than 2,000 yuan (10,000 p), and they are quite happy with everything. Work course only village, which read something hardly able and they do not care what happens in the world or even in China.
55. they produce really high-quality and expensive thing, but the fact that poor quality, low cost, respectively.
56. The law that you can only have one child, does not apply to the village, and it is certainly very clever.
57. on the fence around the dormitories and universities hang throwing boxes into which 2 yuan, can buy a pack of condoms.
58. Children grow up spoiled, because the family only one child and his parents in every way please.
59. They never miss the people at pedestrian crossings.

60. Not long ago we introduced a law banning driving while drunk. The Chinese have so much indignant about this and very much surprised when I told them that we had been so long, and rightly so.
61. A homeless dogs there, and all the dogs they began to start recently. Poop on the sidewalks can be found, but rarely.
62. to be indifferent to animals and birds Chinese are taught from childhood. We went once with friends to eat in the restaurant. They stand at the entrance to the cell, one dove into another chicken, a duck, and a snake in an aquarium with a turtle. My mother asks the son, that you will have, he looks at it all, poking a finger at the pigeon, after 20 minutes we had already brought.
63. live fish thrown on a hot frying pan, only to give it an oval shape. And how to prepare the monkey brains will not write, or you will be ill.
64. National food they have - it's dumplings, pose (Buryat posture, by the way, delicious) and dumplings (bread made from rice flour). The analog of bread serves a cup of rice.

65. There are a number of holidays, which they eat all sorts of unusual things. For example there is the feast of the full moon, during which to eat moon cakes, all the Chinese people say they taste good, I also say that they taste good, but eating them all, because it obliges the tradition and the people who produce them are doing great grandmother, because billion people buying their goods, robust design?).
66. Cellular state and here is cheap, only a few tariff.
67. Internet is also the state, the speed is excellent, paying 900 yuan (p 4500) per year.
68. Adults rarely go to visit and often do not know their neighbors. Young people, of course, goes to the guests. A favorite activity at a party - it is to eat.

69. In general, they are very hospitable, at least I'm constantly, and the main occupation besides eat or watch telly.
70. at the table do not talk about politics, mostly about business and work.
71. Land and Construction expensive and getting more expensive every year, but, of course, cheaper than in Moscow.
72. cheap rent an apartment. I rent a 3 bedroom with all facilities for 2,500 yuan (12,500 p) a month. Familiar Russian shoot 4-storey penthouse with 3 balconies for 6000 yuan. In Shanghai and Beijing is more expensive.
73. at the grocery store prices are cheap, fruits all year round, all fresh.
74. The company operates in substantially all of relatives or friends. I for example, the head of his wife, her brother, his wife, their childhood friend, his wife and sister, and so on.

75. who can not work in the office, working in the warehouse or in the factory, and all around are pleased.
76. You can find the foreigner with a Chinese woman, but a foreigner with the Chinese very rarely.
77. Among the familiar Chinese have just great guys who are always ready to help you in all, drop everything, but sometimes, of course, come across impassable cretins who hunts to kill the most horrible way. Although every country has such.
78. The Chinese have always tried to pay for dinner at a restaurant for you. Sometimes, on this occasion there are big argument, as all want to please each other. At first I tried to pay for dinner, but they are still not allowed to do this, I do not even try. I cry when I invite current celebrate his birthday, and they still try to pay without the pale.
79. They have no problem acclimatized foreign holidays. They recently celebrated Thanksgiving Day, and Catholic Christmas. For some people, this is another reason to get rich, and another reason for parents to treat their child with gifts. They're not really understand when I explain to them why we celebrate Christmas on January 7.

80. Among many Chinese Catholics, even though they may know nothing about the Christian religion. In the city where I live, about 5 Catholic churches, maybe more, foreigners built in the late 19th century, all of them valid and very beautiful. In Shanghai, there is a Christian church that preaches the Russian Father.
81. Many Chinese men's long fingernails - 1-2 centimeters, for ease of handling of the sensor. Touchscreen phones almost all.
82. Most Chinese nokia. They certainly do not change the call to the "super-year-old hit-for-your-mobile phone," and leave the default ringtone. I was at the very beginning, and Nokia just kills me that the bus every 2 minutes someone's phone rings, and the whole bus climbs a fumble in his pockets, and I with them.
83. World cinema premiere is always with a big delay, xs why apparently dubbing is not easy given = P. For example, the "source code" that's just ended, and 18.10.11, the "domain of darkness" will be released in just a rental. In general, the films in the main they are in English with Chinese subtitles.
84. The Chinese are incredibly fond of Transformers, even the girls. During hire third part, installed on the central square a huge 10-meter figure and around many of the same but smaller. In general distrebyutory work better than others.

85. The Chinese have reason to know and love Vitas, often from the music store, you can hear his songs.
86. They are incredibly proud of their artists, film directors and athletes who have achieved international fame.
87. They are incredibly proud of her four inventions - gunpowder, the compass, paper and wood engraving (printing). And it's like that for 1,500 years, they have not invented anything new.
88. By the way, is often said that the Chinese are buying wood in Russia, then make furniture and sell to us at exorbitant prices. Recently I learned that this is not true. Russian pine is too soft to create furniture, and they buy a New Zealand pine. Although he saw that our wood export made in outrageously large amounts apparently to create toothpicks, Chinese chopsticks and other unnecessary things in Russia.
89. But medical spatula made from Russian birch.

90. The most popular sport - it's basketball. Play everything but play bad. Just as we have in Russia a favorite sports - football, playing, but play a very hard time.
91. 90% of Chinese movies about kung fu and all the stories are based on legends that began to appear even 3,000 years ago, they are simply very much. On the TV show series on the type of "Carmelites" and about how hard it is to live in the capital. Yet they love the series «Prison Break». But how can you not love it, yeah?
92. Many Chinese people do not like the Japanese because of the unfortunate events in Nanjing in 1937. Then the Japanese during the war "just" cut out more than a hundred thousand civilians.
93. It's not often see that Chinese people read the books, but read all the newspapers, all day long.
94. Construction is always, even if everything is built up around, they will demolish four-day, and will begin to build anew. For example, yesterday went to the sauna, Sedna in its place has ruins, and six months would be a new shopping center.

95. In the markets it is necessary to negotiate, because the prices are always wring. And in general, you can bargain everywhere except in shopping centers.
96. Very cool them in the tea market.
via factroom.ru
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